Air your most frightening experiences...

Sep 27, 2003
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Inspired by the "100 Greatest Scary Moments" Thread...

Mine was probably the time I got on the wrong train to go to uni, and spent an anxious 15 minutes trying to figure out where I was.:eek:

Well, that's the most recent I can remember, anyway.

Yes, I lead a sheltered existence.

Share yours...
Yesterday morning while walking to school. An old woman was in front of me walking her dog whitch wasn't on a collar. The dog didn't seem to like me. He growled all the time, and always made small attack movememnts, only to jump back when he was a few inches from me away. I usually have 5 minutes to go to school, yesterday I had 25 minutes.

Yes, I am afraid of dogs.

Thats the most recent I remember.
probably that 80 year old naked lady in the sauna with a horrible rash a few days ago...

Okay here's another one. 3 years ago I went on vacation to Venezuela. At one point we would go into the jungle to go from there to the Angel Falls. But it was a long way to go by bus, so we decided to go by plane. This was a 1955 Fokker plane, literally held together by pieces of rope and plastic. Forunately, we made it back and forth but when we got back home, a few weeks later we read in the paper that a plane had crashed in the very same area we had been to. There was a picture of the crashed plane, and you could still read the id numbers of the plane. When I took my photograph album and compared the numbers, they were the same....

Makes you see all things in life a bit different afterwards....
Woo... that is scary.

Ok, I'll admit I was at Port Arthur about 2 weeks before the massacre.

Oh, and once there was this really wierd... thing that used to live in the bush around my friend's house. Moved real fast, no one ever got a good look at it, and it only came out when it was dark. My friend reckoned it was a thylacine.:eek:
Once I'd gone to meet a girlfriend in the park near where she lived, and she was walking up to meet me from the other end, it was a pretty quiet day and you could hear the birds singing and the odd car going past on the nearby road. There was this, you guessed it, old woman walking from the side between us. and we were still pretty far from each other. Then suddenly there were no cars going past, and you couldn't hear any birds atall. The entire place had suddenly gone completely silent, couldn't even hear kids nearby playing, there was nobody else around, just silence, and me and the girlfriend got nearer this woman was like right between us and paniced, thinking we were about to jump her. She pretty much ran and me and the girlfriend just like stood there wondering what just happened, both of us had experienced this sudden silence thing and the woman clearly must have too. It was the middle of the day yet really really creepy. Once the woman had run quickly away everything turned normal again, sounds of kids, cars, birds. Very strange.. so we went and got really drunk lol

Another time was while I was at high school, and a group of us walked across the large field for one of the younger schools, it was a shortcut but normally you weren't allowed to. Cept it was really really dense fog and if you got about two meters from each other, you couldn't see anything, and when someone spoke the sounds were diffused and came from all around you. It was strangely really cool but spooky at the same time

Oh then there was that time when I was really young and getting something from the attic, a board game (remember those? before video games ;)) and I hear something in the far left corner, under where my dad used to have his massive train set he'd built up for years. It was pitch black over there, and I swear to this day there was something unatural behind that curtain under the railway model tabletop. Something growled and I swore I could see eyes. That shit me up real bad and I think it was a year before I went back up there... Since then we rebuilt the attic into proper rooms (and I'm currently using them as home offices while I'm in england again.. cheaper than wasting money on another apartment like I did just before going to the US haha) Anyway, you know what we found? Behind the sheets of wood across the thick brick wall between this house and the next one, was missing bricks. Nothing could get though cause the wood was secure. But at the time a very solitary guy lived there, you hardly ever saw him and he never seemed to have a family.. I always wonder what was up there all them years ago *shivers*

heh those any good? :) I could talk about the times I've suffered sleep paralasis (commonly known among the uninformed as being abducted by aliens haha) but even though I knew exactly what was happening and that I wasn't being abducted in any way.. I couldn't believe the fear, and I can honestly see why people believe they've been abducted when it happens as you do see some weird shit and you can't move and your scared to death and can't even make a sound to get help. I dont' believe anyone HAS been really abducted though, thats just silly talk, and even though I once saw a UFO, I still dont' believe people are abducted, its just sleep paralasis.
It isn't really scary but about five days after I got back from my vacation in australia it was september 11th, but hey, being trapped in australia and not having to goto school for a while would have been fine.
Oooh and this is a spooky one, from before I was born though. My grandparents, who sadly died recently. Used to live in a small cottage in a really nice quiet village in the country. Anyway my gran loved animals, absolutely loved them, had cats and dogs and all sorts. Well there was one room with a large original fireplace and the large stone that many would have at its base. If you tried to move the dogs or cats near it, they would do their damndest to get away, the dog would bark constantly at it but wouldn't go near it, and neither the cat or dog would ever stand on it. Also at the end of the garden the dog would do the same, bark like you wouldn't believe but would never go to the end. Strange behavior really.. But then they finally removed the stone, decorating I think. turned out a family before who had lived there, the father had slaughtered his wife and children, buried them under the stone. Then had gone outside to some shed at the bottom of the garden and shot himself, after it was all removed the animals were fine, but my grandparents moved out obviously after they found out heh. According to my mom the cottage is still there and if anyone is interested enough I can find out from her where abouts it is. I've never actually been, though I think when I was really young I may have gone past it when going on vacation.
This thread is making me shiver.

And b_l, I never said I thought it was a thylacine. Though, I do think they're still around.

Hmmmm... Okay, my dad was out driving in a farm truck with his best friend a few years back. They were going down this old dusty track when my dad's friend (I call him Uncle Jeff) pointed out the window. looking out, my dad saw this weird emmission of sparks, like you'd get from an arc welder, but much larger, bright blue, and just above the ground. No sound.

My old house was haunted. I was home alone once when something threw a bloody paper plane at me. I swear.

Kids used to swear blind that there was a bunyip in the waterhole just outside of town.

And I've seen a UFO. It was pink and bulgy-looking, moving against the wind, and I saw it at sunset each day in the exact same spot for two consecutive days. Truth.

Hey, my memory came unstuck.

EDIT: Fenric, that's just freaky. Address please!
Mine is, I was at the swimming pool doing some fantastic jumps, after like 15 mins an obbse lady came near my place, so I thought let me get deep in the water and swim to the other side after like 3 seconds inside the water I saw a biiiiiiig I mean a biiiiiiiiig fuking ass jumped over my head and all I was like oh my gosh I am going to die, and by what? by an ass. So I was hitting her big butt to let her feel that I was trapped under her ass, then I was luky she noticed me but that took around 65 seconds with her ass on my head. I was really scared.
I used to think there were sharks in the Paraburdoo swimming pool.

So did most of the other kids.
Originally posted by G0rgon
Mine is, I was at the swimming pool doing some fantastic jumps, after like 15 mins an obbse lady came near my place, so I thought let me get deep in the water and swim to the other side after like 3 seconds inside the water I saw a biiiiiiig I mean a biiiiiiiiig fuking ass jumped over my head and all I was like oh my gosh I am going to die, and by what? by an ass. So I was hitting her big butt to let her feel that I was trapped under her ass, then I was luky she noticed me but that took around 65 seconds with her ass on my head. I was really scared.

Sorry but I loled at that.
1) Dogs - I was about 5 years old and loved mixing it up on my bike on this dirt track that led up to a huge house. One day i went up there and these 3 huge (they were rotweilers sp.) dogs started to run towards me so i just literally flew away one my bike (cheers ET). No, seriously i peddaled so hard my legs nearly fell off. I got home but instead of running straight into the house i put my bike in the garage and closed it and locked it (cos i didnt want my bike to get nicked lol). Then i got inside, told my ma (i was bawling pretty bad by now) and she rang the police and they went up to the house to see what was going down.

2) Green hands - During the same year (i think) as the dog incident i was scared shitless. We lived in this old cottage that backed onto a church in a village called Glentworth. I was in bed one night, ever so quiet, and this green hand made a lunging motion through the wall. I stayed still for so long then i ran to my mums room lol

3) Heads - We had moved to my present home when i was about 7 and at that time i loved reading Goosebumbs books. I was in bed reading like a demon, and by chance i happened to look at the ceiling - the head of like a maid (not decapitated head, you could see shoulders too) popped through the ceiling and then went again. That scared me so much i didnt sleep on my back facing the ceiling until about 4 years ago (when i was 13)

4) Rain - Not scary this one, but pretty weird. My PE class had finished on the field so we all grabbed the stuff and went back to get changed. Me and my mate decided to walk pretty slow, but when we got to about halfway up the field, we noticed the rest of the class start running - it was absolutely pissing it down about 5 metres ahead of us. We looked behind and it was pissing it down too! We had sort of walked into a gap in the clouds. So we stayed there for about a minute until it stopped then we carried on.
The last house I lived in was certifiably haunted.
not the movies haunted, not the spooky haunted, not even lols lols dats scary haunted.
evil, pure and simple.
I could tell you about it, but I would rather not :D

then again I have seen a LOT of things.
Im currently working on a horror mod/total conversion idea with a close buddy, I will pour a lot of what I have been through into it.
Did you guys ever try communicating with your ghosts? I actively tried to find mine. I'm pretty sure I once saw him in the interference pattern of a net curtain...

No, I'm serious.
Brian Damage, I think you see UFOs+G because you have a Brian Damage. Jokeing with u.
Originally posted by Brian Damage
Did you guys ever try communicating with your ghosts? I actively tried to find mine. I'm pretty sure I once saw him in the interference pattern of a net curtain...

No, I'm serious.
if you actively tried to find it, it wasnt evil or malicious.

NEVER EVER (and dont think IM a crackpot) under any circumstances actively seek something like that out.
dont fear it, realize it cant hurt you.

but dont acknowledge it... that gives it power.

nuff said, just dont. if you do your asking for trouble
Brian Damage,

Get now inside a toilet and look at the mirrore and say Gorgon five times; I give you my word you will see me with an electrical shock device behind you. it will be your most frightening experiences....

:cheese: :cheese:
Originally posted by G0rgon
Brian Damage,

Get now inside a toilet and look at the mirrore and say Gorgon five times; I give you my word you will see me with an electrical shock device behind you.

... AHAHA :D

so while your in the toilet? (peers out from the bowl and looks at the mirror) ahaha
I know you meant bathroom, and used toilet loosely... but it conjured some entertaining images :)
Originally posted by Mr. Redundant
if you actively tried to find it, it wasnt evil or malicious.

NEVER EVER (and dont think IM a crackpot) under any circumstances actively seek something like that out.
dont fear it, realize it cant hurt you.

but dont acknowledge it... that gives it power.

nuff said, just dont. if you do your asking for trouble

nw909 lol, but actually yeah.
Im glad you havent had to deal with anything like I have.
you never know :) as I said it was just a tip, because its the truth. believe it, dont believe it, *shrugs*
Originally posted by G0rgon
Mine is, I was at the swimming pool doing some fantastic jumps, after like 15 mins an obbse lady came near my place, so I thought let me get deep in the water and swim to the other side after like 3 seconds inside the water I saw a biiiiiiig I mean a biiiiiiiiig fuking ass jumped over my head and all I was like oh my gosh I am going to die, and by what? by an ass. So I was hitting her big butt to let her feel that I was trapped under her ass, then I was luky she noticed me but that took around 65 seconds with her ass on my head. I was really scared.

LMAO That was both scary and hilarious!!
Originally posted by Brian Damage
Did you guys ever try communicating with your ghosts? I actively tried to find mine. I'm pretty sure I once saw him in the interference pattern of a net curtain...

No, I'm serious.

I once saw a doppelganger of my other gran (dads mom) in the pattern of some net curtains in the house opposite. she lived in a home miles away at the time, but that day she was in hospital, I didn't think anything of it and just thought I was seeing things, but when my dad got home it had turned out she'd died about the same time I saw it.
Meh, the closest i've ever seen a ghost was felt a breeze in a room with no windows.

or just feeling like theres another person in the room, i usually feel like that when someone sneeks up behind me, but i guess its weird when theres a wall behind me.
Originally posted by nw909
Meh, the closest i've ever seen a ghost was felt a breeze in a room with no windows.

or just feeling like theres another person in the room, i usually feel like that when someone sneeks up behind me, but i guess its weird when theres a wall behind me.

yeah you are right, sometimes I feel the same when someone behind me or their is something invisible in my room. odd init?:dozey: ;(
Originally posted by Mr. Redundant
if you actively tried to find it, it wasnt evil or malicious.

NEVER EVER (and dont think IM a crackpot) under any circumstances actively seek something like that out.
dont fear it, realize it cant hurt you.

but dont acknowledge it... that gives it power.

nuff said, just dont. if you do your asking for trouble

While at school a bunch of other kids went off late one afternoon to try one of those Ouija boards (for a laugh) and ended up scaring themselves silly (they'd been drinking so yeah heh).. they all ran off and one of the guys jumped over a fence, unfortunately there was a nail in the top and he didn't clear it. He split open his ball sack and his "friends" just kept running while he litterally lay there bleeding to death. Someone finally found him but he was out of school for weeks with what has to be one of the most painful kinds of injuries a guy could get.

Thats pretty scary, right? :)
Originally posted by Fenric1138
While at school a bunch of other kids went off late one afternoon to try one of those Ouija boards (for a laugh) and ended up scaring themselves silly (they'd been drinking so yeah heh).. they all ran off and one of the guys jumped over a fence, unfortunately there was a nail in the top and he didn't clear it. He split open his ball sack and his "friends" just kept running while he litterally lay there bleeding to death. Someone finally found him but he was out of school for weeks with what has to be one of the most painful kinds of injuries a guy could get.

Thats pretty scary, right? :)

Originally posted by G0rgon
yeah you are right, sometimes I feel the same when someone behind me or their is something invisible in my room. odd init?:dozey: ;(

Have you ever been just beginning to nod off to sleep, and you hear someone call you, as if their stood only a few meters away but there's nobody there. I know you can think you hear someone call your name, but if it happens you notice the difference, one is in your head that you imagine is calling, but the one I mean you actually hear it, as if someone is stood right there saying it. Only happens rarely and only it seems when your just nodding off. I'm sure there's a scientific explanation, its just really weird when it happens... and no before anyone says it, I do not hear voices in my head telling me to burn things LOL :p
Originally posted by Fenric1138
While at school a bunch of other kids went off late one afternoon to try one of those Ouija boards (for a laugh) and ended up scaring themselves silly (they'd been drinking so yeah heh).. they all ran off and one of the guys jumped over a fence, unfortunately there was a nail in the top and he didn't clear it. He split open his ball sack and his "friends" just kept running while he litterally lay there bleeding to death. Someone finally found him but he was out of school for weeks with what has to be one of the most painful kinds of injuries a guy could get.

Thats pretty scary, right? :)

Hmm... ya'll have that tingly feeling down there at the moment???

I do!!!

I agree, that WAS scary.. I haven't done the Ouijja board thing, but I have tried to "call spirits" . Never managed to, but I work at a press agency, and every now and then we hear hear from police reports where officers at the scene (after a spirit calling session) come to a house where the shit hit the fan: flying objects all over the house and paintings fallen to the ground, weird noises and people scared shitless....
Originally posted by Fenric1138
While at school a bunch of other kids went off late one afternoon to try one of those Ouija boards (for a laugh) and ended up scaring themselves silly (they'd been drinking so yeah heh).. they all ran off and one of the guys jumped over a fence, unfortunately there was a nail in the top and he didn't clear it. He split open his ball sack and his "friends" just kept running while he litterally lay there bleeding to death. Someone finally found him but he was out of school for weeks with what has to be one of the most painful kinds of injuries a guy could get.

Thats pretty scary, right? :)
did you know the people?
that sounds like what happened at my school in South Africa...
in fact you hear that everywhere, Im beginning to think its one of those urban legends.
but no, thats stupidity, scary perhaps in a "that was close" kinda way... but not in the sense I was talking

Its scary. dam poor kid.

I ve been told by freinds who went to egypt last year, that some voodoo guys and women can for real talk to the devils, they told me once we saw them at 12.00 midnight with 6 candels surrounding them talking in some kind of unhuman language suddenly a gray short unhuman thing came from no where standing in the dark room 5-7 meters away from the candels. he told them in arabic or this unhuman langauge to kill for em human so he could serve their purpose. and then the gray thing disapeared.

I could not believe that. but once I saw a program on TV for the deviliiast poeple on earth and they showd some kind of these thing I then startd to believe. its real guys.
Originally posted by Fenric1138
Have you ever been just beginning to nod off to sleep, and you hear someone call you, as if their stood only a few meters away but there's nobody there. I know you can think you hear someone call your name, but if it happens you notice the difference, one is in your head that you imagine is calling, but the one I mean you actually hear it, as if someone is stood right there saying it. Only happens rarely and only it seems when your just nodding off. I'm sure there's a scientific explanation, its just really weird when it happens... and no before anyone says it, I do not hear voices in my head telling me to burn things LOL :p

interesting :) havent had that happen to me,
however my entire life (well as far as I can remember back) I have heard someone call my name in the distance...
sounds like my mom, or perhaps just female, calling me like a mother would.
and my entire life I always go to my mom and say "yeah what do you need/want/ etc" (south african morals/ethics/chivalry and decency) but its not her.

Sometimes when I wake up in the middle of the night I swear I can see someone standing next to my bed. Not saying anything, just looking. I really try to convince myself that I'm sleeping but I'm not. After a few seconds it goes away.
The strange thing is that I'm not afraid at all.

Another incident was in the house I used to live in until the beginning of this year. It was an old house (1930) and I'm quite certain that there were spirits in it, the above experience has been in that house, too. Anyway, one day when me and my wife were still sleeping, the bedroom light turned on. When we looked at eachother and the alarm clock, we sam that we had forgotten to set the alarm and normally 1 minute ago it would have gone off. Weird huh?

And I remember one of my youth. During lunch at school I used to walk home and eat there with my mom. But this one day I walked home but she wasn't there, she was actually at school organizing stuff. Anyway, I was quite pissed because I couldn't get in. The door to the garage was open and in my frustration I got in and kicked against a ladder leading up to an attic. The next thing I know there were a pair of keys falling down. Nobody in my family knew how they got there.

Not scary, just weird....
Originally posted by Mr. Redundant
did you know the people?
that sounds like what happened at my school in South Africa...
in fact you hear that everywhere, Im beginning to think its one of those urban legends.
but no, thats stupidity, scary perhaps in a "that was close" kinda way... but not in the sense I was talking

yep I know them, dated a couple of them (the girls that is heh), the guy who had the accident was called Lee, I saw him a few months ago. The others were all mostly from the same class I was in. A couple from the one next to us. I'm pretty sure those that were there were - Lyn, Deborah, Stacey, Sheena, Joanne, Philip, Olivia, Lee and Richard. I remember them all, especially Philip, cause his girlfriend Olivia left him for me at one point and he hated me sooo bad cause she was quite a looker, didn't last long though cause I went and foolishly asked her mate out LOL, who incidently, is the step sister of that actress from hollyoaks who was raped by that footballer on the show and ended up in prison etc., a small world :). I don't speak to any of them anymore now though, apart from Lee if I see him around cause I knew him from Primary school, Deborah moved away and is happily married I think now, last I heard Olivia is with someone old enough to be her grandfather (she liked money) Lyn I think eventually moved to Cuba for some reason, her family always went there for vacation. Stacey, haven't a clue, Sheena, Joanne, haven't a clue, Philip, I think he died. Richard - dunno don't care, I hated him and he hated me cause I was always the better artist between us bwahahaha no love lost there I can tell ya lol!

Funny how I can remember that stuff, yet I'll happily forget to pay my bills or go to the store for more milk when I run low :)

It's deffinately not an urban legend, it really did happen, could probably ask anyone who was in our year about it and they would remember, as it went around the school like wildfire heheh. It's not likely he'd make that sort of thing up and from I remember hearing from people in the same phys ed class as him, it wasn't something he could really hide in the showers neither

Apart from some fun stuff, school sucked and so did the people lol
when i was 6 i got separated from my mum in a shopping centre for 15miniuts!!!! o_O Now that was scary! ;)
You guys have funny lives.


When I was about 10 years old or so, I got a PC as a present. I got rebel Assault as a game. Tehn this great new game, myst, came out. I wanted it, but never got it.

One ay, i had a really strange feeling. I knew my dad was going to give me this myst game this evening. i just knew it. He never mentioned it, nor did i ever suspect it before.
And voilà. Dad came home with a small little cardboard box. With a myst game inside.

Lame story, i know, not scary and not that weird.
But I'm having trouble at the moment remembering scary stuff that happend.
I think the scariest thing that's happened to me happened when I was about 11.

My parents had gone to work, so I was alone in the house, until my friend came round (he was 10).
We were upstairs playing a board game cause it was raining, and we heard footsteps. Our house is really creaky, and we heard the floor in the kitchen creaking. By this time we were terrified, and we didn't know what to do. We heard the kitchen door squeak open, and then the living room door bang (you can't open it fully without hitting it on a bookshelf). Both of us ran downstairs, and out the front door into the rain.
We stood there for a few seconds, listening, and we didn't hear anything. We looked through the living room window, nothing. We sneaked round the side of the house and looked through the kitchen window, nothing. We didn't see anyone walk past the window at the top of the stairs or anything.
After about 10 min we plucked up enough courage to go back inside. To cut a long story short, me and my friend searched the house armed with a broom and a wooden spoon.

I'm not joking about the spoon thing either. We were in the kitchen, when we heard a noise coming from the laundry room. We panicked, and Dennis grabbed the nearest "weapon", the spoon ( :LOL: ), and we ran out.

We were terrified. Looking back now it sounds really funny, but at the time it was awful.

We never did find out what was making those sounds.

Another scaryish story thing...

Me, Marco, Dennis and Kelly decided to play Hide and Seek (we were really bored). It was Dennis and Kelly hiding, and me and Marco seeking. Anyway, this was just after that first HL2 advert (the lone crowbar), and me and Marco just wandered the streets talking about HL2, not even looking for them. After about 20 min we headed back to my house, shouting that we give in. We were sitting on a wall beside my house, when Marco's phone rang.
It was from "Liz Mobile"; me. Marco just let it ring. I'd left my phone in my room, so once it'd stopped we both ran inside (we locked the doors behind us so there would be no escape!) and to my room, only to find my phone lying where I left it. Hmm.
We searched most my cupboards, under all the beds, we searched the house, and found no one. We were severely creeped out by this time.
After a while we found Kelly, we saw her outside. We asked her where Dennis was and she didn't know.
So we started shouting that we give up. We shouted and shouted, and finally a grinning Dennis emerged from the only cupboard we hadn't searched cause we thought it would be too small.

We were so pissed off.