America Sucks and Why

The whole "look at history, you gus are just as bad" argument, is wrong, because while you are talking history, we are talking present day. notice our countries have, for the most part, cleaned up our act? except good ol' aussie and their abbo hunting :D
Raziaar said:
The major countries of europe have done far more than the United States, individually and collectively. Started more wars, involved themselves in more countries with oppressive intent, had more to do with slavery, etc, etc. America is just picked on because it is the most recent of a LONG history of wrongdoing by the western world.
We're talking about present day, not history.
1. Because they say: soccer? Who cares. :flame: Soccer ftw

2. They elected Bush (unforgivable), as a direct result of which two wars were waged.
Hell, people over here say soccer too (not to confuse it with Gaelic football)
Bull Goose Loony said:
The whole "look at history, you gus are just as bad" argument, is wrong, because while you are talking history, we are talking present day. notice our countries have, for the most part, cleaned up our act? except good ol' aussie and their abbo hunting :D

1. It IS a good argument when people point fingers at America's
history. :cheers:
2. The Brits are in Iraq too and i can remember some nice juicy attrocities
there... Hows that for cleaned up "act"? :rolleyes:
Ome_Vince said:
1. It IS a good argument when people point fingers at America's

Unfortunately, much of the criticism aimed at the US is because of present-day activities. So saying shit like "LOL COLONIAL EUROPE" really isn't relevant.

And Britain isn't the subject of this thread. By all means, if you want to create one about them, go for it. God knows they have their problems as well.
Ludah said:
Unfortunately, much of the criticism aimed at the US is because of present-day activities. So saying shit like "LOL COLONIAL EUROPE" really isn't relevant.

And Britain isn't the subject of this thread. By all means, if you want to create one about them, go for it. God knows they have their problems as well.

theSteven said:
Colour has a u in it n00b.

OMFG! Shall we say that everybody has broken language?

After all, cave men were the first people to invent language. We humies totally broke it down.

Ome_Vince said:
2. The Brits are in Iraq too and i can remember some nice juicy attrocities
there... Hows that for cleaned up "act"? :rolleyes:

America has a far worse record in Iraq then Britain, and the US has guantanamo.
sinkoman said:
OMFG! Shall we say that everybody has broken language?

After all, cave men were the first people to invent language. We humies totally broke it down.

Australian English is the only correct way.

theSteven said:
Australian English is the only correct way.


If I recall, humans originated in Africa.

So we should all be speaking in clicks and ululations.

And you Aussies can't even pronounce "hello".

Lol, you know, there are like, five different arguments going between eight different people in this thread :LOL:

EDIT: BTW, love australia. Always wanted a pet dingo :D
99.vikram said:
What's the difference between American football and rugby?

American Football has more muscle and Rugby has shorter shorts.

Not to mention completely different rules. :)

Kazuki_Fuse said:
Plus another 5 mil and your closer. I think Australia is pretty much considered to be at 20 million. And we still won't let immigrants in despite our large land space. Anyway that's another topic.

Our large land space is mainly desert and bush lol, and I remember being told 14 million but I was like 7 then. D:
sinkoman said:
If I recall, humans originated in Africa.

So we should all be speaking in clicks and ululations.

And you Aussies can't even pronounce "hello".

Lol, you know, there are like, five different arguments going between eight different people in this thread :LOL:

EDIT: BTW, love australia. Always wanted a pet dingo :D

I'm gonna set you on fire!


On a side note, America = another country. Go figure.
sinkoman said:
If I recall, humans originated in Africa.

So we should all be speaking in clicks and ululations.

And you Aussies can't even pronounce "hello".

Lol, you know, there are like, five different arguments going between eight different people in this thread :LOL:

EDIT: BTW, love australia. Always wanted a pet dingo :D
Lets run away from the religious persecution and years later form under another darn religion - Oops.

sinkoman said:
EDIT: BTW, love australia. Always wanted a pet dingo :D

Ah that would end badly. For extra annoyance to you all. G'day.

Bull Goose Loony said:
except good ol' aussie and their abbo hunting :D

Ooh cheap shot. You'll find many like the way they used to live, but you know the whole "zomg your not technological at all, rush dem."
Flyingdebris said:
I mean jeez. Some of you people have some ridiculous standards for the good ole US of A. Like we have some obligation to be this perfect place. We got issues, you got issues. no place is perfect. So suck iup and quit whining so much.
This might be attributed to the attitude of many Americans that theirs is the best country ever. The people of the world and the people of the USA have often been told that they are living on the best place on earth, with the best people on earth. That probably has something to do with it.

Ludah said:
Unfortunately, much of the criticism aimed at the US is because of present-day activities. So saying shit like "LOL COLONIAL EUROPE" really isn't relevant. And Britain isn't the subject of this thread. By all means, if you want to create one about them, go for it. God knows they have their problems as well.
Damn straight!

I'd also note that, for all intents and purposes, Americans are Europeans. And you guys (or us guys? which one? :O ) really f*cked around with the natives. So, you know, it's really a long continuum of blame.
Ludah said:
Unfortunately, much of the criticism aimed at the US is because of present-day activities. So saying shit like "LOL COLONIAL EUROPE" really isn't relevant.

And Britain isn't the subject of this thread. By all means, if you want to create one about them, go for it. God knows they have their problems as well.

Please read before posting :)
The "LOL COLONIAL EUROPE" was aimed at the historical arguments thrown into the mix.

-Aiming at US history as to why they "suck", is pure hypocrisy coming from a Brit (or any other major world-****er nation), simple as that. Twist and turn all you want, but Brits are one of the last people on the planet who should be pointing fingers at other nations historical screw-ups like slavery or what happened to the Indians.

-As for modern day "activities" -> the only modern day "activity" i said the Brits cant push onto the US is Iraq since they're 100% into that "activity".
So the "getting our act together" "claim" is bs.

For the rest, fine go ahead :) All i'm trying to say is be carefull when throwing historical screw-ups at other nations -> check your own history first :)

And yes, the Brits aren't the subject of this thread, just wanted to point out the hypocrisy.
sinkoman said:
If I recall, humans originated in Africa.

So we should all be speaking in clicks and ululations.

And you Aussies can't even pronounce "hello".

Lol, you know, there are like, five different arguments going between eight different people in this thread :LOL:

EDIT: BTW, love australia. Always wanted a pet dingo :D


I can say Hello perfectly.
Ome_Vince said:
Please read before posting :)
The "LOL COLONIAL EUROPE" was aimed at the historical arguments thrown into the mix.

-Aiming at US history as to why they "suck", is pure hypocrisy coming from a Brit (or any other major world-****er nation), simple as that. Twist and turn all you want, but Brits are one of the last people on the planet who should be pointing fingers at other nations historical screw-ups like slavery or what happened to the Indians.

-As for modern day "activities" -> the only modern day "activity" i said the Brits cant push onto the US is Iraq since they're 100% into that "activity".
So the "getting our act together" "claim" is bs.

For the rest, fine go ahead :) All i'm trying to say is be carefull when throwing historical screw-ups at other nations -> check your own history first :)

And yes, the Brits aren't the subject of this thread, just wanted to point out the hypocrisy.
I never got this posting smiley faces near aggresive/insulting sentances thing. :|
Ome_Vince said:
Please read before posting :)
The "LOL COLONIAL EUROPE" was aimed at the historical arguments thrown into the mix.

-Aiming at US history as to why they "suck", is pure hypocrisy coming from a Brit (or any other major world-****er nation), simple as that. Twist and turn all you want, but Brits are one of the last people on the planet who should be pointing fingers at other nations historical screw-ups like slavery or what happened to the Indians.

-As for modern day "activities" -> the only modern day "activity" i said the Brits cant push onto the US is Iraq since they're 100% into that "activity".
So the "getting our act together" "claim" is bs.

For the rest, fine go ahead :) All i'm trying to say is be carefull when throwing historical screw-ups at other nations -> check your own history first :)

And yes, the Brits aren't the subject of this thread, just wanted to point out the hypocrisy.

Thank God I'm not British then.
Hey nothing wrong with Brits :) Just with ppl pointing out historical screw-ups as to why a certain country "sucks" who forget to check their own history :)
Same would go for many other nations.
Yeah, okay, we already checked our history out. It's full of shit (although we do appear to have invented western modern society :O Plus, we have Shakespeare). Now we've moved on to the present. Happy?
No ;(


Anyway, by the look of it, this thread has dissolved into a heaping pit of bullshit :/
Ome_Vince said:
-Aiming at US history as to why they "suck", is pure hypocrisy coming from a Brit (or any other major world-****er nation)
Now, just try to find something bad Ireland did, we've never even won a war (not counting when we were part of Britian):LOL:

Sulkdodds said:
Yeah, okay, we already checked our history out. It's full of shit (although we do appear to have invented western modern society :O Plus, we have Shakespeare). Now we've moved on to the present. Happy?

Invented Western modern society????..... :smoking:

Also, whether or not i'm happy doesnt matter, i doubt many Iraqi's are happy with England "today". The same goes for my country Holland as we we're in Iraq too :(
So i guess both our countries today suck :p

As for Ireland, yes your right :p other than the IRA there's not much nasty things in Ireland's history :)
Ome_Vince said:
Invented Western modern society????..... :smoking:
It's true! I was there! >:O

My point is, I don't believe the purpose of this thread is to talk about any country other than the USA...


"I hate the USA. I hate hate hate the USA. It's so crap."
"Yeah? What about the UK, fag?"

Plus, by saying the history of the US sucks, you automatically include the history of Europe, which sucks. You can't not.
So, I'll sum the entire argument up:

USA sucks, because europe sucks, and Korea is the only country that doesn't suck. :p
USA sucks because it has about 10 times the population of Ireland claiming they're Irish.