Gold Package just arrived, yay!

Man, posters bent? I was hoping that they weren't...
Valor5 said:
Man, posters bent? I was hoping that they weren't...

Homophobe? :p
Seriuosly, most posters that come in CDs, DVDs or games are bent :( There isnt really a way to distribute them without folding them.
The strat is 320 pages long. We got the GTA: San Andreas guide in at work last week and that was about 275 pages, and the majority of our customers were surprised at how big it was. This guide is gonna be a lot of fun to read through after completing the game.

UnmarkedOne said:
The strat is 320 pages long. We got the GTA: San Andreas guide in at work last week and that was about 275 pages, and the majority of our customers were surprised at how big it was. This guide is gonna be a lot of fun to read through after completing the game.

The posters, oh noes, how big are they? :(

A3? :)
I hope the sound track is sold seperately. Also, is there any way to upgrade steam purchses or is it all final? I bought the silver, but If I wanted the gold one I couldn't get it now right? at least for the same steam account, right?
FISKER_Q said:
The posters, oh noes, how big are they? :(

A3? :)

I posted this earlier, guess you missed it :D No worries, they're 1.5 x 2'.

UnmarkedOne said:
The strat is 320 pages long. We got the GTA: San Andreas guide in at work last week and that was about 275 pages, and the majority of our customers were surprised at how big it was. This guide is gonna be a lot of fun to read through after completing the game.

Key word: after.

I just got home from school...
I can see, UnmarkedOne, you are a lucky one. I am strangled with jealousy and love the pics you posted. ;)
So...let me get this straight. You received everything else that comes with the Gold Package through Steam except Half-Life 2, right?
I bet you must be very ****ing tempted to open that strategy guide and start reading nonstop. :P

Conratz, anyway. :cheers:
I have a question: The Gold Packages were sent out on a "first come, first serve basis", right?
UnmarkedOne said:
Sure thing, there are at least 5-6 pics of it earlier in the thread.


ah thanks :) ive avoided looking too deep in the thread cos of spoilers ^_^
showbiz2 said:
No, not Milliways. But I hear Gordon has a towel in some parts.
Yep, Gordon's certainly a frood who knows where his towel's at.

Man, I've been putting off ordering HL2 Gold because I have to reformat first... after this post I'm going to reformat and order right away. Those posters, strategy guide, hat, and box are worth my $40.

Jesus christ I can't wait for HL2...
Samon said:
Whens the strat guide released in shops?
i'm assuming on the same day as game release. Retailers want to peddle the strat guides as add-on purchases when games are sold so they'll want them at the same time they have the main product to sell.
Good stuff this - I'm resisting the spoilers though! Damn, if only my comp could actually play HL2 though. What do you reckon, a laptop with 32 megs simulated graphics, 1.8 GHz, 512 ram????????? I'm praying for a miracle.... then again maybe Valve really do kick ass and it will at least play with 'basic' graphics. Please God.
Ah well, count me out, i wont buy it on day of release..i would only buy it now in order to pass the time until next tuesdsay :D
joule said:
So...let me get this straight. You received everything else that comes with the Gold Package through Steam except Half-Life 2, right?
I bet you must be very ****ing tempted to open that strategy guide and start reading nonstop. :P

To clear that up, there are five packages available. Three over Steam (only the Gold comes with a physical box, though) and two retail.

The two retail packages are called "Half-Life 2" and the "Half-Life 2 Collector's Edition". Those both come in boxes and must be bought in the store or ordered just like any other physical game box/cd.

The three Steam packages are only available through Steam (no online stores or retail chains). The Bronze and Silver Steam packages are online purchases only and don't include any physical goodies. The Gold package (again, Steam only) includes a game box (but not the game CDs, the data on those is downloaded via Steam), hat, sticker, postcard, strat guide, soundtrack (OMGZ43tracksIloveIt), and posters.

Awesome work! I wonder how long it'll take for the stuff to get to New Zealand...
damn i dont think that hat is gonna fit my enourmous head :|
wait, how long are the cd tracks? Are they in MP3 format or something?
hl2 gone gold was the fastest growing thread. 15 pages in a couple minutes

There is a Meteor about to strike planet earth, its the end of the world!grab your hl2 package and find some cover.. As for all who hasent played hl2 or got hl2 package, we are screw now..

:devil: :P
Hyperjag3 said:
EDIT: Weapons list:
Crowbar, 9MM Pistol (all the guide calls it), .357 Magnum, SMG (again, all the guide calls it), 12 Gauge shotgun, OSPIR (see weapon spoilers), Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator (later becomes Zero Point Energy Gravity Gun (organic manip), frag grenade, RPG Launcher, Crossbow, Pherapods.

If those are all weapons you get I will be very disappionted. :(
VICTORY! I live in canada and just got mine too just now. I skipped school to play halo 2 and finish an essay when some1 rang the bell. I expected no 1. When I saw the fedex dude and I saw my name i had no idea what it was untill I saw valve sticker on the box!!!!! so happy
I just found my reciept, I purchased Gold on the 7th of Oct. Took a little over four weeks to get here, but as Cliffe said there was a delay and people that order Gold today will get their goodies much sooner (two weeks max, I'd say).

UnmarkedOne said:
Some of the tracks are very cool remixes of the first game's music. Track 34, for example, is a remix of HL1's credits sequence and it's freakin' sweet.

w00t 111111oneoneone I loved that friggin' track so much 11111eleven I'm listening to it even nowadays. That's so sweet. :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Crowbar, 9MM Pistol (all the guide calls it), .357 Magnum, SMG (again, all the guide calls it), 12 Gauge shotgun, OSPIR (see weapon spoilers), Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator (later becomes Zero Point Energy Gravity Gun (organic manip), frag grenade, RPG Launcher, Crossbow, Pherapods... Thats a total of 11 or 12 (with upgrade of manipulator)

In Hl1 they are 14, wtf! :angry: I really hoped they will include more... than 14 in hl2!
About the weapons...manipulator counts for 10 weapons you gun nut twerps :devil: :devil: