hl2 Pushed back..

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oh well, that's a cool number too

and now I'm really going to bed! Dreaming of HL2 delay retractions and bunnies with pancakes on their heads!
we passed 1000! w00t! I can go to sleep soundly...but not for a few minutes ;)
I think this is the last big example, that they should not give a release date at all. id Software invented the "when it's done". Screwed this politics for Doom3 and told everyone 2003 at E3. Now they pushed to 2004. Valve couldn't give a correct release date after 5 years of developement even 1 week prior to release. If there is one thing the software developer should have learned:

Originally posted by RblDiver
Heh, and both of you who posted 1000, neither got it ;)

so close too...and who gets it? someone who doesn't even appreciate the occasion...


EDIT: We're a bit off topic...I'm feeling a closed thread coming here pretty soon...oh well
Originally posted by FriScho
I think this is the last big example, that they should not give a release date at all. id Software invented the "when it's done". Screwed this politics for Doom3 and told everyone 2003 at E3. Now they pushed to 2004. Valve couldn't give a correct release date after 5 years of developement even 1 week prior to release. If there is one thing the software developer should have learned:


Absolutly 100% correct!
having a release date and not making it = less sales and less respect.
Originally posted by wowyouareacow
a well. Half Life 2 delayd and I dont get too be nr.1000.

Here is a guide.

dammit, I'm trying to go to sleep! Stop posting pictures! :cheese:

and especially that one...that's just f***ed up!
Yup, well, it's been a few minutes, so night to everyone who participated in tonight's art rally, been fun, when I wake I'll see what interesting things have happened since ;)

stupid yanks and their "Holidays", why not just call it Christmas like normal ppl
What a bunch of ****ing backstabbers!

One day everyone was brown-nosing Valve and then the next theres a man-hunt for Gabe Newell, the guy who has been so damn nice to you over the last 4 months.

If I were valve I would take down all your names and ban you from steam cos you're clearly fickle, demanding, unnappreciative and down-right stupid to bare a grudge against them.

They spend five years on a product to please you and you start hurling abuse because of a release delay. You ungrateful shits!
WoW, this thread is over 1050.

There was only similar thread called New Vid it had 1789 posts..

Back to topic:



Originally posted by Punzz
stupid yanks and their "Holidays", why not just call it Christmas like normal ppl

what about thanksgiving?
Ok, i just want to understand one thing......why are there so many people flaming fragmaster?

I mean, let me get this straight......you all hate the guy because he was right? i mean, that would make perfect sense to me if everyone flaming him was 13 y/o, but i seriously doubt that's the case.

The way i see it you're just misdirecting your anger at valve on to him. I mean, let's be mature here for a sec (as hard as that may be for some of us), wasn't he just trying to tell us the truth? To let us know that HL2 was delayed? How can you fault him for that? Yes, that's right.....he DID tell us so, and instantly he had a gazzilion people flaming him to death. Frankly he didn't deserve that, and if i was him I'd be pissed too, and say "I told you so.", if only to try and vindicate myself somewhat. He has every reason to be pissed.

I'm seriously considering boycotting Half-Life 2, but not because of the delay, or the fact that Valve handled the whole delay announcement thing really poorly, but because of fickle, two-faced fanboys. If this is the kind of fan base this game is going to have, then i'm not sure i wan't to associate with\ be associated with this community (note that this is not a blanket statement....there are tremendous people in the half-life community, but i think we can all agree that a large amount of people here, and elsewhere, have shown a complete lack of restraint and/or maturity). Sorry for the length of this post, but i needed to get that off my chest (again, no offense intended to those who are not mindless flame-bots)
thats like saying its wrong to hate someone who killed your family because the killer was nice to you for 4 months.
@weerat: they just shouldn't have confirmed the 30. Sept. about 1 month ago at ECTS and told everybody there (even foreign press from France and Germany) that the release date is set, final, working and coming despite all those internet rumours. That was their fault. If they would have said "we try to make it in the next months, can't promise anything now" the fan-reactions today wouldn't be that extreme.
Originally posted by poseyjmac
thats like saying its wrong to hate someone who killed your family because the killer was nice to you for 4 months.
Hmmm? did this killer give you a copy of half-life 2 before he killed your family?
Originally posted by Bleeder
Ok, i just want to understand one thing......why are there so many people flaming fragmaster?

I mean, let me get this straight......you all hate the guy because he was right? i mean, that would make perfect sense to me if everyone flaming him was 13 y/o, but i seriously doubt that's the case.

The way i see it you're just misdirecting your anger at valve on to him. I mean, let's be mature here for a sec (as hard as that may be for some of us), wasn't he just trying to tell us the truth? To let us know that HL2 was delayed? How can you fault him for that? Yes, that's right.....he DID tell us so, and instantly he had a gazzilion people flaming him to death. Frankly he didn't deserve that, and if i was him I'd be pissed too, and say "I told you so.", if only to try and vindicate myself somewhat. He has every reason to be pissed.

I'm seriously considering boycotting Half-Life 2, but not because of the delay, or the fact that Valve handled the whole delay announcement thing really poorly, but because of fickle, two-faced fanboys. If this is the kind of fan base this game is going to have, then i'm not sure i wan't to associate with\ be associated with this community (note that this is not a blanket statement....there are tremendous people in the half-life community, but i think we can all agree that a large amount of people here, and elsewhere, have shown a complete lack of restraint and/or maturity). Sorry for the length of this post, but i needed to get that off my chest (again, no offense intended to those who are not mindless flame-bots)

People don't like fragmaster because he was extremely unprofessional in his handling of his "insider" information. Some folks probably were in attack-the-messenger mode, but most just were annoyed by his incessant gloating.
Bleeder: We have been angry at him all the while he has been blabbing on and on about him being 100% correct and his asshole attitude toward anyone who disagrees with him. Our anger didn't start because he was right, our anger started because he was being a plain and simple dick.
@poseyjmac and Jasco: Yes, it's dissappointing. But you are both going too far. Telling Gabe how to kill himself and comparing this to murder is ridiculus.
Finally there won't be these stupid delay threads anymore....Fragmaster was right.
Originally posted by FriScho
@poseyjmac and Jasco: Yes, it's dissappointing. But you are both going too far. Telling Gabe how to kill himself and comparing this to murder is ridiculus.

*lol* just dont take it to serious... :x
Originally posted by hudson
Finally there won't be these stupid delay threads anymore....Fragmaster was right.

what makes you think it wont be delayed even again? after seeing this anything is possible.
Originally posted by G0rgon
Poeple, we have MP and Halo to play till HL2 release date.

Isnt it like a 16 player max for halo mp? also would a killer give a copy of that too?
Originally posted by Ares
Played Halo on Xbox... why play it again?

cause there will be xboxers using their controllers to play it. After getting flamed on x box forums for saying xbox should have a keyboard and mouse and told my controller skillz must suck. it would be sweet revenge.
"Bleeder: We have been angry at him all the while he has been blabbing on and on about him being 100% correct and his asshole attitude toward anyone who disagrees with him. Our anger didn't start because he was right, our anger started because he was being a plain and simple dick."

being a dick?........read any of these forums lately? my point is it doesn't matter what you or i, or the next guy thinks about him.....we don't know him personally....he wrote the truth in the article.....who cares if he was being a dink....that's his perogative. He's been in the biz long enough to know how people were gonna react to him posting it.
That's the only other thing I'm gonna say on the matter, because i actually understand the total lack of bearing this whole thing has on the real world, which I am now going to go back to. I don't want to argue with people i don't even know. peace.

Delay? Whatever,
Its not like it makes any real difference.

"OMG I have to wait another 2 months, wtf??"

I haven't played HALO, its coming to PC so i dont need to spend a guff load of money on a xbox when its not needed.
And i heard it was good, MP with Halo... nice.

Originally posted by MrD

Delay? Whatever,
Its not like it makes any real difference.

"OMG I have to wait another 2 months, wtf??"


Thats Nice... it really is :)
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