hl2 Pushed back..

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I'm quite numb about the whole thing really.
Definitely a bit depressed though, I just beat Half-Life 1 again in preparation yesterday. So I've been looking forward to this.
Right now though, I guess I'm waiting for an official statement from Valve (official official, not just some email or whatnot) and hoping they finally give us a real date.
ARRGGG....neeed......explanation.....delay.....release date....aarrggg

Ok seriously : i would like an explanation about the silence surrounding the delay.

Furthermore DON"T DISS GABE OR VALVE : THey're making the best game ever so far, so they deserve ALOT of credit.
Im seeing a disturbing trend here---

First carmack says nvidia cards need more work to perform well on STANDARD dx9 code paths-- so hes gotta go away and write new
code making doom3 massively delayed

Gabe comes out with the fact nvidia need 5x more coding simply to run the game at all well --- valve announces massive delay

See where im going with this?
It's not the fact that the game is delayed that pisses me off.

Knowing how Valve worked things out with HL, I'm not surprized, BUT they claim to be dedicated to the fan community, and they said September 30th all along, and now a ****ing week before the game was supposed to hit the stores they announce a delay.

It sounds very very unprofessional to me. Childish to say the least.

I am going to buy their ****ing game when it comes out, but I don't and never will look at Valve the same way again. They make great games, that's for sure, but they failed to be dedicated to their community.
im REALY disapointed in u GABE!!!! ****face telling 5854463 time 30 september, u just should niot have don that u *a* a** B!T**! i ****ing hate valve now!
Originally posted by roxXx
im REALY disapointed in u GABE!!!! ****face telling 5854463 time 30 september, u just should niot have don that u *a* a** B!T**! i ****ing hate valve now!

STFU if it needs to be delayed its for a ****in reason goddamn people do u not ****ing see that im so ****kin tired of u little bastards runnin around saying that valve sucks cause they pushed the date a month or 2 back so ****in what??? Go grow the **** up they are delaying it cause there might be a bug problem or something will retail or something its FOR A REASON TO YOU NOT ****ING UNDERSTAND THAT TTHEY ARENT DOING IT TO PISS YOU OFF YOU IDIOTS. And how the hell do u know its legit???? This happened before the ECTS then gabe comes out and says nope still the 30th. So if its not out on the 30th its not ready no game should be released unfinished especially a highly anticipated one like this. Show some ****ing respect people.
People will be more mad about frag getting off scott free than the delay. [/B][/QUOTE]
WTF!!! This appers to sux, Im still not entierly convinced but Im in a bad mood already because my work compuers dont work properly.
:flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :eek:
"Show some ****ing respect people."

I'm showing as much respect as Valve is showing us right now...
I'm quite sure, that if the game was ever going to be delayed that announcing it 7 days before it's release, would be considered by many as suckish.
Originally posted by mchammer75040
STFU if it needs to be delayed its for a ****in reason goddamn people do u not ****ing see that im so ****kin tired of u little bastards runnin around saying that valve sucks cause they pushed the date a month or 2 back so ****in what??? Go grow the **** up they are delaying it cause there might be a bug problem or something will retail or something its FOR A REASON TO YOU NOT ****ING UNDERSTAND THAT TTHEY ARENT DOING IT TO PISS YOU OFF YOU IDIOTS. And how the hell do u know its legit???? This happened before the ECTS then gabe comes out and says nope still the 30th. So if its not out on the 30th its not ready no game should be released unfinished especially a highly anticipated one like this. Show some ****ing respect people.
Totally agree with you, those who complain about the delay are acting like a bunch of spoiled kids... just chill guys ..

Originally posted by lhauert
"Show some ****ing respect people."
I'm showing as much respect as Valve is showing us right now...
Fair do's. But the last thing we need around here is a Valve backlash - it'll make things more unbearable that it needs to be. Besides, what if it's not their fault?
A game being delayed is disappointing, but not the end of the world.
What leaves a sour taste in the mouth is the shabby treatment of fans.

They must have known long before now that they couldn't make the 30th date, yet kept quiet - making all the "release date nazis" look *very* stupid indeed now.

I wonder, will everyone who has given abuse to Fragmaster and any game e-tailers for giving a release date later than 30/9 now offer an apology? No, didn't think so...

Have Valve emailed anyone yet to apologise for misleading an entire community? Unlikely...

They could have said HL2 would be released in Q4 of 2003 and none of this release date uproar would have taken place.

Now they know why companies are hesitant to give a definite date of release months before the game is finished.
Originally posted by illspirit44
would this still effect the game coming out on steam on the 40th

The 40th? I know they are desperate for a September release, but adding 10 days to the calendar is a bit extreme.

Originally posted by lhauert
"Show some ****ing respect people."

I'm showing as much respect as Valve is showing us right now...

Yea ur right about them not fulling respecting the cummunity but think about it if its the nvidia cards not working on hl2 being the reason they ARE respecting us by delaying. Think about it myself and many others have nvidias and if we got the game and it didnt even work properly than wtf?!?? You may have a ATI but at the time i as well as others dont so are u really that selfish to get mad at them for not releasing a game that works properly with all graphics cards and making everyone happy??
Originally posted by poseyjmac
thats like saying its wrong to hate someone who killed your family because the killer was nice to you for 4 months.

Errr, no. Valve didn't do anything to your family, they just tried real hard to get a product to you quick and hit a setback. So to carry forward your family metaphor, they said they'd come to visit but hit some traffic. You gonna hate them for that.

Originally posted by FriScho
@weerat: they just shouldn't have confirmed the 30. Sept. about 1 month ago at ECTS and told everybody there (even foreign press from France and Germany) that the release date is set, final, working and coming despite all those internet rumours. That was their fault. If they would have said "we try to make it in the next months, can't promise anything now" the fan-reactions today wouldn't be that extreme.

Fair point, but I'm willing to forgive there ****-up considering it was done with good intentions. I believe the late appearance of the delay confrmation is due the the fact that it was a close call. they must be busting a gut to get it done.

Originally posted by Killa|3yte

Your still gonna play their game though aren't you.

Originally posted by Shiv
I dont think people are angry because it was delayed, they are angry because they did it on such short notice.

And what difference does it make. Had you organised a sleep-over and expected to have HL2. What ****ing harm has been done to you in suddenly being told that it is delayed so late?

Originally posted by roxXx
omfg god **** valve they ciould say this long time before!!!!

No. Because a long time before, the game was not close to completion. Now that they have hit crunch time, and only now, have they been forced to make a decision. Once which I'm sure they didn't want to have to make, and for the sake of providing you un-grateful bastards with a decent game, they have opted to delay.
Originally posted by mchammer75040
Yea ur right about them not fulling respecting the cummunity but think about it if its the nvidia cards not working on hl2 being the reason they ARE respecting us by delaying. Think about it myself and many others have nvidias and if we got the game and it didnt even work properly than wtf?!?? You may have a ATI but at the time i as well as others dont so are u really that selfish to get mad at them for not releasing a game that works properly with all graphics cards and making everyone happy??

It's not that the game doesn't work with Nvidia cards, it's just that the performance of Nvidia FX cards using DX9 is pitiful compared to Radeons. Using DX8.1 with Nvidia cards on HL2 works great. Why they would delay the release of their game just to improve the DX9 routines for FX cards is beyond me. That can be handled by Nvidia and Valve after the game is released - mostly by Nvidia. It's not Valve's fault that Nvidia undercut their DX9 capabilities.
Has Valve actually come out and made an announcement of the game's delay?
Perhaps the game is actually ready?... I strongly suspect Steam is the main cause for the delay. Im sure we wont hear that or maybe not in so many words.

I think we all knew it was coming anyhow. I suspect the reason they didnt say anything until now was that (if it is a steam problem) they were debating whether or not to release info that it had gone gold or something.

I dont think it would have been a decision they would have taken lightly tbh.

What I would like to see is some honesty from VALVe and tell the fans just whats up?. Seems like a good thing to do, to me.

I don't mind waiting whatever the reasons are really providing the game and any software tied into running it (Steam) is ironed out as much as possible to get rid of bugs :)

Just my 2p worth :)
Originally posted by weerat
Errr, no. Valve didn't do anything to your family, they just tried real hard to get a product to you quick and hit a setback. So to carry forward your family metaphor, they said they'd come to visit but hit some traffic. You gonna hate them for that.

Fair point, but I'm willing to forgive there ****-up considering it was done with good intentions. I believe the late appearance of the delay confrmation is due the the fact that it was a close call. they must be busting a gut to get it done.

Your still gonna play their game though aren't you.

And what difference does it make. Had you organised a sleep-over and expected to have HL2. What ****ing harm has been done to you in suddenly being told that it is delayed so late?

No. Because a long time before, the game was not close to completion. Now that they have hit crunch time, and only now, have they been forced to make a decision. Once which I'm sure they didn't want to have to make, and for the sake of providing you un-grateful bastards with a decent game, they have opted to delay.

How do you know any of this ?

"In Gabe we trust." Let's print money people...
Hl2 Not Coming On 9-30-03

just admit it. :x

why the f*ck didn't say this earlier?

why are they playing games with our minds?


screw valve:x
have they actually made an official announcement about a delay yet? An if so, can it be confirmed?
I'm not going to lie, there is still a part of me (the wishful thinking part) that tells me the Email was faked. Of course, if that part of me is wrong there is no harm done because I've pretty much accepted the fact of it's delay - but what if that email WAS fake. That'd be crazy!
Ugh i dont know im going to bed now im glad i woke up and got on to find this horrible news. Anyone care to tuck me in???

P.S. Could you leave the night light on im scared of the dark. :dork:
Other websites are confirming that Valve made an official to them, that's the most info. so far
Originally posted by Anthraxxx
Has Valve actually come out and made an announcement of the game's delay?

There is a supposed email from Doug Lombardi that was sent out at 9PM saying that it was delayed. Apparently most sites that announce got the email directly from Doug and some have even spoken to him about it. Again, I believe it but there's still that side of me that says, "Nah, I'm going to wait it out for an official and traditional press release."

Other than that email, there is nothing else besides a few people going around the community saying they have "insid sources."
Originally posted by STAFFp18
Other websites are confirming that Valve made an official to them, that's the most info. so far

then it's true.

when retail stores started to change dates for h-l release dates, valve stated right away that it wasn't going to be delayed... seems like it's not happening with h-l2. :x
Hmmmm.... that might be a littlel premature. I'm not going to pay attention to any news unless it can be confirmed by Gabe himself. In my mind, HL2 is still due for 9-30....
Omg this is so sad, sad.

First all the hype and no word if or the game might be a slight delayed so now a few days before the 30th they say a pushback another 3 months.

Why ? has there been found any new nasty bugs or what ? this sucks hyping a game and then delay it so long it sucks.
Taken from shacknews:

Half-Life 2 Delay [Sep 23, 2003 : 11:06 pm]
Steve Gibson
We've managed to get an official statement from Valve Software on the release date of Half-Life 2 being pushed back. Here is word that I got directly from Doug Lombardi of Valve Software. Valve seems to have been having some mail issues so you may not see this on other sites, however we can confirm with absolute certainty that this is valid:

The previously announced September 30th release date for Half-Life 2 is being pushed back. We are currently targeting a holiday release, but do not have a specific "in-store" date to share at this time. We will release that information as soon as we have confirmed a new date.

As more information becomes available from Valve we'll have it here for you.

Saw this coming.

link: http://www.shacknews.com/onearticle.x/28497
omg we know already, stop posting this crap about delays, we have enough ! Now lets look on bright side, this will give valve time to make a hl2 even better. be happy, god - its not like a giant rock just killed you...Valve should have told us earlier but heh, what can you do? we should be supporting them not bashing them, they are trying to make a game to entertain us, a delay is a just a little speed bump, BE PATIENT! this goes for the whole HL2.NET community - will anyone agree with me or have you all gone horribly maddd??!
Did this not happen in July?! I mean, these sites got a "personal email" addressed to them and turned out to be false info.. I dunno, just speculating.
I'm actually very excited and sad to post this. Doug Lombardi, big wig from Valve has replied to my question concerning the release date. The email originated from his email address, but it may be a fake, although it is highly unlikely. He confirms Half-Life 2 is being delayed beyond September 30th to an unknown date.
The previously announced September 30th release date for Half-Life 2 is being pushed back. We are currently targeting a holiday release, but do not have a specific "in-store" date to share at this time. We will release that information as soon as we have confirmed a new date.

he said in-store...nothing about steam, it could still come on the 30th
but who knows! It could be a trick!!!! A TRICK!!!!

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