hl2 Pushed back..

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**** THEM ALL! **** THEM ALL! **** THEM ALL! **** THEM ALL! **** THEM ALL! **** THEM ALL! **** THEM ALL! **** THEM ALL! **** THEM ALL! **** THEM ALL! **** THEM ALL! **** THEM ALL! **** THEM ALL! **** THEM ALL! **** THEM ALL! **** THEM ALL! **** THEM ALL! **** THEM ALL! **** THEM ALL! **** THEM ALL! **** THEM ALL! **** THEM ALL! **** THEM ALL! **** THEM ALL! **** THEM ALL! **** THEM ALL! **** THEM ALL! **** THEM ALL! **** THEM ALL! **** THEM ALL! **** THEM ALL! **** THEM ALL! **** THEM ALL! **** THEM ALL! **** THEM ALL! **** THEM ALL! **** THEM ALL! **** THEM ALL! **** THEM ALL! **** THEM ALL! **** THEM ALL! **** THEM ALL! **** THEM ALL! **** THEM ALL! **** THEM ALL! **** THEM ALL! **** THEM ALL! **** THEM ALL! **** THEM ALL! **** THEM ALL! **** THEM ALL! **** THEM ALL! **** THEM ALL!
Oh shut up ziofu. If you don't have anything useful to say then just shut up.
LMAOROFL! I knew from the very beguining that all Valve's silence was going to lead to something very GHEY!:laugh:
Originally posted by nsxownzme
/Will we be able to download on steam, at least??

dude, forget about the whole stupid Steam idea, it is not going to happend period.:)
I think that the delay is only for money questions!
they are working to the project since 5 years... so don't tell me that they have discovered bugs now at 6 days!

they want to earn more money so they wait and problably do the bundle with ATI ... BAH!

they are simply incorrect.
You are incorrect ziofu, moron.

I can't believe all the people who said "My respect or trust for Valve went down the drain". Bunch of idiot kids.
"In Gabe we trust"

We should print a 1000 dollar bill with Gabe's head on it and send it to him. Money money ****er !!
one week is acceptable...

... but if the "holiday release" thing is correct then the Valve people are nothing but a no good bunch of lying cowards... and i sincerely hope it hurts their sales.:flame:
I can't stand all this negativity towards Valve. THEY ARE GOOD PEOPLE. Their reasons will be good ones, despite the fact that on this one occasion they've pissed us about a bit. Come on, you're still getting the game so just SHUT UP.
If it's not their fault then I hope bad things happen to all the people who've done hate posts. If it is their fault then I still think you're just childish w*nkers.
I don't really care whether it comes out this month or november. I just find it funny how sure you all were that you were all right and HL2 would be released on Sep30th, flaming anyone that said otherwise. Jeezus grow up people and stop with all this Valve bashing, they will release HL-2 if not this month then in a couple of months, it's no big deal.
It all comes down to the fact that this is VALVe. I was trying to argue this point a few days ago. VALVe has always been this way. Every release since Half Life. Every patch, every game, including the long delayed Counter-Strike Condition Zero and CSX have all been delayed. My specific example however was about Steam, which was just the most recent example of delay without communication. And I kept being told that this is not any of those, this is HL2. But why would VALVe act any different? They have never been good with communication, and delays are standard operating procedure for them. Believe me, I am just as upset as the rest of you, expecially since they waited until the last minute to say anything....but like I said, it is nothing but typical VALVe.
I have a question... what does Condition Zero have that makes it so antcipated?? I mean, it's just Counter Strike with single player crap.. I dunno, I guess I've been over the CS thing for a while now and I can't possible understand.
Originally posted by bastard_loud
You are incorrect ziofu, moron.

I can't believe all the people who said "My respect or trust for Valve went down the drain". Bunch of idiot kids.

Well, i belive that people have the right to get angry, after all they/us are the one who support Valve, i admint that i'm some what mad about it, However i knew all along that the game would not make on time anyways, there for i did not keep my hopes up.

Also, i'm most certain that the game publisher is the one to blaim. The middle-man is always screewing things up.:p
It's just, what the hell could have pushed the game back so far? Well, we shall wait until an official announcement is made.
Seriously. How many didn't expect something like this? I did, and I said as much in previous threads. Am I disappointed? Sure, I was looking forward to having HL2 to play during my break from class. Is it the end of the world? Nah, I'll use the cash for HL2 and get the Smallville DVD set or pre-order Max Payne 2. I'm sure the rest of you can find -something- else to pass the time with.

Hell, read a book - I hear its good for the mind or something.
VALVE quit misleading your customers....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It really only pisses us all off.

they did say sep 30 but not what year.... it must have been sep 30 2004.
That would really suck if they pulled a HL 1 and released it a year -after- it was supposed to be released.
If its gonna be three more months with waiting, yeah.. im really ****ing pissed.
I just wish that they came out and said what the hell the problem was. This "email" never confirmed the problem. They've been vigorously playtesting for the past entire month, and they came to the conclusion 6 days before it's release to send an email saying it's been pushed back until the holidays? I'm sorry, I just don't but it until I officially hear it from Valve.
Originally posted by spock99
they did say sep 30 but not what year.... it must have been sep 30 2004.
No, they said 2003.
It's suspicious, but only because that 'wishful thinking' side of me is still alive.
I was of that same mind too, but I don't know. Waiting until it was closer to Christmas could mean more sales, but on the same token Valve is, in essence, giving a big F-U to their fans for not saying sooner that it was going to be delayed.
Im absolutly pissed to. But there is a small hope that it will be released on 30.September or oktober or? I mean there were so many fakes this can be a fake too. They wait till Tokyo than the offical state is coming so wait till Saturday!:afro:
****ing marketting, yes like that they think for the new date we are going to jump in a store to buy it, valve allway knew that the game was pushed back, look at the video in the e3 when he sayd we confirm 30 sept pffff asshole.
Now i **** valve and vivendi i will not buy this game anymore only wait to get it by the net and i know that many of you will download it because of what is happend now.
Actually, I still fully intend to be there the first day it's released, money in hand to buy it.
The e-mail didn't say Holiday, anywhere. Check Shacknews, check Gamespy...nowhere does it say Holidays. Stop spreading false dates.
You guys are a ****ing JOKE SHOW!!! All along you say shit like "I dont believe ANYTHING UNLESS IT COMES DIRECTLY FROM VALVE!" And now some half assed little web site with a shit for brains layout gets an "EMAIL" from Valve saying its delayed and you believe it?! WHAT THE **** IS WRONG WITH YOU ALL? Just wait for more confirmations. Jesus Christ.
Originally posted by Legend
A delay this close to the release date is just uncalled for.
I agree, especially if Valve has known about this for months as the rumors have implied. I can only assume they were telling bald-faced lies when they insinuated that Half-Life 2 was still on for a September 30 release. Funny, I always assumed Valve was better than other developers, but now, sadly, I know better. Seeing as Gabe Newell used to work for Microsoft, I guess jacking around with his customers just comes naturally to him.
Originally posted by razorblade kiss
You guys are a ****ing JOKE SHOW!!! All along you say shit like "I dont believe ANYTHING UNLESS IT COMES DIRECTLY FROM VALVE!" And now some half assed little web site with a shit for brains layout gets an "EMAIL" from Valve saying its delayed and you believe it?! WHAT THE **** IS WRONG WITH YOU ALL? Just wait for more confirmations. Jesus Christ.

something about it is fishy...the statement just doesnt seem like something you would say when u announce the delay of the most anticipated game ever. Especially when there is a hungry blood thursty horde waiting for it
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