hl2 Pushed back..

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Originally posted by ferd
something about it is fishy...the statement just doesnt seem like something you would say when u announce the delay of the most anticipated game ever. Especially when there is a hungry blood thursty horde waiting for it

nevertheless, 6 days away from its speculated release date..
omg 81 pages in less then 12 hours, shame on you Valve
Originally posted by krarg
The e-mail didn't say Holiday, anywhere. Check Shacknews, check Gamespy...nowhere does it say Holidays. Stop spreading false dates.

"The previously announced September 30th release date for Half-Life 2 is being pushed back. We are currently targeting a ___holiday___ release, but do not have a specific "in-store" date to share at this time. We will release that information as soon as we have confirmed a new date."

You my friend, are blind.

Originally posted by Goombatommy
I just wish that they came out and said what the hell the problem was. This "email" never confirmed the problem. They've been vigorously playtesting for the past entire month, and they came to the conclusion 6 days before it's release to send an email saying it's been pushed back until the holidays? I'm sorry, I just don't but it until I officially hear it from Valve.

I am thinking the same thing, the email just looks weird to me.

Although one scenario does look realistic to me: Valve just didnt want to give up to get HL2 in the stores the 30th but in the i guess they realised it couldnt be done...that would explain why we waited that long.

Any how in 8 hours or so Gabe and the others at Valve wake-up again, hope to hear some new stuff then.:o
haha.. we had people calling their houses at midnight last night on this thread... i'm pretty sure gabe and co. woke up a long time ago :)
Originally posted by indocomplexity

this was not an official statement, this was merely an email, which isnt even confirmed true. if it is to be an official statement, itll be made from valve to the public directly, and not by doug lombardi but most probably by the gabe himself.
Well, that's the vain hope, anyway.

It seems some people have started quoting Gabe from the ATI press conference when he said, "Our customers will be pissed." He wasn't kidding.
Yea, last night was pretty amusing. Well, I hope that Gabe got the message.
Originally posted by Mountain Man
Well, that's the vain hope, anyway.

It seems some people have started quoting Gabe from the ATI press conference when he said, "Our customers will be pissed." He wasn't kidding.

When did he say our customers would be pissed? Relating to what issue?

Oh, he was talking about nVidia's GeForce FX cards dismal Half-Life 2 performance and is quoted as saying, "Our customers will be pissed."

I think he was dropping a hint even back then. Maybe that's the easter egg!
I still can't believe they lead us on to believe it still might be coming on the 30th and wait till 7 days before the release to break it to us. And the way they did it too was ridiculous: an an e-mail to 3 newsites at 9 PM PST... Give us a break, talk about a complete lack of respect for us die-hard fans.

Relating to what happens if they release the game and it will run at so many fps with sucha nd such card and then it doesn't because the video card company had the benchmark done with super optimized (and possibly cheating ) drivers. Everyone gets it and it works much worse than announced hence, "Our customers will be pissed". It was actually on the power point slide of his presentation.
The thing I find particularly frustrating is that Valve has taken this opportunity to give their most loyal fans a swift kick in the nads. That just hurts, man.
Makes me wish I could just boycott the whole game. But I wish they would come out and announce whether this thing is legit or not. Watch them not say a thing about it and they continue to do that till the game releases. No apology, no explannation - at least one of these I think we all deserve to receive if not both depending on the situation.
I was expecting it to be delayed, but the manner in which it was divulged to the community is just completely ridiculous. It be kinda funny now if HL2 came out in a few months and flopped. I'd almost like to see that happen of all of this.
It's strange that Valve prides themselves on their relationship with their fans yet pulls stunts like this and keeps us in the dark. I'd say if anything, they're showing a great deal of disrespect to their fans by flat out lying about the release date then not bothering to explain themselves when the game is delayed.
They didn't lie. It was their intention to make the 30th. They just f_cked up.
Ok, they ****ed up, but how is it that you get 7 days before the release and then realise that you have about 2 more months of work to do?? They must have had one serious **** up at the last minute or they knew for at least a couple of weeks and decided not to tell us till the last minute. And unless they give us an explanation, we'll never know what happened.
well.. delays happen all the time.. but this one is just stoopid.. all those emails by gabe confirming the 30th over and over again..

and the manner in which this delay was announced... they emailed shacknews.. no news on their website even..

sheesh.. they need better PR people.
Originally posted by spitcodfry
Okay I'm royally pissed at Valve now...why the hell all the friggin silence??! They could've informed us about this a while back for cryin' out loud!

EDIT: Why would Lombardi let a little known website know about this...rather than waiting to make an official statement to the press?

well gabe said to YOU that will will announce the godl date before 30th?
" Like I've said (endlessly), I don't care for how Valve handled this situation. They should have confirmed the delay earlier, not one week away from HL2's supposed release. I think telling the European press at ECTS (less than a month ago) that the, "release date is unchanged," was irresponsible. Good marketing? Maybe. A nice way to treat your fans? No. " Planethalflife.com


This is really ****ed up. A week for the release date they confirmed at the ects, that is very low from Valve.
"You really think they only figured it out a couple of hours ago?"
Originally posted by weerat
They didn't lie. It was their intention to make the 30th. They just f_cked up.
I say they lied because at a time when they should have reasonably known the game was going to be delayed, they either flat out said or insinuated that Half-Life 2 was still on for a September 30 release. To be frank, this behavior is unconscionable. If they knew the game was going to be delayed then they should have just come right out and said it rather than leading us around by the nose.

I'm not upset that the game is delayed, I'm more upset by Valve's treatment of their fans.
I did say offices were going to burn, didn't I? Maybe someone should forewarn the local firebrigade...
Well, I have a certain someone's phone number if someone wants to call and bitch. lol

I really wished I lived near their offices so I cold organize a flash mob to show up and protest the way they lead us on.
yeah, but you should have seen it last night. It was insane then.

Maybe by the time HL2 comes out, I won't care anymore. I doubt that'll happen, but it's be cool if I just didn't buy it now.
/me is disappointed!

Just wanted to give the thread a count
MOTHER MOTHER **** ****...............................
Go Spit !! Riot all the way, and while you're at it, just kill Bush and send the bill to his family...
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