hl2 Pushed back..

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They say its been delayed (im just saying) and yet there are 50 x more delay threads, its amazing.
Originally posted by BlackMesaDude
Omg this is so sad, sad.

First all the hype and no word if or the game might be a slight delayed so now a few days before the 30th they say a pushback another 3 months.

Why ? has there been found any new nasty bugs or what ? this sucks hyping a game and then delay it so long it sucks.

i wouldn't care if someone had bombed valve building or whatever. screw it
Originally posted by Baal
Taken from shacknews:

Half-Life 2 Delay [Sep 23, 2003 : 11:06 pm]
Steve Gibson
We've managed to get an official statement from Valve Software on the release date of Half-Life 2 being pushed back. Here is word that I got directly from Doug Lombardi of Valve Software. Valve seems to have been having some mail issues so you may not see this on other sites, however we can confirm with absolute certainty that this is valid:

The previously announced September 30th release date for Half-Life 2 is being pushed back. We are currently targeting a holiday release, but do not have a specific "in-store" date to share at this time. We will release that information as soon as we have confirmed a new date.

As more information becomes available from Valve we'll have it here for you.

Saw this coming.

link: http://www.shacknews.com/onearticle.x/28497

Uh, yeah.. you're a little late though.
Originally posted by lhauert
How do you know any of this ?

I never claimed to know anything. I suggested they tried real hard to get you a product which is fair seeing as they've spent five years and all their HL profits on it.

I said they had good intentions, which considering the amount of community interaction they have provided, is fair enough.

And I said they would probably be at crunch time which is fair enough seeing as they were trying to make a Sept 30th release.

Originally posted by budgie55
Perhaps the game is actually ready?... I strongly suspect Steam is the main cause for the delay. Im sure we wont hear that or maybe not in so many words.

I think this has crossed many peoples minds, mine included. All we can do is speculate.
who cares if it comes out on steam? we wont even be able to play it until the game gets released in retail stores anyway. (read spitcodfry's post) :flame:
Originally posted by Ares
Uh, yeah.. you're a little late though.

well I wasn't gonna read like 50 pages of stuff...I just wanted to post it incase no one saw it. I ACTUALLY SLEEP unlike some people (excluding those from europe/asia etc.). Ok, so now I move to the state of denial.

Maybe it's a trick and part of a huge plot to take over the world. And they'll still be releaseing it!
Re: Hl2 Not Coming On 9-30-03

Originally posted by mknlb50
why are they playing games with our minds?

Mind games, WTF? Are you some sort of retard. Calm the f_ck down. It's just a delay, not some uber-conspiracy aiming to piss you off.
Re: Re: Hl2 Not Coming On 9-30-03

Originally posted by weerat
Mind games, WTF? Are you some sort of retard. Calm the f_ck down. It's just a delay, not some uber-conspiracy aiming to piss you off.

****tard, i dont need your bitchin go away :afro:
Originally posted by FluxCap
All of the Steam theorists make me laugh...

It's quite possible. This email could potentially be a snafu, who knows.
Well....I guess deep down we ALL KNEW they'd delay it...like seriously, what were the chances it would come out on time? not good....
The employees at Valve had to have known that there was going to be a delay like 2 weeks ago, it wasn't tight, it was impossible and Gabe should have kept the community better informed. Arghhhh!
Originally posted by Baal
well I wasn't gonna read like 50 pages of stuff...I just wanted to post it incase no one saw it. I ACTUALLY SLEEP unlike some people (excluding those from europe/asia etc.). Ok, so now I move to the state of denial.

Maybe it's a trick and part of a huge plot to take over the world. And they'll still be releaseing it!

Forgive me, I read your post as being like those "rub it in" types.

And I can't sleep, I have a sleeping disorder and means I'll probably be up for another 24 hours :( I wish I could sleep, it sounds to lovely - too bad I just lay there and not go into sleep mode :(
Re: Re: Hl2 Not Coming On 9-30-03

Originally posted by weerat
Mind games, WTF? Are you some sort of retard. Calm the f_ck down. It's just a delay, not some uber-conspiracy aiming to piss you off.

What if they are hmmm? :dork:
Originally posted by Ares
Forgive me, I read your post as being like those "rub it in" types.

And I can't sleep, I have a sleeping disorder and means I'll probably be up for another 24 hours :( I wish I could sleep, it sounds to lovely - too bad I just lay there and not go into sleep mode :(

oh...the reason for that might be that I totally copied and pasted the post from one of my clan member's post on a local gaming forum where I live...he might of made it sound that way. anyways...yea....dsafjdsfdaslkfdgsa. I WANT HALF-LIFE 2. NOW.I'd pay however much is in my bank account right now for it.
Originally posted by Ares
And I can't sleep, I have a sleeping disorder and means I'll probably be up for another 24 hours :( I wish I could sleep, it sounds to lovely - too bad I just lay there and not go into sleep mode :(

Hard lines.

You tried hitting yourself in the head?
Shaking hands with the unemployed until you're too exhausted to continue?
Elephant sedatives?
Glued eyelids?
Reading every single post in this thread very carefully? Thats bound to send you off to slumberville.
Steam was the first step in lowering our tolerance threshold. We are under attack from Valve, I repeat we are under attack from Valve. Head for the hills! Run! They will stop at nothing to play games with our mind and their power is no to be underestimated.

Somebody save us!

Anybody else finding this delay shit to be a great opportunity for overusing sarcasm and annoying retards?
Originally posted by weerat
Hard lines.

You tried hitting yourself in the head?
Shaking hands with the unemployed until you're too exhausted to continue?
Elephant sedatives?
Glued eyelids?
Reading every single post in this thread very carefully? Thats bound to send you off to slumberville.

I'm not going to hit my self in the head to fall asleep hehe, it's not worth the pain THAT much.

Elephant sedatives.. that might be a bit much.

Glued Eyelids .. well I can lay in bed for hours on end without falling a sleep, it's not that. My brain won't let me fall asleep.

I've been reading and reading and believe me, I'm tired as hell - my brain just won't let me sleep.
Originally posted by weerat
You know, I think I'm starting to enjoy it.

Heh, some how, I am too yet I don't know why. I'm already over it :P
Originally posted by Tyrion
Although, I wonder if this could be a fake email. I mean, none of the sites have posted a screenshot of the supposed email.
Yes, it could be fake, but I think my suspicion is fueled more by hollow optimism rather than logic.
Bummer ! I just booked days of work to play this,and now I read a WEEK before release date its Delayed now... :(((( I mean a Week before release? what a bomb shell.. Shit gonna have to unbook Hols now :((
Hehe, so gullible

I call bullshit on this one, I'll wait for a reponse from Gabe before I believe anything.
sooo... is it coming a week late or a couple of months?
the HL2.net news say a week
Oh yeah, remember when them people supposedly got an "Official" reponse from Vievendi? And it turned out to be a "Mis-Communication"? Lol

oH yeah, I call this bullcrap cause the fact its only 6 days from release. Valve knows if they did delay it now it would make them lose alot of customers.
being in the state of denial and all.....

Originally posted by ChiZm
sooo... is it coming a week late or a couple of months?
the HL2.net news say a week

a week? wow....that'd be grand :O :cheers: :)
Not listening! Not listening!

Arghhh!! They took it from us! My Preciousssss! We wants it back!
hl2.net? hl2.net doesnt say anything except you download the half-life demo.
Top 10 Reasons Why Half-Life 2 Is Delayed:

10. Development team still too wrapped up in the Bennifer saga to work.

9. Strider unions demanding a 50 percent pay raise and a piece of the back end profits.

8. President Bush needs Source engine to solve that Iraq problem.

7. Gordon Freeman is on his training regimen for the next Tour de France.

6. Barney running for governor of California.

5. Valve dumps Half-Life 2 for Sniper 2.

4. Still looking for that one guy in Peoria who hasn’t seen the E3 demo movie.

3. Making sure that Half-Life 2 port for the Commodore 64 will work right.

2. Realized they can’t compete with the excitement of that $100,000 episode of Trading Spaces.

And the number one reason why Half-Life 2 has been delayed by Valve...

1. Decided to wait until after the release of Duke Nukem Forever.

Oh man Oh man... there goes my trust in Valve, and I dont think its comeing back anytime soon, sorry Valve, but you really did it to us this time.

I cant wait for Halo (never played through it on the X-Box).
WOW is this the largest thread in the history of man kind? It keeps growing and growing and growing.
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