hl2 Pushed back..

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I am still confused why they decided to tell release this news around 9pm (pst)? Wouldn't have made more sense to release this news sometime during the morning?

Oh well it will give me some time to get decent at Warcraft III and Frozen throne.
Originally posted by MrD

Delay? Whatever,
Its not like it makes any real difference.

"OMG I have to wait another 2 months, wtf??"


I dont think people are angry because it was delayed, they are angry because they did it on such short notice.
It matters.
He runs a respectable Half Life news site and he decides to take it up as his soapbox. Sure, it's his site.. he can do what he wishes with - just as I can be disappointed in him and his site. His reputation, no matter how good it was before, is now wasted if not totaled.

The guy didn't proclaim his OPINIONS at opinion - he spoke and proclaimed as if he KNEW it all along. He's a know it all, he's a dick, and he happened to be right.

What? He had insider information? Yeah, too bad anyone who says so has failed to display any proof as such.

Anyway, let him do what he wants with his site. It's his reputation, not mine.
Originally posted by Ares
It matters.
He runs a respectable Half Life news site and he decides to take it up as his soapbox. Sure, it's his site.. he can do what he wishes with - just as I can be disappointed in him and his site. His reputation, no matter how good it was before, is now wasted if not totaled.

The guy didn't proclaim his OPINIONS at opinion - he spoke and proclaimed as if he KNEW it all along. He's a know it all, he's a dick, and he happened to be right.

What? He had insider information? Yeah, too bad anyone who says so has failed to display any proof as such.

Anyway, let him do what he wants with his site. It's his reputation, not mine.

We are talking about Fragmaster right? :|
That is the only person I could think after reading Ares post.
Naw I don't think I could be mad at Santa. Then again he bribes you to be nice all year. :cheese:

Oh well I should head to bed. It is 1:42 am right now. Oyasuminasai!
gay they left it this late. scream "WHY!!!" up at them in that office from down in the street spitcodfry, make a "FREE FREEMAN" board and make a picket :p
Originally posted by Heitai
Naw I don't think I could be mad at Santa. Then again he bribes you to be nice all year. :cheese:

Oh well I should head to bed. It is 1:42 am right now. Oyasuminasai!

I wish I could sleep, I really do... but I can't. It's impossible to get me to sleep right now without knocking me out or gassing me. It's not due to excitement either, unfortunately.

Feeling VERY tired and not being able to sleep is a very uncomfortable feeling. I also can't stop moving or it feels irritating.. UGH.
i just looked at some porn. took my mind off hl2 delay for a few minutes.
Oh my god.... I went to bed happy and i woke up to this!


Your not telling me I have to actually do some work at uni this term?

Way to go?? This is HORRIBLE news. It's armageddon all ov.. wait.. it's armageddon P-e-r-i-o-d. .
Sheesh...it's a computergame people. A delay would just be a good thing for the game rather than hastily release it. The longer they delay it, the more ass it will eventually kick.
1000 replies already. This just can't be right. They cant do this to us. It must be fake.


Originally posted by Saltpeter
Sheesh...it's a computergame people. A delay would just be a good thing for the game rather than hastily release it. The longer they delay it, the more ass it will eventually kick.

Hell, I dunno. Call me sad or pathetic or a loser with mental issues, but I was REALLY looking forward to this game to come out the 30th. It may be JUST a game to some people, but to be honest, my life is around gaming. Gaming to me, isn't a hobby, it's like a lifestyle. Sure, go ahead and that's pathetic because it probably is. Racing, sports, and other hobbies are important to some people - why can't it be for me?

I'm not going to really cry or commit suicide or do anything extreme - I won't do anything more than just be disappointed and discuss it for a few days. Wow, thought I'd do more than that, huh? Nope, I may be a "loser" for loving gaming, but it's not THAT bad.
Someday the game will come out, maybe on the 30th maybe not. I can wait indefinetly. I can still play HL1. I still play online. It helps ease the anxiety over the release of HL2.
i used up the last of my holdiay entitlement for that week, now ill be fooking working if its not released on the 30th :/
I will do the same if the game wasnt out on the 30th of september !

we are Fans not some freakin animals !
Delayed? Oh, poo. And I was hoping, too!

Sad that it's delayed. I did have high hopes that Fragmaster would be walking around in an HEV suit on the 30th, but those have been dashed on the cruel, pointy rocks of reality.

But... as I've always stated, there's a firm chance of it being delayed. Guess I'll be just be playing Homeworld 2, Otogi, Soul Calibur 2, Knights of the Old Republic and the other ton of great games coming out this month.

Irritating that Valve had to wait until the 11th hour to announce the delay. Ah well - shit happens. Lets hope they get it out within the next month or two, huh?

Now... what to play now? PN.03 or Republic?

And now we see the wave of immaturity hit like a tsunami of angst. Calm yourselves, children, and be satisfied in the knowledge that HL2 will likely be playtested to bits betore you can lay a finger on it.
9999999 ****ing times they say 30 september and now holiday? omfg i hate valve!
A teatcher told me once that what ever you tell to your children, don't ever, EVER tell them that you are disapointed at them. Tell them that you are mad at them, that they did something wrong, but don't EVER tell them you are disapointed at them.

If this e-mail is true, then I'm REALLY disapointed at Valve. ;(
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