hl2 Pushed back..

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I agree with most of the posters..

Allright, so it's delayed... there might be a chance it isn't BUT WHAT THE INTERCOURSE IS WITH THE SILENCE????
For crying out loud, say something Valve, fart, make noises, anything... or even better, give us either a fair explanation and apology OR a confirmation that the release date is still unchanged. Just something, a peep from them or something.

I'm going mad, MAAAD I tell you. HULK SMASH!!
But seriously, goddamnit.
83 pages of nothing

EDIT: this made it 84...

EDIT2: take that, "spitcodfry's thread"!
Anyway, Peace out. I'm going to seriously attempt to stop being a part of this hype machine if Gabe and Co. isn't even going to be straight with us on the facts. This just goes to show that FROM NOW ON WE SHOULDN'T BELIEVE ANYTHING THEY SAY TO US IN E-MAILS UNLESS IT'S VERIFIED BY THE GAMING PRESS OR IN AN OFFICIAL PRESS RELEASE If they're not going to be straight with us in e-mailing us then they shouldn't even bother.
Originally posted by dis
Ok, they ****ed up, but how is it that you get 7 days before the release and then realise that you have about 2 more months of work to do?? They must have had one serious **** up at the last minute or they knew for at least a couple of weeks and decided not to tell us till the last minute. And unless they give us an explanation, we'll never know what happened.

Dude, the game is ready to go. That isn't the issue. It's obvious that Vivendi and ATI cut a deal with them. Why doesn't anyone listen?? And yes, this extra 2 months they will now have, they may put to good use and polish the game even more. Blame VIVENDI, not Valve. STEAM threw a wrench in the whole deal. Wake up fool!!! Why do you think they are holding off till RIGHT AFTER THANKSGIVING? Cause it is a known fact the the Christmas shopping frenzy begins the day after Thanksgiving. Get a Effing clue.

Gabe basically sold out. But did he really have a choice? Do you completely trash your relationship with the publisher that's been with you since the beginning? Is it worth the headaches, and legal fees, penalties, and industry blasklisting to please your fans. The fans can wait another 2 months. Too bad.

It sucks, I know. But that's the nature of the beast. Money drives everything. And the fans will bitch and moan and swear to never buy a valve game, but as soon as it comes out, all you whiny ****s will be the first in line. :flame:
Now, the part about Gabe not coming clean till now. He probably should have. For all we know, the deal may have still been up in the air till a few weeks ago, and he may still haven't made up his mind. I think Gabe also feels terrified of letting his fans down, because it's a known fact that he loves hi fans.

I mean, what other millionaire developer as busy as Gabe that asnwers fanmail everyday, and gives out free tours to fanboys during such a critical time in development. NO ONE.

So you gotta give the guy credit. He met his deadline. But now he has to let the fans know that he sold out, and that probably scares the crap out of him.
MadsMan it is a money issue. But that isnt neccesarily a bad thing. ALl the money they pulled in from HL was invested into HL2. There basically using their income to make more products for us. HL3 may be pushing it, But Valve uses the money for a good cause. Its not selling out, its maintaining a business, and ensuring a positive future.
'Fault' has a negative connotation to it. I would say that "Bush is GOD!" is a better statement. Frick'n hypocrite two face coward liberals make me sick. Yes kill all Americans... who voted for al "bore".:dozey:
Well, now I guess I'm going to buy Halo. I already had it reserved and the only thing that was stopping my purchase was HL2. Now I guess Halo's multiplayer will tide me over.
You know what saddens me the most? THAT ****** FRAGMASTER WAS RIGHT!! I HATE THAT GUY!!!
Originally posted by razorblade kiss
MadsMan it is a money issue. But that isnt neccesarily a bad thing. ALl the money they pulled in from HL was invested into HL2. There basically using their income to make more products for us. HL3 may be pushing it, But Valve uses the money for a good cause. Its not selling out, its maintaining a business, and ensuring a positive future.

Hehe, oh I wasn't saying it was a bad thing. Buthe did Sell out. When you promise up and down, that come hell or highwater, nothing will stop you from relaesing on a given day, and then you go against that cause there is more money to be made, that is called a "sell out". Now, I can see why he did it.
If I was in his shoes, I would most likely have done the same thing. But since I am not in his shoes, all I can do is dream about it... I mean, the fans will always be there. They will forgive and forget as soon as the game is released. But Vivendi, would never forgive and forget. That's business.

And ATI has now made a HUGE deal with Valve/Vivendi. And they also would benefit most on a Holiday release. Now Gabe's got 2 big dogs sitting outside his door. Ain't commerce grand? :dozey:
Originally posted by MadsMan
I mean, what other millionaire developer as busy as Gabe that asnwers fanmail everyday, and gives out free tours to fanboys during such a critical time in development. NO ONE.

Its cause the other software houses are BUSY WORKING and finshing their damn games instead of screwing around with repetitive PR. When Spitcodfry went to Valve, he said everyone was calm and relaxed. Yeah no ****ing shit, they just added 2 months to HL2's release. No wonder they are taking it easy and givin people the guided tour. bleh.

And other thing, i wanna know why the big delay? Well Valve? For once tell us something we really wanna know.

The delay reason stinks like rotting meat. Thats why they will never tell us really WHY it was delayed. Its not something simple like more development time needed. Its to do with $$$.

I smell Microsoft & Xbox in all of this, i really do.
Gabe isn't a peon. He actually does have more time to answer mails than anyone else at Valve.(aside from thier PR dept.)

I smell Microsoft & Xbox in all of this, i really do.

I smell ass.
I respect Valve's decision to push back the release date cuz i want the BEST GAME EVER!! But I just want to say this," WHY GOD!!!!WHHHHHHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?"
wow I'm only up to page 38 but thought i should make a post now before page 100.

I'm not happy with this but I'll just wait for more news.

I wish i hadn't heard of this HL2 game :(
One single email sent out = 1,000,000 posts

But 'valve' suck if this is true

Anyone who lives near valve start throwing eggs at them please.
Nobody listened to Joe Mango yeasterday and look whos laughing now. I told you but you just couldnt handle it. You even locked my topic so you wouldn't look bad because i found out before you. :flame: Thats how mad i am.
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