HL2 Source Code

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Originally posted by klopper
Don't put it past these my g0t people to spend a few months creating bogus files and filenames

...... if thats a bogus file its a REALLY good one, cause that c++ language that is used is real. They guy who made the fake source code could make his own engine if he was that good :dork:
ok, I'm going to repost this here since the other thread was closed.

Ok, this bit of code is taken from the Half-Life SDK v2.3:

// Speak Sentence - say your cued up sentence.
// Some grunt sentences (take cover and charge) rely on actually
// being able to execute the intended action. It's really lame
// when a grunt says 'COVER ME' and then doesn't move. The problem
// is that the sentences were played when the decision to TRY
// to move to cover was made. Now the sentence is played after
// we know for sure that there is a valid path. The schedule
// may still fail but in most cases, well after the grunt has
// started moving.

And this is taken from the supposed Half-Life 2 SDK, from the npc_combine file:

// Speak Sentence - say your cued up sentence.
// Some grunt sentences (take cover and charge) rely on actually
// being able to execute the intended action. It's really lame
// when a grunt says 'COVER ME' and then doesn't move. The problem
// is that the sentences were played when the decision to TRY
// to move to cover was made. Now the sentence is played after
// we know for sure that there is a valid path. The schedule
// may still fail but in most cases, well after the grunt has
// started moving.

It's fake. Someone took the HL1 SDK and reworked it to make it look like the Half-Life 2 SDK

Heres another comment from the HL1 SDK:

// ISoundMask - Overidden for human grunts because they
// hear the DANGER sound that is made by hand grenades and
// other dangerous items.

And here is it's somewhat edited twin in the supposed Half-Life 2 SDK

Purpose: Overidden for human grunts because they hear the DANGER sound

As you can see the author of the fake SDK went ahead and changed some stuff here and there to make it look like the Half-Life 2 SDK. There is more but I'm not going to post it all here.

Edit: ok I'm going to say this too. The npc_combine file (which is part of the supposed HL2 SDK) and the hgrunt file from the HL1 SDK are very, very similar. That means that either A) Valve decided to basically reuse the Half-Life 1 SDK only making minor changes here and there, or that B) Some guy with a knowledge of programming went out and changed the files from the HL1 SDK to make them look like the files from the Half-Life 2 SDK.

Also, code was posted earlier showing the rendering engine for Half-Life 2 making OpenGl calls. Since Half-Life2 does NOT use OpenGl in any way, that code is false. Made up. Here is the code from this supposed HL2 code, it's found in a folder called glquake.h (suspicious):

#ifndef GLQUAKE_H
#define GLQUAKE_H
#pragma once

#pragma warning(disable : 4244) // MIPS
#pragma warning(disable : 4136) // X86
#pragma warning(disable : 4051) // ALPHA

#include "basetypes.h"
#include "quakedef.h"
#include "render.h"
#include "client.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterialvar.h"
#include "bspfile.h"

Also from glquake.h

extern ConVar r_norefresh;
extern ConVar r_speeds;
extern ConVar r_speedsquiet;
extern ConVar r_lightmapcolorscale;
extern ConVar r_decals;
extern ConVar mp_decals;
extern ConVar r_lightmap;
extern ConVar r_lightstyle;
extern ConVar r_dynamic;

That just wouldn't be in Half-Life 2 code, it's quake code.
Originally posted by ph34r t3h cute
once Gabe see's it he will know right off, no one emailed him yet?

Well, it is now 8:30 Valve time, so I guess they must just be getting there.

I am sure Gabe has been emailed 100000 times about this. If it is a fake, I would expect him to respond *very* quickly saying so. Nto saying anything makes me think they are going to do some reasearch into the leak before they make an official announcement.
Originally posted by qckbeam
As you can see the author of the fake SDK went ahead and changed some stuff here and there to make it look like the Half-Life 2 SDK. There is more but I'm not going to post it all here.

Exactly what I've been saying. It's just a big hoax by my g0t to get you guys riled up. It's all they do :dozey:

[edit] And it's really not hard to come by Havok code and 'disguise' it to look like HL2 stuff. I've got the Havok SDK on my machine I got a few months ago.
we'll see.
some stuff looks legit, other parts look kinda off.
Originally posted by qckbeam
As you can see the author of the fake SDK went ahead and changed some stuff here and there to make it look like the Half-Life 2 SDK. There is more but I'm not going to post it all here.

well, phew thats good to know... now valve will have less problems i guess, thnx for sharing that m8 :cheers:
I hope you are right.
Some ppl have to much time on their hands the questions is someone said that after compiling the code hl2.exe and tf2.exe showed.
Is there anyway someone could have got there hands on the havok SDK?

Who made hl 1? Valve
Who made hl 2? Valve

So it makes ense if some of the engine names and descriptions are the same
Originally posted by mrchimp
Is there anyway someone could have got there hands on the havok SDK?

Yes. I've had it for a few months now.
Yeah, I thought you could just get Havok 2 from their website...
In order to make a working copy of the game you would need all of the source code as well as all of the models, all of the textures, all of the maps, sounds, etc.. As far as I know those things don't come with this supposed code so even if it was real (which it's not) it would not create a working copy of Half-Life 2 nor would it create a working copy of TF2.

Edit: Stingey, it is a possibility and may explain some of the strange similarities. But that still would not explain the glquake.h file and the calls to OpenGl and such. I seriously doubt Valve just went back and copied over their grunt A.I. for their combine A.I. anyways. From what Valve has said in the past it sounds like they started from scratch with the creation of HL2. And, some of the code in the HL2 SDK is what I would call garbage code, it's written to look like real code, but when taken apart it makes no sense and doesn't belong.
Not really, I mean HL1 was openGL HL2 direct3D in an entirely different engine, so like i pointed out in another thread (that has been closed) there is no reason why there would be files like glquake.h
Haven't MOD teams had the SDK for awhile now? I would figure my g0t or some others could have got ahold of bits and chunks of the SDK to put into this package.
A) No content means no one is going to be playing ghetto versions of HL2. The content would be alot larger than the source and is probably alot harder to obtain.

B) What with the code being out, malicious people could look into how servers are run and possibly exploits for hacking HL2 servers or making cheats.

C) The source was supposedly taken off of a devs machine. Possibly through a VNC session. Possibly. Not %100.
Originally posted by mrchimp
Not really, I mean HL1 was openGL HL2 direct3D in an entirely different engine, so like i pointed out in another thread (that has been closed) there is no reason why there would be files like glquake.h

As a coder myself, I should point out that often when starting a new project based on an older codebase, you never actually get round to deleting the old files!

And I'm still sitting on the fence ...
Originally posted by mrchimp
Not really, I mean HL1 was openGL HL2 direct3D in an entirely different engine, so like i pointed out in another thread (that has been closed) there is no reason why there would be files like glquake.h

Exactly why I'm thinking this is a fake. I recall Gabe saying they totally removed everything OpenGL related..so why would there still be OGL files in the package? Doesn't add up. Not to mention the original HL files in the package. Gabe or Doug said that HL1 would not be reworked into HL2 by Valve. And how hard would it be for them to change "TF" into "TF2" and add a few classes? :rolleyes:
Damn, I know alot of C++ and the code is real, but very simple to make - I haven't seen any games with those vehicles in it so if there is alot of new and inventive material like that it's probably real. Damn.. 32 pages already! I just started reading when there was 2 and can't keep up :P

BTW, i mean ALOT, it's pretty easy to type up stuff like that.
i found a email in there messaged to Mike Harrington , maybe it was off his computer ? also there are files named notes.txt it talks about hl2 etc.
Originally posted by klopper
Exactly why I'm thinking this is a fake. I recall Gabe saying they totally removed everything OpenGL related..so why would there still be OGL files in the package? Doesn't add up. Not to mention the original HL files in the package. Gabe or Doug said that HL1 would not be reworked into HL2 by Valve. And how hard would it be for them to change "TF" into "TF2" and add a few classes? :rolleyes:

maybe its just a (very) old leak :P
You know, even if it was real code (I'm 99% sure that it's just a really elaborate hoax), I can't see any damage coming from it anyway. It's not like it's the full game, or from what I hear even the full game code. And to everyone who thinks the similarities in code are due to Valve reusing old HL1 code, does it take five years to copy and paste?
Originally posted by klopper
Exactly why I'm thinking this is a fake. I recall Gabe saying they totally removed everything OpenGL related..so why would there still be OGL files in the package? Doesn't add up. Not to mention the original HL files in the package. Gabe or Doug said that HL1 would not be reworked into HL2 by Valve. And how hard would it be for them to change "TF" into "TF2" and add a few classes? :rolleyes:

so you think the "faker" spend weeks trying to put together this archive, "faking" all the weapon, physique and lipsynch code just to forget in the end that HL2 is a DX9 only game? Dream on.

I believe this leak (whatever it really is) is legit. The reason why it contains those opengl files is because it also contains HL1 code which is based on the quake 1 engine.

But some parts of this archive are HL2 code for real. I have no doubt about it!
Hahaha I just thought of somthing.

If the code doesn't compile into a game, then I guess that means that Gabe/Doug was right, the game "simply is not finished". So it isn't Steam or localization or whatever, HL2 is delayed because it doesn't compile yet! :p
Originally posted by MrD
As a coder myself, I should point out that often when starting a new project based on an older codebase, you never actually get round to deleting the old files!

And I'm still sitting on the fence ...

I'm well aware of that but stuff like this:

// winquake.h: Win32-specific Quake header file
#ifndef WINQUAKE_H
#define WINQUAKE_H
#pragma once

#ifdef _WIN32

#include <windows.h>
#include "quakedef.h"

typedef int qboolean;


extern qboolean Win32AtLeastV4;

#endif // _WIN32
#endif // WINQUAKE_H

and the fact I have not been able too find one reference to DX, most of the copyright is out of date and the fact alot of the stuff that is in there is avaliable else where is starting to convince me it's fake and a very good one at that.
The damage is in the people who stole the source making hacks for hl2 based on being able to view the code and look for holes.
what about this ? this could to be a fake but i seriously doubt it.

// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// JAY:
DONE: Fix tools for HL2/TF2 coordinate space
DONE: Load textures from Half-Life .WADs
DONE: Write out Q2 texture format (not miptex)
DONE: Write test map viewer
DONE: Test detail brushes
DONE: view portals to test
NOT DOING:Write out HL style collision trees
DONE: new engine loader
DONE: new vis in HL2 engine - looks simple now
DONE: Do QRAD backwards? i.e. use Valve QRAD, and merge in the Q2 file formats? probably
DONE: Integrate Ken's qrad code into qrad3
DONE: add area portal visibility to HL2 engine
DONE: write area portal entities for HL2/TF2
DONE: test area portal code
Split clusters for outdoor vis
Originally posted by DaveKap
Hahaha I just thought of somthing.

If the code doesn't compile into a game, then I guess that means that Gabe/Doug was right, the game "simply is not finished". So it isn't Steam or localization or whatever, HL2 is delayed because it doesn't compile yet! :p

So, the HL2 videos are based on what working engine? 3D Max?
Just joking :)

I think I'm just gonna relax a bit and watch Office Space ago ;)
To someone with the source:

I'm reading over at the steam forums that the leaked data also includes a key-authenticator (basically, the entire steam source is in that data somewhere). There is no way in hell anyone other than VALVe would have the key-authenticator, so check on that and let us know if it really does have that or not.
Stop posting code snippets now please. Now. Please.
Originally posted by vacs
so you think the "faker" spend weeks trying to put together this archive, "faking" all the weapon, physique and lipsynch code just to forget in the end that HL2 is a DX9 only game? Dream on.

I believe this leak (whatever it really is) is legit. The reason why it contains those opengl files is because it also contains HL1 code which is based on the quake 1 engine.

But some parts of this archive are HL2 code for real. I have no doubt about it!

where is the lipsynch code???

and I mean actuall code, not just files called lipsynch wich contain some mumbo jumbo.
all i can say is, that source code came in useful for making a new avatar :-)
Originally posted by mrchimp
and the fact I have not been able too find one reference to DX, most of the copyright is out of date and the fact alot of the stuff that is in there is avaliable else where is starting to convince me it's fake and a very good one at that.

Did someone not post saying they had found the entry point by searching for Direct3dCreate9()? Not sure.

So far I've only seen a couple of the files, can't download the whole thing at work lol! Hopefully I can get a better look at home later and make my own mind up.

So far no-one has posted anything that proves it one way or the other.
Another thing, if the combine AI code that I have is real, the combine are going to act just like grunts did in the original half-Life. I mean, there is nothing written in there that is revolutionary. For example, according to Gabe this scenario could happen in half-Life 2. You are running from a combine. You come nto a dead end room, the only way out is through a window above you. You can't jump through it so you push a table over and use it to get up high enough to jump out the window. Due to the combines advanced A.I. they could hop onto the table and jump out the window after you. The combine A.I. from this supposed source code has NOTHING like that in it at all. With this supposed leaked code the combine would not be able to do the things described in that scenario (which Gabe confirmed could happen in HL2). It would operate exactly like a grunt.
Based on all the HL1 references anf the OpenGL code, this could be an ealy version of the final code. That's why some of the AI routines are the same as HL1 ... they haven't worked on that yet.

Just a thought. I hope it's fake !!!!
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