I am visiting Valve today!!!

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nice 1 merc! u lucky mofo!

good to hear the binks are coming soon.

jus got a few q's about CS:S... is there any actual dust in the map? like say when u shoot the ground or walls is there dust/dirt flying about? and are there foot prints in the sand?

when they mentioned adding vehicles into multiplayer, do you know if that included CS:S? CS with vehicles would just be bwaaad assss!!
guise said:
nice 1 merc! u lucky mofo!

good to hear the binks are coming soon.

jus got a few q's about CS:S... is there any actual dust in the map? like say when u shoot the ground or walls is there dust/dirt flying about? and are there foot prints in the sand?

when they mentioned adding vehicles into multiplayer, do you know if that included CS:S? CS with vehicles would just be bwaaad assss!!

i didnt notice any footprints but i wasnt really paying attention to small details i was just worrying about pwning some people :)

merc said:
i didnt play hl2 at all and i just saw the e3 demos on a high resolution wide screen tv... the cs:s had great textures also...


Bit vauge.....

Was there updated geometry? Were they the CS: CZ textures? DId the giant boxes become ovjects? Were barrels the only new object? Were they randomly scattered around? Did they fit in?

Sorry, I just really wana know! I'm just thinking because if the barrels don't fit into the map, and barrels are the only new object, then no one would ever hide behind a barrel, because when someone saw a bunch of them where people could be hiding because theyd just shoot shoot shoot!
im off to bed now see everyone tomorrow...

oh and before i go to bed... attackr00t was the friend who went with me! WOOT :)

merc, what high res videos were u talking about? did you see for example one where you're in city 17 and there are striders, another when you're in a toolshed and there are zombies that burn, or are these videos that you're talking about "all-new?"
yes those are the videos i saw evil milk..

You should have offered to take a few home on a CD and host them. :P
attackr00t whats your opinion on CS:Source

and what was the whole kleiner scene like?
Im just glad to know that vehicles and flying vehicles are gonna be in the game .......hmmm im interested to see how well valve will be able to implement vehicles into MP combat!
merc on steampowered.com said:
im not confirmed about going back tomorrow it is a possibility tho... i hope :)

Scapegoat said:
Bit vauge.....

Was there updated geometry?

You could see in the picture he posted that there was updated geometry, trees and windows etc
my questioning is done forever... thanks for taking the pain of all this and responding to our questionsd! :)
Well i just had a nice chat with him, he's played cs since beta 6, ive been around since beta 2 and he started disliking cs around 1.5 or so, i hated it around 1.0 and he is sure it will revive all of the old cs players and bring tons of fun back. I personally dont like cs at all anymore but im wondering as to how cs:s will be.
See, this is what happens when you tell us that you are going to visit Valve "in 4 hours", no offence dude but common, if I went there I would go to visit the facilities, to see the game industry, plus I don't think I'm the only one that thought that you were going to take tons of pictures, ask interviews to the developers, I mean you had one of the greatest writers in front of you and not even an Interview!? Valve would have given you a bigger tour and more info if you had told them that you came from HL2.net , when they know that you will tell every-one, it makes great publicity.

And also, could you give us more technical info of the game? You played it, some one asked you about technical potential of source and all you said was" I didn’t really care, all I wanted was to kill " Hummmm
What about the other questions? Not even a new thread with a full description of your time at valve, I was really hopping to see some great stuff man.

Anyway thanks for answering our questions.
well i am sorry i didnt live up to your expectations adrien c but i just cant remember everything... they knew i had come from the hl2.net forums also... one of them even commented about someone posting about wanting a lock of gabes hair... lol im just a kid and i didt go there to visit the facilities and learn how game company runs.. sorry if you guys werent pleased go visit valve yourselves then...

Adrien C said:
See, this is what happens when you tell us that you are going to visit Valve "in 4 hours", no offence dude but common, if I went there I would go to visit the facilities, to see the game industry, plus I don't think I'm the only one that thought that you were going to take tons of pictures, ask interviews to the developers, I mean you had one of the greatest writers in front of you and not even an Interview!? Valve would have given you a bigger tour and more info if you had told them that you came from HL2.net , when they know that you will tell every-one, it makes great publicity.

And also, could you give us more technical info of the game? You played it, some one asked you about technical potential of source and all you said was" I didn?t really care, all I wanted was to kill " Hummmm
What about the other questions? Not even a new thread with a full description of your time at valve, I was really hopping to see some great stuff man.

Anyway thanks for answering our questions.
I feel the same. I won't rant as I know you have no obligation to provide us new info, but I too was expecting a little more than just one bit of tangible new info (the CS:S screen). Thanks anyway I guess.
wow... merc must feel like he just went through an FBI interrogation of nuclear weapons or something... :laugh:

all in all, this was exciting and i think u did a wonderful job merc :)
just wish u had gotten some sort of info on the Collectors Edition but other than that it was very nice of u to share ur experience at Valve HQ :dork: :cool:
MaxiKana said:
Also say this, "MaxiKana of the Halflife2.Net forums asks you guys to try to release Half-Life 2 on his birthday, august the 26th" please :p No Whezzy's Augest 28th ^_^
Try to get pics of the boxes and of other cool stuff you find.
:afro: :smoking:
If you go to the Steampowered general forums theres a topic there showing some kinda AIM transcript that someguy and merc did ("interview" with valve vistor, or something like that).

The CE is mentioned, apparently he saw it mentioned on one of those infamous whiteboards with something else mentioning "finish by Monday"...umm..ok..ill just shut up now before one of those fun, yet overanalytical threads start up again :O

Edit: Heres the quote in question:

CSmerci: there were 2 screenshtos of a wihte board with some random writing on it
CSmerci: but it wasnt important
crunchychips89: oh cmon
crunchychips89: let me see
CSmerci: i already deleted them
CSmerci: they werent anything really
CSmerci: one said to do collectors edition
CSmerci: finish by monday
CSmerci: dont know hwat that means tho
merc did a good job!
Each of us would approach the situation differently, obviously some of us would want to know about the engine, others the game play. Personally I would of asked about the Collectors and the other purchasing options.
Its unfair to assume that one person could hope to please everyone in finding out what each of you wanted to know. Even if you were in mercs shoes you may have found it impossible to ask the questions anyway, either cause of awe or the right time didn't come up etc etc.
merc went during a work day so its not likely that everyone in the office crowded around to answer questions and what not. merc was probably slipped into the normal regime, sure he got to play some CS, but probably not much more.
Even if he had asked more questions, is it likely that Valve would give more away? Probably not at this stage...If I remember correctly they were still finalising things like box design for the Collectors editon a few days ago (as posted by a friendly valve employee here a few days ago (Greg?)), so its more then likely that merc would of been told nothing new anyway.
merc had his fun, and so will we in a little over a month...
Why point out things that he 'could' have asked, there is no point, instead look forward to more surprises in the future :)
Uhrg vehicals in CS and DOD is such a bad idea. The thing that sets those games apart is tight city orientated infantry combat. Vehicals will force mappers to make maps with huge streets to enable them to manourve, particularly when they will be reacting physically with the buildings. Then it will just be Day Of Battlefield 1942 with ragdoll.

Vehicals will just make CS desert combat, and DOD Battlefield 42.
That's a very silly comment urseus.

Not every map will suddenly have vehicles. No doubt they'll still include maps that are solely infantry based, tight quarters. And other maps will be huge which have vehicles. As long as they mix it up it will be fine. To outright say it'll turn into BF or DC is one of the most ignorant and short sighted comments i've ever read.

No, i'm not finished. I'm going to whinge more.

That statement is so insanely stupid i'm taken aback. You could also apply that strange logic to every other game on planet earth.
"Ohhh pff they're adding vehicles to Stalker, it's just going to be BF1942"
"They're adding vehicles to the sims 2, it's just going to be BF1942"
"Oh crap they're adding vehicles to Quake 4, it's just going to BF1942"

No, adding vehicles to DoD and CS WILL NOT turn them into BF1942 or DC.

urseus said:
Uhrg vehicals in CS and DOD is such a bad idea. The thing that sets those games apart is tight city orientated infantry combat. Vehicals will force mappers to make maps with huge streets to enable them to manourve, particularly when they will be reacting physically with the buildings. Then it will just be Day Of Battlefield 1942 with ragdoll.

Vehicals will just make CS desert combat, and DOD Battlefield 42.

I don't see tank free for alls occuring anytime soon..
Imagine however a D-Day landing, instead of just spawning in the water, someone would drive your forces on the beach, APC style, from a ship on the ocean. Or parachuting into the city scape.
I think that vehicles would assist these games greatly if they were used in such manners, to enhance the fun of playing but not distracting from the original game play once your into it.
It's already been stated that there won't be vehicles in CS:Source.
Mr-Fusion said:
That's a very silly comment urseus.

Not every map will suddenly have vehicles. No doubt they'll still include maps that are solely infantry based, tight quarters. And other maps will be huge which have vehicles. As long as they mix it up it will be fine. To outright say it'll turn into BF or DC is one of the most ignorant and short sighted comments i've ever read.

No, i'm not finished. I'm going to whinge more.

That statement is so insanely stupid i'm taken aback. You could also apply that strange logic to every other game on planet earth.
"Ohhh pff they're adding vehicles to Stalker, it's just going to be BF1942"
"They're adding vehicles to the sims 2, it's just going to be BF1942"
"Oh crap they're adding vehicles to Quake 4, it's just going to BF1942"

No, adding vehicles to DoD and CS WILL NOT turn them into BF1942 or DC.


Hey you should get heaps angry about it clownshoes....

Ok why will it be different to Bocage(open vehical) and Berlin(infantry based city map)?

Other than better graphics and ragdoll?
urseus said:
Hey you should get heaps angry about it clownshoes....

Ok why will it be different to Bocage(open vehical) and Berlin(infantry based city map)?

Other than better graphics and ragdoll?
Because Bf1942 is arcade rubbish and the game engine/netcode is dog poodle. The gameplay mechanics and weapon balance is bizarre/stupid imo!

I love DoD's infantry gameplay.
I despise BF1942's infantry gameplay.

DoD has an authentic, hardcore and awesome overall feel to the infantry mechanics.
BF1942 feels crappy and is full of cruddlerness

(The words i've used cannot be found in most English dictionaries)
Mr. Fusion have you played BF1942 with the latest Patches, you seem to have a biased opinion.
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
Mr. Fusion have you played BF1942 with the latest Patches, you seem to have a biased opinion.
It's not a biased opinion, it's just an opinion.

Yes i've played BF1942 with the latest patches and i still cannot enjoy the infatry side of things. To me BF1942 is like a whole bunch of very mediocre games thrown into one. Each individual genre integrated would be woeful on it's own.
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