I am visiting Valve today!!!

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Mr-Fusion said:
Because Bf1942 is arcade rubbish and the game engine/netcode is dog poodle. The gameplay mechanics and weapon balance is bizarre/stupid imo!

I love DoD's infantry gameplay.
I despise BF1942's infantry gameplay.

DoD has an authentic, hardcore and awesome overall feel to the infantry mechanics.
BF1942 feels crappy and is full of cruddlerness

(The words i've used cannot be found in most English dictionaries)

Mate that proves nothing to your argument other than your views on the 2 games. The fact is that there will be no difference. Play a game like Forgotten Hope, a bf1942 mod. It has more realism that dod has. I am a dod player of 5 years.

Youve also failed to point out what the difference would be between a dod source open tank warefare map and bocage would be. Im not talking about the netcode, as it always varys from person to person, connection to connection. Perhaps youve failed to take into consideration the scope of BF maps with 64 players compared to dods 32 on a quake one engine.

In fact all your doing is reenforcing the point i was making, that the game should remain infantry combat only, because vehicals change a game orientation entirly. It changes mp aspect considerably, because you have people fighting over tanks and planes, and generally not helping the team, only themselves to planes and tanks.

I love dod, and battlefield. For different reasons. Dod infantry pwns the ass off battlefields, simply because all the effort is put into infantry balance. Start throwing vehicals in, and it makes it a whole new game.
Ok well that's your opinion, I think playing bf1942 is very enjoyable (especially pacific threater) and it is stable fun game (too lazy to counter your points) and franky I dont care too. :P
urseus said:
I love dod, and battlefield. For different reasons. Dod infantry pwns the ass off battlefields, simply because all the effort is put into infantry balance. Start throwing vehicals in, and it makes it a whole new game.
Right, exactly. DICE obviously didn't have enough time or money to put as much work as they would have liked into each part of the game (or perhaps they were targeting the arcade feel from the start). The DoD team only had to focus on infantry which i think they've pretty much perfected. What i'm saying is there will hopefully be maps solely devoted to infantry combat, no vehicles in sight. This will maintain the original feel and gameplay 100%. There will be other maps devoted to vehicular combat only, other maps that mix the two.

It's not a case of throwing a flyable P-51 mustang into the plaza in Anzio and hoping for the best.

I strongly believe someone will integrate awesome infantry combat and awesome use of vehicles into a game. The DoD team have the perfect opportunity to do it which is why i REALLY WANT THEM TO DO IT!
Thats just it its not a question of having the time to properly integrate vehicals. Vehicals in games are something most players instantly gravitate to. Why move up to take that flag on foot against 5 germans with rifles when you can hop in this tank and blast them to pieces.

In battlefield you get plane campers. If you add 2 tanks to Caen at the start, you will get alot of people hanging around the spawn waiting for them to spawn. Or youll get people killing other people to get the tank. You have none of this in regular day of defeat, simply because there is nothing to envy your neighbour. If you like his gun, then spawn as that class. Easy. The game flows constantly, and people are always on the move. Thats whats fun about it.
urseus said:
Uhrg vehicals in CS and DOD is such a bad idea. The thing that sets those games apart is tight city orientated infantry combat. Vehicals will force mappers to make maps with huge streets to enable them to manourve, particularly when they will be reacting physically with the buildings. Then it will just be Day Of Battlefield 1942 with ragdoll.

Vehicals will just make CS desert combat, and DOD Battlefield 42.

Im gonna have to disagree with yeah on that one, I think it would be possible to keep DoD tight fast infantry combat and add vehicles.
Woo its an all out war. [urseus VS. Mr_Fusion] What they don't know is that we've filled their pants with spiders, exciting television only on halflife2.net.
Either way, spiders in pants is an enlightening experience. If enjoying watching big black hairy legs walking all over my wang is wrong, i don't want to be right.
merc said:
none of them seemed tired or anything, but im not sure if they were... either way they were all happy and kind... the map they were working on was something with dr kleiner and then they showed me something that is part of the game that im not sure i can share... sorry guys! i got to watch all the hl2 e3 videos on a widescreen tv in high resolution and it was awesome...


After all this time they're still not farther than level one.. :p
Thanks for the info Merc. Hope you had a good time! Certainly something to tell the granchildren when they're playing Counter-Strike 5: The Search For More Money.

I think that August is Valve's way of making sure the game in done by the sounds of it. No rushing or panicking. From what Merc said, the guys are just stepping down a gear in time for the gold release.
may be they weren't working as diligently not b/c of the gold release date but to be good tour guides to merc and his friend
about the DOD source and CS source with vehicles (thus apparently turning them into shitty games, I disagree)

You guys are thinking too inside the box.
For DOD, think of a map that's more like Saving Private Ryan, when those (2?) tanks are rolling down the street, surrounded by friendly soldiers. The allies had to destroy the tanks.
I think it'd be awesome to put a few tanks in some of the street maps of DOD. You know alll those buried tanks? I think in DOD source you'll be the one to PUT them there...

As for CS, I agree vehicles will be hard to do...
I think maybe a helicopter to drop the CTs in would be a good idea, and provide air support
Oh yea, Thanks for the info Merc! Were you nervous at all when you first arrived?
merc said:
none of them seemed tired or anything, but im not sure if they were... either way they were all happy and kind... the map they were working on was something with dr kleiner and then they showed me something that is part of the game that im not sure i can share... sorry guys! i got to watch all the hl2 e3 videos on a widescreen tv in high resolution and it was awesome...


he didn't get to play the game (HL2) dude. Just CS:Source
merc said:
hl2 graphics was better than screenshots especially since i saw it on a high resolution wide screen tv.. it was awesome, the game is just going to be plain awesome and is going to amaze everyone

Good, that's what I was going for, if it's better then teh screens, then I'll worship Valve. *worships*
yeah well done, you must have had a great day... actually how long was he there for?
Good job, man! Thanks for every thing. Now, tell us about the white board....
Thanks for the screenshot, and im sure you arent a reporter but that was some crappy reporting. but then again you're just a kids cant fault you for that. but rest assuredly if i went to valve i woulda come back with more than just a screenshot and a buncha vaguaries.
acme420 said:
Thanks for the screenshot, and im sure you arent a reporter but that was some crappy reporting. but then again you're just a kids cant fault you for that. but rest assuredly if i went to valve i woulda come back with more than just a screenshot and a buncha vaguaries.

Oh please.

If Valve says 'no comment' to a fairly respectable gaming magazine, like they have done on certain issues (TF2, MP, vehicles, etc), then how in the world will a single fan be able to extricate such information? Physical threats? lol

Just lay off of the kid already. I am sure if anyone else went, they would be peeing in their pants just to play CS:Source....and be thinking, "screw the pics."

I am sure he had fun and had a good trip.....wish I could go sometime, but I cannot afford a plane ticket across the country...oh well.
TheWart said:
If Valve says 'no comment' to a fairly respectable gaming magazine, like they have done on certain issues (TF2, MP, vehicles, etc), then how in the world will a single fan be able to extricate such information? Physical threats? lol

you mean like those kids from sweden who got all those pictures and videos a few months ago that havent been in any magazines or websites before or since?

im not laying on the kid in the first place im just saying i would have been more observant.
thanks bro,
your a living legend,

it must of been a dream come true, cuz it would be for me :farmer:
thanks for the info merc!!! atleast we know there almost finished with the game now.. :) :bounce:
I might as well come in here and say thanks to merc just like everyone else.

Merc you are awsome and I am completely jealous. Thanks for the info! :thumbs: :D
Arc. KiLL said:
thanks bro,
your a living legend,

it must of been a dream come true, cuz it would be for me :farmer:

i would expect that they will be the same but that is just my guess, maybe so, maybe not...

anyway thanks merc, this is one crazy long thread!
Hey Merc, it's really great you are sharing this expierence with us... Do you have any other screenshots of CS Source? If so, please post them all :)

Thank you
he's posted all 10 of the pics he took.

[edit] sigh...
acme420 said:
you mean like those kids from sweden who got all those pictures and videos a few months ago that havent been in any magazines or websites before or since?

im not laying on the kid in the first place im just saying i would have been more observant.

I would have done the same thing if I was merc...keeping us lot happy would be a secondary consideration!

He wanted to bask in the experience and he did just that- and had the good grace to post his thoughts and share his pictures with us all! Must have been an awesome experience!

Cheers merc.... :E
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