LOST: Destiny Found

Wait, you didn't enjoy the beginning and middle of Lost but you were hoping that the ending would make you suddenly like the show in retrospect?. Yeah, you sound like you're worth listening to.


The first few episodes of season one are great.
it took 6 years for lost fans to realize that lost is contrived bullshit.

Well who cares about what other people thought of the finale?

Why don't we talk about this instead?
Its painfully clear, the people who didn't like the ending didn't understand the show....while those who did left with a smile on their face. Kinda like an inside joke, but for millions of people
Yeah pretty much.

Actually, I'd like to shift this conversation from that whole thing to something actually relevant to the show. I was thinking about Charlie's "Greatest Hits" - the 5 best moments of his life, and I'd like to do kind of a Greatest Hits of LOST. So, yeah, post your top 5-10 favourite episodes, and why you love them.

In order of airing.

Season 1
Walkabout. The very first John Locke Centric episode sets up this really tragic man. Working his worthless job contrasted to how knowledgeable he seems on the island. We see some early fighting over food, and people trying to learn to survive. Rose won't give up the belief that her husband is still alive somewhere. At the end we get a big shock when we see Locke in the wheelchair. DON'T TELL ME WHAT I CAN'T DO.

Season 2
Man of Science, Man of Faith. In the Season 2 premiere, we see what's inside the hatch, an episode that changed the entire show me. Jack and Locke start having large disagreements. We get a really solid Jack flashback, in which he fixes Sarah. A miracle that he doesn't necessarily believe. We also meet Desmond.

Season 3
The Cost of Living - "I did not ask for the life I was given, but it was given nonetheless. And with it, I did my best." Between Juliet wanting Jack to kill Ben on the operating table, and finding out more about Eko's past, and thoughts on sin and redemption, and Eko's eventual death, it's hard not to love this episode. And omg the foreshadowing of Eko telling Locke and Sayid that they are next.

Through the Looking Glass. The first episode to use the Flash-Forward and the finale for Season 3. Locke almost kills himself after being shot by Ben. Jack beats Ben up. And Charlie dies warning them that the boat that's coming isn't Penny's. Alex meets her mother. Locke nearly shoots Jack. In the Flashforward, we see a bearded Jack trying to kill himself and standing alone over a coffin. WE HAVE TO GO BACK, KATE.

Season 4
The Constant - Love and consciousness being unstuck in time. What more does one need.

The Shape of Things to Come - One of my favourite episodes, this one marks the beginning of Ben's transformation, the catalyst for which is the death of his daughter.

Season 5
316 - Locke's suicide note and Jack's reaction to it alone makes me tear up.

The Variable. In the Daniel Faraday flashback, we see his relationship with his mother, and learn that he fried his brain with science. Widmore recruits Daniel to go back to the Island, and in the present time, which is really the past, Daniel wants to change the timeline. And then he dies. This episode always makes me cry.
Its painfully clear, the people who didn't like the ending didn't understand the show....while those who did left with a smile on their face. Kinda like an inside joke, but for millions of people

Bullshit. Plain and simple. You can't just dismiss the feelings of people who didn't like the way the series concluded by simply declaring they didn't understand the show. It doesn't make what you say right. I understood much of the series just fine, I just found the way they concluded the ending of it and all the unanswered questions to be ridiculous.

It's obvious the show wasn't going to answer all of the questions, and many would be left behind... but to have nearly all of them, particularly the most important ones unanswered is a slap in the face. The show can answer questions and still entirely be about the characters. Because the characters have to react to those revelations, since they too are left in the dark.

There's a fine line between immersing the audience into the experience of the characters such that you experience what they do and their unknowns are also a mystery to you as well, as you yearn to understand what the Island is about, what everything means... like John Locke for instance. However, they were on the wrong side of that line in my opinion, and it was painful to learn, because I'm still wondering what went on and I will never... ever know. All I'm left with is theories and speculations, which honestly mean considerably less now than they did before since so much of the depth of the mystery was degraded in this last season.

I mean... the sheer fact that the two big baddies in the entire series, the smoke monster and Widmore, dying in completely mundane ways was terrible. Although admittedly the Widmore one makes more sense and is more satisfying by like a million times above the man in blacks death.
Bullshit. Plain and simple. You can't just dismiss the feelings of people who didn't like the way the series concluded by simply declaring they didn't understand the show. It doesn't make what you say right. I understood much of the series just fine, I just found the way they concluded the ending of it and all the unanswered questions to be ridiculous.

It's obvious the show wasn't going to answer all of the questions, and many would be left behind... but to have nearly all of them, particularly the most important ones unanswered is a slap in the face. The show can answer questions and still entirely be about the characters. Because the characters have to react to those revelations, since they too are left in the dark.

There's a fine line between immersing the audience into the experience of the characters such that you experience what they do and their unknowns are also a mystery to you as well, as you yearn to understand what the Island is about, what everything means... like John Locke for instance. However, they were on the wrong side of that line in my opinion, and it was painful to learn, because I'm still wondering what went on and I will never... ever know. All I'm left with is theories and speculations, which honestly mean considerably less now than they did before since so much of the depth of the mystery was degraded in this last season.

I mean... the sheer fact that the two big baddies in the entire series, the smoke monster and Widmore, dying in completely mundane ways was terrible. Although admittedly the Widmore one makes more sense and is more satisfying by like a million times above the man in blacks death.

have you seen the show Battle Star Galactica?? Huge Spoiler alert:
the one where they reveal Earth is not Earth all along, its a different planet and an Angel named Starbuck saves the humans from destruction.
most people were upset with that upfront result. they hated the notion but the clues were there all along, smacking you in the face like an elephants cock in the middle of mating season.

Why on Earth can't the fans of a 6 year show simply enjoy the fact that their show ended with the characters having the biggest smile on their faces. Why can't they understand the show was all about the mystery, all about the suspense, all about being LOST. Life is the same way, we'll never know all the answers, we'll never get things to go our way. This isn't a god damned kids show, grow up and accept the fact that this is how it ended, and it was an awesome show from beginning to end. nobody watches 6 seasons of show unless they liked it for their own reasons. Hell, go back from seasons 1-6 on bluray and watch them all over again. you'll probably still like the show. you're still talking about it, and obviously your still interested in the show.

And as much of a mind **** the show really was, who is to say they won't wrap it up with a movie, like in Babylon 5 where they answer a few more questions. overall though, i can guarantee you that those seasons were well worth it. i know that, you know that, otherwise you would have quit after season 1
have you seen the show Battle Star Galactica?? Huge Spoiler alert:
the one where they reveal Earth is not Earth all along, its a different planet and an Angel named Starbuck saves the humans from destruction.
most people were upset with that upfront result. they hated the notion but the clues were there all along, smacking you in the face like an elephants cock in the middle of mating season.

Why on Earth can't the fans of a 6 year show simply enjoy the fact that their show ended with the characters having the biggest smile on their faces. Why can't they understand the show was all about the mystery, all about the suspense, all about being LOST. Life is the same way, we'll never know all the answers, we'll never get things to go our way. This isn't a god damned kids show, grow up and accept the fact that this is how it ended, and it was an awesome show from beginning to end. nobody watches 6 seasons of show unless they liked it for their own reasons. Hell, go back from seasons 1-6 on bluray and watch them all over again. you'll probably still like the show. you're still talking about it, and obviously your still interested in the show.

And as much of a mind **** the show really was, who is to say they won't wrap it up with a movie, like in Babylon 5 where they answer a few more questions. overall though, i can guarantee you that those seasons were well worth it. i know that, you know that, otherwise you would have quit after season 1

The BSG ending was absolutely terrible as well.

You're talking about a happy "biggest smile on their faces" ending and throwing out an insult that we think it's a kids show? What the **** Warped. The ending I had envisioned was a lot more damned dramatic and full of closure than that. I never expected Lost to have a "Happy" ending.

Of course I ****ing liked the show. That's why I've been watching it. The show let me down though. The last season doesn't erase how I feel about the previous seasons, even though it does heavily erode some of the cool aspects of things we've experienced in the past.

You can't just ****ing go insulting people like me who were disappointed in how the ending played out. I don't see myself insulting you or the others such as Adrik.

Anyway. I'm done with this thread. I see the futility in arguing about what already happened and what can never ever change.

EDIT: http://www.thedailybeast.com/blogs-and-stories/2010-05-24/the-divisive-lost-series-finale/
The real ending of Lost.

So if I wanted to watch this show for the first time, is it important to start at Season 1, or are the seasons discontinuous?
So if I wanted to watch this show for the first time, is it important to start at Season 1, or are the seasons discontinuous?

It's absolutely important to start at the very beginning. And also, don't watch the season 5 finale or any of season 6!
I thought it was a great ending, but that's just me.

You get the drama of people dying, yet the nice happiness of them all being together at the end.
I don't know why you'd watch the entire show but stop just before the S% finale. In many ways that's an end for the show in itself, it'd just be a fairly open ended one, and not watching it would just leave you short of any sense of closure at all.

I love The Variable to no end, but that's probably just because I have the hugest man crush on Faraday. I watched Live Together, Die Alone a couple days before the finale, and it's certainly amazing. My problem is that Seasons 1-3 are kind of a disorganized blur because they were so long ago and I didn't become obsessively engrossed in the show until Season 4.
LOL, that's cute. The representation of Ben is brilliant.

Also... people saying the MiB is evil. He doesn't seem evil to me. Nothing about him once we were revealed about who and what he is, seems evil. And even if he was evil, it's just because he's a bad person, not some great evil being ready to spread his evil out across the world.

He's just some kid, later an adult, later a smoke monster who wanted to get off the Island. The consequences of what would happen if he did are entirely the fault of the Island, not him. He just wanted to leave, having never seen anything else. It wasn't his fault he was turned into the smoke monster. It is his fault though and it is wicked that he has taken it upon himself to kill all of those people in his quest to leave the Island. No grand ancient evil or anything though... unfortunately.
LOL, that's cute. The representation of Ben is brilliant.

Also... people saying the MiB is evil. He doesn't seem evil to me. Nothing about him once we were revealed about who and what he is, seems evil. And even if he was evil, it's just because he's a bad person, not some great evil being ready to spread his evil out across the world.

He's just some kid, later an adult, later a smoke monster who wanted to get off the Island. The consequences of what would happen if he did are entirely the fault of the Island, not him. He just wanted to leave, having never seen anything else. It wasn't his fault he was turned into the smoke monster. It is his fault though and it is wicked that he has taken it upon himself to kill all of those people in his quest to leave the Island. No grand ancient evil or anything though... unfortunately.

really it just goes to show how long it takes people to let go of a grudge. for some people....hundreds of years, for others....less than one year. really sad but true
bwahahaha what Locke says is total bullshit, i cant believe they let that insane statistical error stay:


Over 73,000,000 people died in WW2 (soldiers and civilians). To say that more people die ANNUALY by cancer in America alone, than World War 2 AND World War 1 combined? LOL Sorry i just cant take the add seriously after hearing Locke, how could this slip their minds?
LOL, that's cute. The representation of Ben is brilliant.

Also... people saying the MiB is evil. He doesn't seem evil to me. Nothing about him once we were revealed about who and what he is, seems evil. And even if he was evil, it's just because he's a bad person, not some great evil being ready to spread his evil out across the world.

He's just some kid, later an adult, later a smoke monster who wanted to get off the Island. The consequences of what would happen if he did are entirely the fault of the Island, not him. He just wanted to leave, having never seen anything else. It wasn't his fault he was turned into the smoke monster. It is his fault though and it is wicked that he has taken it upon himself to kill all of those people in his quest to leave the Island. No grand ancient evil or anything though... unfortunately.
Killing countless people for a couple of thousand years is pretty high up on the evil scale. Also, I'm sure his smoke monster form was considerably more evil than his human form, so it's entirely possible some ancient evil did have a part to play.

Season 1, Episode 10. There is a psychic looking into Claire. Once he discovers shes pregnant and does a bit more soul searching, he lets go of her hands in fright and says "im sorry i cant help you", and rushes her off. Something definitly scared him when he looked into her and Aron. He later said he saw something "blury" and that blury things are "bad". Did we get an answer to this?
Obvious you don't understand the show.
What matters in that scene, is Clairs character, and her reaction to what he told her, and not about it making any lick of sense. And How often does a psychics prediction come true? You see, Lost is alot like real life. Has anyone ever come up to you and given you all the answers to everything ever? I think not.
That psychic was confirmed in a later episode to be a fraud. That event contributed to Claire's anxiety over raising Aaron, which was a major aspect of her character for quite some time.
Obvious you don't understand the show.
What matters in that scene, is Clairs character, and her reaction to what he told her, and not about it making any lick of sense. And How often does a psychics prediction come true? You see, Lost is alot like real life. Has anyone ever come up to you and given you all the answers to everything ever? I think not.


I want two ****ing dimensions god dammit!

Though I honestly cared not at all for the psychic. I'm talking about all the other big forever mysteries.

I want two ****ing dimensions god dammit!

Though I honestly cared not at all for the psychic. I'm talking about all the other big forever mysteries.

I hope you realise he's being sarcastic.
What was the deal with the island and birth and miscarriages? Also, did we figure out the reason for the statue?
I hope you realise he's being sarcastic.

I didn't read the rest of his post, honestly. The first line and the first two words of the second before I raged.

What was the deal with the island and birth and miscarriages? Also, did we figure out the reason for the statue?

We'll never know... and... no. All that stuff was in there so we could enjoy the "character development" of Sayid asking why it only has four toes... and whatever other quips were made about it.

When I first saw the statue foot and the four toes, I was intrigued as shit... and when they said things would be answered about it... I was excited. But to realize nothing was told about it, and we simply discovered it was a place for Jacob to call home... I am pissed!
Its painfully clear, the people who didn't like the ending didn't understand the show....while those who did left with a smile on their face. Kinda like an inside joke, but for millions of people

No, what's clear is that you are so in love with this show that ANY criticism directed at it immediately conjures up feelings of anger. Most of us understand the show. Grow up and stop insulting people who disagree with you. It's funny that you think you are part of some collection of people who truly grasp all the aspects of LOST and the rest of us are lost sheep who's complaints are inadmissible due to our lack of understanding. I'd venture to say I know more about LOST than you based on the number of times I've seen it, but wait...I didn't love the ending...I must be wrong!

The Statue, like the Temple, I think simply served to show that the Island had been around for a long time, and that many many people lived there before our survivors. When Jack went into the chamber with the Light, we even saw what I thought was a pretty alarming number of skeletons there too. Hell, the Smoke monster seemed to be stored inside the temple under hieroglyphics depicting it with Anubis. Explain that one to me.

As for the pregnancy bit, I do believe it was explained as two possibilities. Either
A: Radiation from the nuclear bomb


B: The Island's "healing powers" sent their immune systems into overdrive and their own bodies killed the fetuses.

Claire and Rousseau were both pregnant before arriving at the island, and either explanation has both some merit and some faith. It's worth noting that the Island also cured Jin's sterility.
No, what's clear is that you are so in love with this show that ANY criticism directed at it immediately conjures up feelings of anger. Most of us understand the show. Grow up and stop insulting people who disagree with you. It's funny that you think you are part of some collection of people who truly grasp all the aspects of LOST and the rest of us are lost sheep who's complaints are inadmissible due to our lack of understanding. I'd venture to say I know more about LOST than you based on the number of times I've seen it, but wait...I didn't love the ending...I must be wrong!


I'm not a giant fan boy. To me your more of a fanboy. During seasons 3 and 4 and nearly stopped watching. Then I got hooked again. But I still understood the show as a whole that they're going to tell us everything. That was pretty evident after each season ended. We ended up with more questions than answers and they kept piling up. But after season 5 when I heard 6 was going to be the last one I realized they won't tell us everything. I am fine with that. In life we have more questions than answers and no I'm not insulting you for knowing more than I about the show. But when you dissect any show to a billion times over you'll end up hating it more than loving it. Stop asking questions you're only going to dislike the show even more.

Any fan boy can do that, and eventually you'll probably end up hating the show even more. Just accept the fact that thats how the show was playing the entire 6 seasons and there was no change in pace.
I'm not a giant fan boy. To me your more of a fanboy. During seasons 3 and 4 and nearly stopped watching. Then I got hooked again. But I still understood the show as a whole that they're going to tell us everything. That was pretty evident after each season ended. We ended up with more questions than answers and they kept piling up. But after season 5 when I heard 6 was going to be the last one I realized they won't tell us everything. I am fine with that. In life we have more questions than answers and no I'm not insulting you for knowing more than I about the show. But when you dissect any show to a billion times over you'll end up hating it more than loving it. Stop asking questions you're only going to dislike the show even more.

Any fan boy can do that, and eventually you'll probably end up hating the show even more. Just accept the fact that thats how the show was playing the entire 6 seasons and there was no change in pace.

I don't understand your logic. We should stop questioning the quality and satisfaction as well as many of the plot points of what was presented to us... so that we may shed ourselves of destructive fanboyism?
