Mind-Blowing Portal Video on GameSpot

The vid reminds me a little of Monkey Ball, in that the game is divided into different stages that have to be cleared to progress to the next.

Do you guys reckon the format will stay like this, or whether it'll be incoporated into a single player gamemore similar to HL2.

These kind of portals can't be included in a 'serious' shooter. You couldn't control the player's movement when he can teleport himself anywhere without severely limiting him, which would only hurt the game. Prey's portals are static and the levels are designed for it.

If you'd include the gun in Episode 2, you'd ruin the game with it because the levels would have to be designed to restrict the player from 'cheating' himself through all levels.
These kind of portals can't be included in a 'serious' shooter. You couldn't control the player's movement when he can teleport himself anywhere without severely limiting him, which would only hurt the game. Prey's portals are static and the levels are designed for it.

If you'd include the gun in Episode 2, you'd ruin the game with it because the levels would have to be designed to restrict the player from 'cheating' himself through all levels.
Very true. Unless you make it so that the player only can use it indoors.
D: After playing prey I actually wondered if being able to place your own would be fun. Thats pretty crazy :D.
That'd be some cool multiplayer. Include falling objects in a room filled with multiple players.
A game like this in MP could only be a lot of fun if you limited the weapons to objects in the room or stuff like granades. No guns.
or you can trap a player in an infinite portal :p
that would be awesome
Very true. Unless you make it so that the player only can use it indoors.

I was thinking more along those lines. You find yourself in, I dunno, a massive complex and the goal of the game is simply to escape.

Either way i'm looking forward to Portal - it looks like great fun and a nice change from the norm.
Its nice to see a developer actually attempting to try something new and different. It just looks like a whole world of fun. Its just a whole castle of awesome!
I love the gameplay style. It's like Lode Runner or N except with crazy portals! I hope someone makes a multiplayer version mod, it would be insanely fun to run around and only have portals and physics objects as weapons...of course as people said you could trap people in infinite portals, and there'd be no way for them to exit, unless there's a way to destroy other player's portals.
...of course as people said you could trap people in infinite portals, and there'd be no way for them to exit, unless there's a way to destroy other player's portals.

Well first off it'd be hard to get stuck in an endless portal fall against your will. You have to fall STRAIGHT down perfectly through the portals.

Besides, in Source games you can kind of control your fall. You could fall out of the portal loop by making your own portals anyways.
unless there's a way to destroy other player's portals.
Heres a mind bending question if it had MP. You can shoot portals through other portals...if a portal was casted in an infinite loop portal.... what the hell would happen if someone went into the infinite loop portal?
Heres a mind bending question if it had MP. You can shoot portals through other portals...if a portal was casted in an infinite loop portal.... what the hell would happen if someone went into the infinite loop portal?

Whatever this means :p

I can't wit until someone mods this into HL2: Deathmatch

Imagine shooting munitions through the portal, akin to rocket teleporting in Duke Nukem 3D
I'm in tears! That was an amazing trailer, and funny as hell too!

:D :E :O Woooooooooo I wannit!
Whatever this means
Think of it like this:
You have a portal on the floor. Directly above on the ceiling you have another portal. This means once you step on the portal on the floor you will come out the top, hit the portal on the floor and come out on the top..this simply will never end.
Now since you can shoot a portal through an existing portal.... What if another player came up, shot a portal in the portal on the floor....what would happen?
Erm.. Just because it seems like no-one knows this, you can download a high-res version off steam. It's full screen, I think it's a bink video, I don't exactly know. Fast download though, and looks like awesome action.
Erm.. Just because it seems like no-one knows this, you can download a high-res version off steam. It's full screen, I think it's a bink video, I don't exactly know. Fast download though, and looks like awesome action.

Open up Steam, go to Store, click on Media(way left), click on portal trailer.
Open up Steam, go to Store, click on Media(way left), click on portal trailer.

Ah, that doesn't work for me. Text doesn't show up in Steam. Has something to do with the settings and my default browser. Long story ...
Valve ips make me VERY excited :) I hate to say it, but as incredible as the Half-Life universe is i'm ready for something competely new from Valve.
this is going to be soo freaking awesome, i won't be able to stop playing it.

i hope sort of 'pro competition' takes off, i know i'll be awesome @ this. ;)
I can't wait to play this on multiplayer hehe :D
That was kinda sick, wish it was MP though, would have been even sicker but for sure messy with all the lagg and shit :D
Because it can only work well in SP mode and only in a puzzel game form.
Same goes for putting the gun in future HL2 episodes. It won't and cant work.

I hope Portal will come with a large ammount of "stages".
"So in case you don't make it through the testing...good bye!"
/dies laughing.
Because it can only work well in SP mode and only in a puzzel game form.
Same goes for putting the gun in future HL2 episodes. It won't and cant work.

I hope Portal will come with a large ammount of "stages".
like hell it can't work, and there better freaking be mp or i'm going to.. do something, you watch ! @_@
Heres a mind bending question if it had MP. You can shoot portals through other portals...if a portal was casted in an infinite loop portal.... what the hell would happen if someone went into the infinite loop portal?

It would interupt the infinite loop portal and exit you out through the other persons portal? :O

Oh and btw.. It's valve for god sakes of course it'll have MP :p. Remember the hooplah about HL2 : DM not being possible?
It wouldn't be impossible to introduce the Portal gun into the HL2 universe/storyline. Portals clearly have to be placed on a surface (though that surface might be moving), and you have to place an exit for it to work, so your never going to get situations where a player could wander out of a maps confines.

ID Fanboi said:
Looks crap. What a rip off Prey.

Does Prey feature Portal guns? No. Clearly no rip off then. If you bothered to read up a bit you'd realise where the idea comes from.