Spitcodfry's trip to valve

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HOLY COW!!! It worked?!?

Thast way cool. One day I might have to try that. I live in Redmond, so VALVe is super close.
Concept shot #6: the thing above the hydra is called a kingpin and was supposed to be in HL1 -- must have only been taken out at the last minute too as the models for it and a few other creatures (stukabats, chumtoads) were still in the main pak file. Neil Manke used them in his Darkstar mod IIRC.

Cthulhu knows how icky it's going to look in HL2 with all those DX9 shaders and high def.
Dreams really do come true :D
glad you had the cahonays (spelling?) to follow through.
How long will it take you to calm down from it do you think?
It may have been said before, but if much of the team wasn't working too awful hard, that might be almost exactly like the way things were when HL was finishing up: what needed to be done involved just a few people trying to fix some very specific issues. I certainly wouldn't put it past Steam to be one of the holdups, and its not like artists or sound designers really have much to contribute to getting that to be ready. A good half of the company is likely already pretty much done, and ready to either take a break, or move on to other projects.
Indeed Apos.. if they were in "crunch mode" they wouldn't be giving tours in the first place :P
Anyone notice how Erik Johnson looks a bit like a less scuplted version of the late John Ritter? Weirdness....
Nice dude! real nice :)

Sometimes it only takes an e-mail or a phone call to do something you've always wanted. Valve rocks!
LOL look at the views of this topic ! Over 35000 ! This was the best thread i ever see !
From the GameSpot visit to Valve when HL1 was about to be finished:

It's ironic, but true. While a few programmers such as Harrington and Bernier worked away on the final lines of code, the rest of the company didn't have much to do. The art had been rendered, the sound effects recorded, the levels designed, and the manual finalized. Physically exhausted and emotionally spent, all they could do now is wait and wait for the last elusive bug to be squashed.

how long does Vivendi need to make million of copys and send them to the distributors?

when gabe send the final version on 30 sep. to vivendi, vivendi can still say sorry community the release will be in november 2003. or?
Originally posted by jplove

how long does Vivendi need to make million of copys and send them to the distributors?

when gabe send the final version on 30 sep. to vivendi, vivendi can still say sorry community the release will be in november 2003. or?

I think Millions is definately an over estimate. While Half-Life 2 will eventually sell Millions I don't think they'll sell them all in the first week. They can just keep on pressing them to meet demand.

And Valve have a partnership with Vivendi, it's Valve who decide when the game gets released. Besides, I can think of no good reason why Vivendi would want to delay the game.
ok than i dont understand why vivendi make such a rumor about the release! look at the gameplay threat about release ...

Gabe is GOD and what he said WILL BE!

Originally posted by jplove

how long does Vivendi need to make million of copys and send them to the distributors?

when gabe send the final version on 30 sep. to vivendi, vivendi can still say sorry community the release will be in november 2003. or?


Originally posted by Feath
I think Millions is definately an over estimate. While Half-Life 2 will eventually sell Millions I don't think they'll sell them all in the first week. They can just keep on pressing them to meet demand.

For all we know Vivendi already has all the boxes and manuals printed and they are just waiting for that one 'gold' CD to get mailed from Valve. Feath is correct in saying that millions is an overstatement. Somewhere I heared that 10million copies of Half-Life1 have shipped. The game has been out for 5 years. You will also be suprised how fast CD's can be mass produced. Giant facilities are made to create thousands of CD's a day. It shouldn't be a problem if Valve goes gold in the next week.
If we don't hear "gold" by monday next week, then we can worry. I'm guessing all they need to do at this point is press, pack, and ship the boxes (which should already have been finished), and that, these days, doesn't take very long anymore.

However, that damn fragmaster still seems so SURE that it will be delayed, and not just sure, but sure that there was a reason to be certain all the way back in June.
did Gabe say they will send the final version to vivendi when its gold or? hey say that they will send it on 30. september? :dozey:
What if it will be on steam on the 30th of september but in stores at a later date? Thats another possibility
Originally posted by smilez
What if it will be on steam on the 30th of september but in stores at a later date? Thats another possibility

The steam version and retail version will be released at the same time.
I think it is the best when gabe will give me the gold cd then i can make million of copys i think i will be finished in 3 years :cheese: :cheese: :cheese:
damn rightious dude.. thanx to you for your effort, and Boost To The Faxion for the man who made games. Valve is so cool
hey gays

5 minutes ago i was on the toilet make my business. when i pissed in the pisoir i feel that HL2 will be relased on 30 sep.


>>my golden **** means the same lol


Your Damn Funny man !
Ohhh man, Spitcod you are one lucky legend. Beautiful work on the pics/posts/interview etc. Truly amazing. You have some big cojoanes~!!!
congrats on this thread passing the info from valve thread....
i remember playing Darkstar and seeing the Kingpin, i love them.

i didnt type a paper cause i was refreshing thi damn thread so much! now i have to wake up at 8, but it was worth it!

i think you mean cohones! Big EGGGGGGGGGSSS and GABE too

nice :farmer:
Big congrats to Spit - it's looking all the more hopeful for the 30th imo.

...oh and i think its spelt 'cojones'
... all i have to say is.. yay.. nothing new at all but a few pics of old HL stuff and no new info means a wasted read. Good for you that you got to meet them though, and I hope it was a great time, but all I am interested is in new info on the game that obviously is going to be delayed and its multiplayer components.
The beta test are done by vivendi, so no testing at valve :)

(Thats what i think, other companies do like this)
good work, its really nice of them to let a fan come into their offices and have a tour on such short notice as well as letting you getting some pics of their concept art :)
Originally posted by jplove
when gabe send the final version on 30 sep. to vivendi, vivendi can still say sorry community the release will be in november 2003. or?

i was refreshing this as he posted it at about 3 am gmt. its 10 now and 22 pages already! lmao
Originally posted by spitcodfry
And the final one (not pics total, mind you).

Click here for the photo!

EDIT: The one on the bottom is a concept of the Hydra, which I figured.

It also happened to say "Hydra Varient 1" on the bottom left corner of the picture. Thanks a lot for taking pictures! This is really cool!

D33: You're right to anticipate for an online stampede; I'm surprised I'm not getting any "Page Can Not Be Displayed" errors.
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