Strife Lately - II

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I'm getting huge, HUGE, unnatural enjoyment out of stomping the living **** out of corpses in Dead Space with Isaac's literal BFG9000 stomping heel of doom and dropkicking mutated fetus. The splattering of babies and Isaac's stomping and grunting actually sets off a feeling of pure euphoria in my mind.

I need help. Christ.
I'm getting huge, HUGE, unnatural enjoyment out of stomping the living **** out of corpses in Dead Space with Isaac's literal BFG9000 stomping heel of doom and dropkicking mutated fetus. The splattering of babies and Isaac's stomping and grunting actually sets off a feeling of pure euphoria in my mind.

I need help. Christ.

How did it go dammit! With the woman.
Well, I never really asked her. I figured out she just got out of a rough relationship with some dude there, and I'm not just going to take advantage of that you know? We're good friends and I think that's fine right now.
Sounds good Willie, so long as you're sure.

English Paper One went ok, Paper two is monday...
Fair enough Willie, any decision ya make's a good one :)

Also lol, how many more exams Jin?
5 now. English Paper Two, Legal Studies, Maths Advanced, English Extension One, Ancient History. In that order. I finish the day RA3 is released.
Friday was a blast. I couldn't take 10 steps without someone yelling "*gasp* A ROBOT!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Made me :3 the whole time.

I just got back from the scientology protest too. Was also pretty awesome. Incredibly tired now though.
Oh, they're still going on? Good good.
Oh, they're still going on? Good good.

Yes, but it's a lot lower than back in March. At least it's stabilized here with a core of 8-ish people.

The reaction from the public however is way better than it was months ago.
I had a pretty awesome evning. I pretty much given up getting drunk now. I feel better and don't get in trouble as often. Tonight I had 2 beers, and then i just had orange juice.

Im not saying im never drinking again, but this is the first weekend in months that I spent on the town, and this feels like something i should keep up with.

/Mature Rizzo.
I feel so fat, I've done nothing but sit around watching Skins all day
got my college parking permit stolen, then got a parking ticket because i was parked without the parking permit, then wrecked my car door on the way out.

and now i'm sharing it on!
Dude, I'll comfort you!


I just gave three friend songs in one sitting! I'm gonna work up a sweat!
Going to sleep. When I wake up, I'm heading to school to take my English Paper 2 exam.

Wish me luck guys.
I can't spare any of mine. I need it for a job and staying clear from 5-0.
I have a 20A breaker in my house that runs some outlets as well as a ceiling fan. The ceiling fan and at least one of the outlets are connected to a light switch. One day, the switch stopped working (constant power to the fan, regardless of switch state). My first thought was to get a new switch (thinking that the old one had failed and was permanently 'closed'. Replacing it didn't work. If I wire the fan directly to the incoming power, the switch works fine, which infers to me that there's voltage coming from the outlets somewhere (as the outlets in the room with the fan are connected in parallel). I've got some Clear Sky that needs my immediate attention and I don't feel like doing this, although writing this has cleared some things up for me (namely: figure out in what order the outlets/lights are on the circuit).
Your thread! Pff. Your thread was merely another version of misc. Just as this is.

We should be gawking at how Sulkdodd's idea has survived so long, even though his idea wasn't even the same as what we end up using misc for. His idea was a thread for posting about topics that weren't worth making a thread over, but instead we used it to post anything and everything about our lives and to spam like maniacs.

So even if you did want to claim credit for the lifespan of this thread, you're really just thriving off of the bastardization of Sulkdodd's idea. How does that make you feel?
Veggie! No need to shut down the bloke that hard ya bugga! D:


Taking a girl to dinner this wed. BACK IN THE SADDLE AGAIN!!!

Now just Legal, Maths, English Extension, and Ancient left.
I should be writing two essays right now but im not.

Right now im in the process of making a thread. It will be a funny thread.
I have an Ethics midterm tomorrow, an 8-page paper about dying well due next Monday and a review of the 2008 election year also due Monday.

Going to be a fun week. :bonce:
I've had another rough week, and another one coming up...but the Tampa Bay Rays came through and ****ed the Red Sox!!! **** Yeeeeaaaahh!!!

Also, Biology, philosophy tests this week, and psychology next week, and 4 projects to work on. Yeeeaaahhh!

Down to my last dollar but i still got hope!
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