Thank-you Valve!

Dear Valve,


This message will now self destruct.
Thx for the great game!

Thx for making the next great game!
Thank you for what? I'm soooo confused (I only read page 1)
oh ok


Thank you! and reason the little boy who created this thread had done this is because he and like all the other fanatics just want you to hurry the **** up and give the game to us before august.

So let me kiss your ass until it goes gold :D

seriously all valve did was let merc playtest.. that was cool but we didnt hear any REAL new stuff. Only reason we should thank valve is for Half-life 1... We've had 5-6 years to do so...

so I stick to my opinion and say nothing until I see what HL2 is really like.
lol, Joeyslucky22. I am not sure whether you understand the purpose of this thread at all....

You do know about the secret section of the official HL2 site and the super secret section specifically for members right?

With the clever text images and everything. And the text saying that we have passed the first test....

Well, if you do your post makes little sence to me. And if you havnt.... you missed out! :P

One more important point:

Only reason we should thank valve is for Half-life 1... We've had 5-6 years to do so...

This is bullshit. Valve have updated HL, CS, DOD, TFC and other games. They have made steam. They have made vac to try and get rid of cheaters. They are now taking legal action against cheaters. They have spent everything they earnt on HL1 making HL2 for our enjoyment. They could have retired remember.

+ I am sure someone could continue the list...
Oh woah updates for a game? what are those!

Every company is EXPECTED to update their game...

and yes I have seen that.. but really, it was a waste of time on their part. I'd like to know how many days this was planned, and how long this process took. Quite frankly it was dumb..

Thank you Valve for HL1... that is all and that is all you can say. We have nothing else to thank them for yet. (And steam still manages to PISS me off so I dont have any reason to thank them for that..)

(We could thank them for the leaked source... but they're not to thank.. and we're not alowed to talk about it so I wont)
Joeyslucky22 said:
Oh woah updates for a game? what are those!

Every company is EXPECTED to update their game...

and yes I have seen that.. but really, it was a waste of time on their part. I'd like to know how many days this was planned, and how long this process took. Quite frankly it was dumb..

Thank you Valve for HL1... that is all and that is all you can say. We have nothing else to thank them for yet. (And steam still manages to PISS me off so I dont have any reason to thank them for that..)

(We could thank them for the leaked source... but they're not to thank.. and we're not alowed to talk about it so I wont)

Absolutely fabulous. If I may ask, where did you get educated (or being educated at)? You may want to ask your parents to move you to a different school. Your reading and comprehension skills are absolutely horrendous.

I will restate something I wrote when I created this thread.

I want this to be a simple "Thank-you" thread, not a discussion thread. If you didn't like what Valve did - fine just don't post in this thread. Want to complain about the whiteboard picture? Go somewhere else. I want this to stay as clean as possible. Thanks

Now, if you want to complain, create your own thread because I really don't care what you think. Thank-you
Too right, blahblahblah

I really cant stand people who take the stance of VALVE being the bad guys and the hackers the good guys. That just pisses me off. :(

Neway, Thanks valve... again.
lol didn't bother reading the first post cause right away I just wanted to put in my opinion.

My reading skills are just fine thank you :D

I still stand at my current state, and none of you need to care :D Mark is truley the #1 fan. You should get a T-Shirt or something.. just to make you feel more special ;)
Merci beaucoup VALVe, continuer le l'excellent travail !!! :thumbs: :cheers:
Joeyslucky22 said:
lol didn't bother reading the first post cause right away I just wanted to put in my opinion.

My reading skills are just fine thank you :D

I still stand at my current state, and none of you need to care :D Mark is truley the #1 fan. You should get a T-Shirt or something.. just to make you feel more special ;)

Erm.... shut up ok?

Must you post? Does it make yourself seem liess sad to insult me also. Your also on the forum taking part in a discusion with others who are fans of HL2 and valve....
God dammit what is everyone talking about what VALVe did last night??!!
God damn you guys are pathetic, so much kissing of valves ass, for christ sake...


Thanks Valve for all the good stuff..... :thumbs:
marksmanHL2 :) said:
Erm.... shut up ok?

Must you post? Does it make yourself seem liess sad to insult me also. Your also on the forum taking part in a discusion with others who are fans of HL2 and valve....

watch it mark

Who said I'm not a fan? its just my ****in opinion. chill out
THANK YOU VALVE!! FU*KING A! Really love you, the maker of aproximately 48000+ hours non-stop fun!!
And you can shut up saying "watch it" too to be honest.

You insulted me. And I kindly told you to shut up. So dont act like your the one in the right.
The whiteboard thing was a good time, but I'll withhold my "Thank You" until I'm done playing my first session of Half-Life 2. ;)
I partially agree with SMT, but I still give thanks to Valve for making the game, answering e-mails from the community, and other things.

Thanks VALVe. :)
Got a response from Greg Coomer

Thanks for the thread and the note, Jeffrey.


From: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2004 1:26 PM
To: Gabe Newell; Greg Coomer; Jess Cliffe
Subject: Community Thank-you

Hi, I just want to let you know that the community really appreciated what you did by giving us that puzzle to solve. To show our appreciation, I created a thread where people could drop a simple “Thank-you.”

As a community, we really appreciate things like this and hope you do stuff like that in the future. Even though it was a simple puzzle, it created a lot of buzz in the forums and re-created a massive hype for Half-life2. This was a welcome change of pace from a group of jaded Half-Life 2 fans. Anyways, I just wanted to let you know that we appreciate what you did.

If there were other people involved on this little puzzle, let them know that appreciates what they did.

Thanks again and good luck completing Half-Life 2


That means someone at Valve has seen this thread. :)
Ownzed said:
Will someone please tell me what happened??

A couple of days ago, a poster, Merc was invited to visit Valve. He visted Valve and was able to play Counter Strike: Source for a little bit. The next day Merc was invited back and was allowed to playtest Half-Life 2. While he was play-testing Half-Life 2 he took a pick of a white board with stuff that Valve had written down. The whiteboard gave us a little puzzle to solve. We solved the puzzle. I created this thread to tell Valve that we appreciate stuff like that

Here are a bunch of threads on the topic.

Merc's Second trip to Valve (includes Whiteboard puzzle later in the thread)
Secret Half-Life 2 website thread
Merc's first trip to Valve
Random paranoia about the whiteboard
Thanks for letting average community members (like Merc) interrupt your work for tours, etc. Almost all developers have pushed back release dates, but very few will let average joes play pre-released source. :E
It appears I'm a tad late, but I'll register my thanks anyway :thumbs:
blahblahblah said:
After the cool little stunt that Valve pulled last night, I thought it would be nice to create a thread and have everybody who enjoyed that to post a simple "Thank-you Valve" message. If I actually get some responses, I will send an e-mail to Valve letting them know that community appreciates what they did. This thread may give Valve more incentive to do community related activities, so keep that in mind. ;)

I want this to be a simple "Thank-you" thread, not a discussion thread. If you didn't like what Valve did - fine just don't post in this thread. Want to complain about the whiteboard picture? Go somewhere else. I want this to stay as clean as possible. Thanks :)

I'll start

Thank-you Valve!

Remaind me to start an "I hate you Valve" thread, when the game gets push back again a few more months. :laugh:
thank you and keep up the good work. youre almost there, im sure the game will live up to my high expectations.
Thanks Valve for wasting 2 years of my life I will never get back, I coulda been something, I coulda been a contender! Anyways, release the game and make me happy! :D
guys... shut up. quit sucking up to valve. They don't like you. They just want your money.