Thank-you Valve!

PatPwnt said:
guys... shut up. quit sucking up to valve. They don't like you. They just want your money.
Then the game would have been released already, I see a very small drop in sales if they release it buggy as hell.
PatPwnt said:
guys... shut up. quit sucking up to valve. They don't like you. They just want your money.
Just for that...

mmmm are so soft...mmmmmmm
The Mullinator said:
Then the game would have been released already, I see a very small drop in sales if they release it buggy as hell.

Don't care... shut up. Valve doesn't like you anyway.
:x I missed out on what happened, but forum member represent all the forum members!

Tank yooo Valvie for the stuff.
(sings) thank you valve for playing...... with..... my emotions likes a pup...p.e.t..

you still rock.
release the game
release the game
you still rock.
heres my money.
how much?
you still rock / tha house that is.

thanks to valve for their cool games, especially condition zero
but I hate their STEAM releases of their games. steam sux!!!
Pat no one is forcing you to read this thread, so stop trolling.


Now give me a free shirt like I asked... nah im kidding obviously. Gabe probably wont read this anyway

Ok, I have no idea why the thread was started, I just decided to resurrect the longest 'Thank you Valve' thread I could find.

Whoever figures out why this thread was started (other than the obvious thank you) will get an e-cookie (...or something).

Read the initial post and you'll see what I mean.

Props to Valve for HL2! :)
Thanks Valve! Hopefully this time you'll have enough money to buy that Ferrari and invest in Half-Life 3. Good luck to you all! I
:thumbs: :thumbs:
I wish I could come to the party you throw when hl2 reaches gold.

Adrien C said:
Gabe Newel you are my hero!!!
Its Newell! you n00b! you disgraced Valve.
VALVe, Thank you for putting in all the hard work to make this game. You didn't even give up when the source code was stolen. You kept on working. You deserve a rest right now. We will be playing HL2 I am sure. Thanks again for making a game that redefined FPS games to me.
ill thank em after i play the game :o

i thanked ID software too early and its not happenin again
lol you are right zex

Doom 3 is a dissapointment to me...
So long and thanks for all the fish, VALVe!

(Was this thread for Test 1 or 2?)
just say thanks VAVLe and we will be on our way

Been in my signature for a long time but I am still very grateful :)
DoctorGordon said:
Seems ive been left out of the loop, what happened?
This is a fairly old thread. You don't really need to know about it...

I think it was reflecting upon the whole HL2 PHP thing..

I don't quite remember the URL...
i love valve
they are cool
i met gabe
he is so cool
i went to valve
it was ownage
i got to paly hl2
it was pwnage

made that song up for valve
vegeta897 said:
This is a fairly old thread. You don't really need to know about it...

I think it was reflecting upon the whole HL2 PHP thing..

I don't quite remember the URL...

I know all about the php, i thought maybe i didnt though.
DigitalAssassin said:
Haha! Found it!
Thanks valve!
why the f*ck did you bring this thread back?

spent half an hour trying to figure out wtf everyone was on about till i noticed it was an old thread about the gman pic... good work man! :flame:
We love this guy! :

And we love this guy! :