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  1. J

    The physics in HL2: some questions.

    Hmm, im a computer science major, and took some classes in computer simulated rigid body mechanics. (That is what physics in HL2 are about) And it was quite straight forward, center of gravity, on which you apply gravity and of an object collides, recalculate the actual force by using a momentum...
  2. J

    What interesting things caught your eye in the e3 clips?

    The whole video was awesome, however 2 things were were impressive in slo mode, first: when gordon is walking in that hallway, when som combine kick in a door, you can see the room to the right trough the glass door, however, when you open that same door on our way out, you can hardly see...
  3. J

    New HL2 Video(s) Discussion

    Awesome, pure 100% adrenaline rush. I want to make games like that!
  4. J

    So far no display of AI

    Well lets hope so. =)
  5. J

    The Whiteboard incident

    Hmm, I dont know but START DISCReplication sounds sound dont you think? I mean it does make sense to have that kind of deadline for an animator, the final date. on other hand one would prefer to write: start disc replication??
  6. J

    Blowing up stuff still = lag

    Yes you are right, but still, prolly in debug mode.
  7. J

    Blowing up stuff still = lag

    I rerely post here, yet I feel the need to this time. As a computer Science MoS I must point out that the machine is runnig HL2 in a windowed mode, (slowdown) and together with several other apps, see the other screen (outlook at least) So in exlcusive fullscreen, with all other apps...
  8. J

    I found the easteregg (definately)

    that would explain the shadows, you know the swadows from the paint buckets beneath the table, they are there because the buckets are hidden inside the box.
  9. J

    easter egg in the movies?

    Well, maybe its not THE horadric cube on Alyx's neck, but it sure looks strange to have a cube as a necklace, I'm sure Ive seen the symbol on that cube before, just cant imagine where or in what context. Can we get at better image of it?
  10. J

    Are there any Armaments that aren't in HL2, that You think should be added?

    hmmm, anyone thought about a minigun? not a handheld, Gordon is a geek, no way he could carry one, but mounted on a chopper or a truck... with HL2s physicks engine, Gordon could cause some real chaos. =)
  11. J

    gun on the dune buggy look familiar?

    yay, MrMagnetichead changed his avatar back to the gun, it still looks creepy. i think. =)
  12. J

    "And just like a computer program some rules can be bent, Others, Can be broken"

    I think its a great idea, the whole jumping trough a window thing. Imagine, Gordon making a run for it, yet slowing down at the last moment, and "bump", the window still whole and Gordon in the ground in front of it, but if he really makes a run for it, he could with ease smash right trough a...
  13. J

    The current machine gun model.

    ya, and you need to get your head checked.. =)
  14. J

    Are there any Armaments that aren't in HL2, that You think should be added?

    or at least someone should have d-eagle, like Alyx, so when she really gets pissed off.... Edit: note to self, learn to spell.
  15. J

    Ant-Lion Guard AI PROOF!

    I think that the soldiers were made more stupid, but the aliens were intact, cause antlions would look pretty dumb if they toned them down too.
  16. J

    The current machine gun model.

    Hmmm, I think its a mistake by valve to include OCIW as a player weapon in HL2, because its a so complex weapon, its not even a weapon, its a weaponsplatform, it has night vision, infrared vision, laser range finder, programble grenades, so on, so forth... If most of these "features" are not...
  17. J

    What about the AI ???

    or a giant dildo.. (yes im sick)
  18. J

    What about the AI ???

    reminds me of anime porn... and ITS ALIVE! yuck!
  19. J

    What about the AI ???

    Mr.Magnetichead, your avatar it just gives me the creeps... uck!