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  1. Sober

    How should the Half-Life Series End?

    I thought she was milk chocolate... How the HL series ends: Gordon wakes up from his dream, and notices he is late for today's experiment!
  2. Sober

    What happened to Couner-Life?

    And also, all the download links are dead. The Filefront one is dead, and noone else hosts it. Who knows.
  3. Sober

    The song you want played at your funeral

    The Force Theme, the one you hear at the end of ROTS before the credits (or in A New Hope, where Luke walks out and watches the binary sunset). Real slow too, for about a few minutes, then as soon as the end credits start playing, people walk out.
  4. Sober

    Hockey fans come in!!!!!

    I'm glad it's back, but have you read some of the new rules they're adding? The goalie restrictions are pretty much the worst of the changes.
  5. Sober

    The Simpsons...

    I think Simpsons just needs a revival, but after 16 seasons, it's pretty hard to get some fresh ideas out. I do find that there is sometimes too much ridiculous crap that the writers can fit in 22 minutes. The old ones were definitely better, but the newer one had some pretty decent ones, which...
  6. Sober

    Sims 2 content worse than Hot Coffee

    What the hell is wrong with him? Next, he'll be asking all developers that any women in any game, no matter how minor their role, can only have their eyes showing?
  7. Sober


    115, actually. I know a girl who's 85. Freaky.
  8. Sober

    XBOX HD from 8GB to 300GB ????

    You could softmod it, I think. Google it.
  9. Sober

    How do you type on the keyboard?

    I dunno how it goes. Both my hands are on the desk until I need to type. So they go down (a keyboard tray. Very little room on my desk) and they just type. It seems after a while, they know where to go. But I don't have my hands the way they teach you with your fingers on the middle row; index...
  10. Sober

    what do you think of 'maddox'?

    I find 1 out of 10 of his articles funny, personally, and that's when he does back stuff up, or it was that suicide article. Most of the other times, it's just another ignorant rant that is so pointless, I don't bother to finish reading.
  11. Sober

    Best Game Sayings.

    I could never stop laughing at that. Grim Fandango has the best quotes.
  12. Sober

    Hockey fans come in!!!!!

    Go Leafs Go! They're back... I'm so happy. Front page tommorow morning, even if there is a terrorist attack against T.O.
  13. Sober

    help Amy lol

    the 4k is the RIAA settlement, rather than try to take your case to the Supreme Court (you have to either be really ****ing stupid or rich to try this) The old lady (accident one) is just looking for a new 4-sided "battery operated boyfriend", and a new house. Of course, it being her fault...
  14. Sober

    Official: Afghans sheltered SEAL from Taliban

    That's just good news to prove that the Muslim stereotype is wrong. Cute, he was saved in time for July 4th.
  15. Sober

    help Amy lol

    Wow, that really ****ing sucks, but she's lucky the RIAA didn't sue her for more, though it is her fault for downloading the songs. C'mon, if she paid $1 for each song, that settlement they forced her to pay could buy her more songs. Most of the fault goes to her for using P2P programs and...
  16. Sober

    The 1000lb man

    1000 lbs, but fingers thin enough to type with? haha.
  17. Sober

    Any Star Wars fans here...?

    Ok, you have to read this. It is so freaking funny. The original poster (Greywolf2001ca) is pretty much criticising KotOR for not being a real RPG.
  18. Sober

    Just F*cking Great- my mom thinks I'm gay

    Make it lesbian porn, just to seal the deal :D Seriously though (though the above idea works), well, I was gonna saw don't let it get to your head, but I think you need to jerk off to some lesbian porn ASAP.
  19. Sober

    post funny pictures The wonders of photoshop.