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  1. Sober

    women, women, women

    or maybe as says:
  2. Sober

    Your Top 5 Games Ever.

    Zelda: OoT Deus Ex Grim Fandango HL1 (and 2) Max Payne series (I honestly haven't played 2 though :P)
  3. Sober

    I am a Japanese schoolteacher

    I read this a while back, like back in February when someone showed me. Kinda funny.
  4. Sober

    Enemy Territory Quake Wars trailer!!!

    QFT. I liked how Wolf: ET had vehicles to complete the objective, not as part of the gameplay. They might as well make a vehicle-only mode.
  5. Sober

    New "Alan Wake" media

    What exactly is David Lynch style?
  6. Sober

    New "Alan Wake" media

    Wow, the trailer was great. Is the game like Resident Evil/Silent Hill driven; question really is, is it an FPS (or Third, ala MP). The setting looks really GOOD. I hope there's a free roam in that game. I wanna be able to pretend to live there.
  7. Sober

    Enemy Territory Quake Wars trailer!!!

    It's a good idea for id to moderize ET. They did quite a good job (IMO) with Wolf: ET. It's probably the most teamplay you can find in any online game. I hope they can stick with such a formula in ET: QW so teamwork is re-emphasized just as much as Wolf: ET had it. Probably a paid game...
  8. Sober

    Gas Prices

    60$ a barrel is like high 80/low 90 cents (CAD) per litre. Another way to put it is, "They've run out of 60 cent gas and are going to 80 and 90 cent gas"
  9. Sober

    Sony shoots down Backwards compatible problem with the XBOX 360

    PS3 is still unknown I guess. Alot of the PS3 E3 videos were prerendered, while they proved the Xbox 360 could do what they showed. I for one haven't bought a console since the N64, and I'm hoping that MS gets backwards compatibility on the 360 so I can still play Xbox games. I'm definitely...
  10. Sober

    It's official... Project LemonLime is a go.

    Even if they have permission, I doubt they could rip the originals to use in DX:S. I have DX1, but not everyone will have it, and I doubt they have permission to do that. I can't wait. Of course, the original DX can't beat the mod, perhaps it will come in 2nd place as a great game. I hope all...
  11. Sober

    Anyone else disillusioned with gaming now?

    I find most games are pointless. Just tried and true formulas that get bland after 2 or so games, and the only difference is the graphics engine capabilities and a different shallow storyline. The only games I got soon after release in 04/05 were HL2 and Chaos Theory. Granted, HL2 was great...
  12. Sober

    Looking for a good single player RPG...

    As already stated, KOTOR 1 and 2 (I haven't played 2 myself though) and NeverwinterNights. If you are gonna play NWN online, you'll probably need all the expansion as well; get the Platinum Pack - NWN and the 2 expansions on DVD. edit: If you count it as one, Deus Ex 1. Although from the FP...
  13. Sober

    Your favourite HL2 scene?

    Nova Prospekt. Right after you scale the cliff (the fast zombie in the vent scared the crap outta me too) and come out of the sewers, you see all these guard towers. Chuck a pheropod over and watch the chaos :D
  14. Sober

    Your Best + Hated Chapter's

    Fave: Point Insertion, Red Letter Day Hated: Highway 17, Sandtraps (except for the gunship fight) Loved: Airboat (except stops and too long), Ravenholm cemetery, Nova Prospekt, Entanglement (except that damned fight) to the end.
  15. Sober

    Worst Game you've ever played.

    I can't really remember any HORRID games, except maybe the Deus Ex: IW demo. God, I played it, and it's just horrible. There we go. Thanks for the reminder.
  16. Sober

    IGN Review......

    I've only seen the game through screenshots, I don't meet the insane system requirements for BF2. Looks like EA is just trying to make money off Desert Combat, and the graphics aren't that spectacular (even though the game is large scale battles). Same general interface too, I think.
  17. Sober

    So ... hi

    I'd just like to say "Hi" to I've been around occasionally before registering. Just thought I should register and maybe contribute. I know a few people here from INS, RnL, Leak-Free, CDG, though you don't have to acknowledge my existance. This is quite a large community compared to...