Search results

  1. R

    Critique my site?

    Haha, that's a unique design. Pretty good actually. Did you do the graphics and web editing yourself? I like it, small, clean, easy to load and visually appealing. I give it an 8.5 out of 10.
  2. R

    3D NON-HL2 Art

    Amazing, that's real art there. You should make me a 1280x1024 for my desktop. I would love to chop it up and make some text and trendy designs in photoshop with it. The mesh looks great. Amazing!
  3. R

    My site banner

    Here is a banner than I made in photoshop for my Joint Operation's Clan. Critique it please :D . Keep in mind that I did not optimize it yet, and it is full quality, even though I sliced it up in Image Ready it might take a while to load.
  4. R

    Striders - can be killed

    OT- Is it just me, or does the HL2 Fallout community post way more immature answers to the subject opposed than this site.
  5. R

    Holy Crap New Enemy Discovered!!!

    Way to put that combine suit that you made a while back to use good use! Awesome man. That is the first post that I have seen in these forums that actually made me laugh out loud. Brilliant, you must have been out of time to come up with something like that. The way that the "soldier" is looking...
  6. R

    Looking for an unannounced mod...

    Check your PM's
  7. R

    TMNT Mod looking for Coders and Mappers (Half-Life 1)

    I'd probably play this, looks good. As long as the combat was executed very smoothly and professionally it should be good. Would this be 3rd person or 1st person?
  8. R

    Yet Another Idea, Ballistic Physics Mod

    Played the demo, but I don't know much about it. Can you tell me what the relations are?
  9. R

    Yet Another Idea, Ballistic Physics Mod

    Sorry to waste all of your time, I know people get tired of reading other peoples mod ideas. The reason that I am posting this is because I wanted to know if people would have an interest in my idea, and if you do, a team would be formed. I have an idea that really interests me, a total...
  10. R

    HL2 demo disc

    I can run mine on my fancy DVD player and huge tv. Looks pretty good...
  11. R

    HL2 obsession

    My friends think I'm weird because all I do is tell them about this game. They always see me visiting this site every time they visit me, and they cant understand what point lies in these abysmal subjects. But, there is a point!
  12. R

    In which position would you do Alyx?

    AHh come on, seriously, this forum is running out of shit to ****ing talk about. And unlike most of the other retards on this forum, I did a search before I posted this topic, and nothing related came up!
  13. R

    In which position would you do Alyx?

    Doggy style for me :E
  14. R

    Will HL2 be out by the start of the term? (student ID required)

    Shake Zula, instead of bashing America, go some smoke pole some where else. One year ago when the September 30th release date was, lets say, "official", I was kind of pissed because I couldn't go sleepless nights playing HL2 all summer, and that I would have to fit that in with my homework...
  15. R

    Headphones or speakers??

    I seriously hope that was a sarcastic remark. :upstare: :upstare:
  16. R

    Half-life 2 runs already on Xbox

    This game is hands down, meant for the PC. Look at all the new tech it has. But, I will be buying both versions (PC & XBox) because I play both just as much as the other. Xbox live or anything doesnt matter because I will be playing HL2 and it's mods over my PC connection. The Xbox has the power...
  17. R

    Headphones or speakers??

    There is a kick ass guide on surround sound placement (5.1 speaker rig), with 4 common subject rooms and very detailed drawings in Maximum PC's Winter 2004 How-To guide. My surround sound sounds freaking awesome once I followed that guide. I mean, it tells you everything! I am so glad I followed...
  18. R

    How are you going to play HL2?

    I have been debating with myself for some time about this. I wonder if I am going to screw around with the physics and take in all the wonderfullness of the game, or am I going to see how fast I can shred through the zombies and combine and make record time. What is your take on this?
  19. R

    Half Life 2 Squad Commanding

    Sounds cool, I had no idea about this, but I am more for it than against it, since it is not critical for completing the game. Im sure Vavle still put the feature in the game to give you a more "combat" experience while playing, but they are good enough with there games that it wont detract form...
  20. R

    Wierd thing on the buggy clip...

    :bonce: IS ANYONE AS ****ING CONFUSED AS ME!!? I mean, all the talk about the powerline pylons through like the first 4 pages of posts. And the only thing I saw was the pillsbury dough boy. I am ****ing perplexed right now......