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  1. W

    Who isnt going to play hl2 when it comes out

    Sadly me also wont be playing it right away and parting these forums on the 16th due to my monitor is in its dying stages and my TI4200 finaly had it.
  2. W

    Yasser Arafat dies at age 75

    what his leadership meant for the palastine ppl was death and destruction while his own bank account had over 200 million $ money he took from his ppl. the terrorist is dead now i hope for the palastine ppl that there will be a leader who realy wants peace for the whole region
  3. W

    2 New HL2 Screenshots *Sorry if it was posted already*

    New pics to me seeing that strider pic just wants me to play this game so bad
  4. W

    Retail owners can NEVER play DoD:S or HL:S?

    exactly what brisck1 said. nothing more to add. there should be a petition to valve making all HL related games that has been "ported" to source free to download. i'd be happy also taking HL1 stucking it into the new hammer out comes HL:S and charging money for it, i know these guys have...
  5. W

    Glad I didn't purchase gold..(after seeing pics) Cheezy1

    i consider myself a hardcore HL fan and i still think this package is crap
  6. W

    Glad I didn't purchase gold..(after seeing pics) Cheezy1

    i totally agree with your post this package is a rip off the guide is nice all the rest is crap/could be done more nicely
  7. W


    i think trailers do an excelent job on getting you hyped on something (movie or game) and if done right can be the ultimate advertisement for any multimedia product. well it works on me anyhow, if i see a good trailer of a new game for example im sure to check it out whilest i wouldnt bother...
  8. W

    Hi-Res Gold Package Screenies.

    only thing worth in the package would be the book and the chance to win a trip to valve im glad my friend slapped me on the head while i was about to hit the "order now" button
  9. W

    are you all kids here?

    in over 30 and still a kid
  10. W

    Xen Levels

    I agree gameplay wise xen wasnt that good than the rest of the game but i sure loved the athmosphere the sounds made you feel like you realy were in a different place. there is a TFC map called Darkness and its fun playing it just because there is a xen base with all the cool athmosphere. i...
  11. W

    Why do we do it?

    1)to get every HL2 info i can 2) dont think that makes me "nerdy"
  12. W

    about stealth

    welp i think if you get spotted you into a fight, probably you will get hunted down the "door kicking thing" just shows how determined the AI can (hopefully) will be, as for sneaking arround i hope its possible although valve favors action to stealth
  13. W

    Today i called a store

    store i called here (Israel) said 5th
  14. W

    Half Life 2's Combine are dimwitted...

    if you guys say that the AI in the binks was tuned down than im relaxed. from the review's i can conclude that the AI is some what disapointing (we'll need to see for ourselves) i do however remember valves post on the supperior AI that could do all these great things (break down doors if u...
  15. W

    Original HL development info / screenies?

    wow never seen such an in depth article about the making of HL awsome read
  16. W

    What will you choose???

    im still torn appart... i dont play CS nor DOD but i do play TFC which is not included in any package i got the voucher but gold will cost me 70$ cuz i live in Israel. so i guess ill wait till its out on retail or stay with my bronze pack
  17. W


    LOL nice swearing :) i wanted gold to get all the HL2 stuff -posters and whatever. 30$ Pffffffft. -i know i can play HL right away but i want the stuff they give in the package...
  18. W

    I had a dream...

    i used to have dreams about TFC but i did play it 11 hrs a day
  19. W


    after the horses get here the goods are switched on to camels for inland shiping :P
  20. W

    Valve confirm Half-Life 2 Gold

    would be cool if someone from valve posted here so we can say congrats directly