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  1. M

    Merry Christmas!

    :) merry xmas
  2. M

    Apparently a patch is coming 11/24/04!

    yeah i don't have the stutter problem, just uber crashing, i hope they put that in the patch
  3. M

    Original ctwin/terwin sounds

    thank you so so much
  4. M

    Original ctwin/terwin sounds

    Hey I installed a fusion pack for css, I like everything but when one team wins it plays this crappy techno music that makes my room shake. So if anyone would be so kind as to send me the original ctwin and terwin sounds that would be awesome. sorry if this thread is bad I just didn't...
  5. M

    Combine chatter radio soundpack release!

    yes pleaes get the link up, the normal ctwin sound is boring so is the radio stuff
  6. M

    Did you guys forget what tomorrow is?

    sept 30th is my birthday, how cool would that be, hl2 went gold on my bday!
  7. M

    Quake 4 is the big thing secret in this months PC Gamer

    man i love quake just as much as hl2. just because i dislike doom3 doesn't mean i hate all games other than hl2.... go quake! QUAD DAMAGE >|
  8. M


    That would be wicked awesome to create your own structure, have like a 5 minute freeze time before each round to creat the best structure, and it could have a ctf mode where you have to get the flag out of others bases. wow that would be the best mod ever.
  9. M

    The official goodbye forums thread

    lol I was just messin'
  10. M

    The official goodbye forums thread

    ok everyone say goodbye to the forums because of the leaked info. I'll see you again when I finish the game! <3
  11. M

    Ultimate Half-Life 2 Picture Collection

    yay good stuff
  12. M

    Full script leaked !!??

    I'll just start crying now. mommy...
  13. M : November!

    yes screw these threads, or anything else with legs for that matter... wait these threads don't have.. crap, I'll get back to you on that
  14. M

    Will hl2 have this feature?

    like i said before, the use key pwns you all. /end nerd rant
  15. M

    Year Later....

    I going to pee my pants when I hold the box. :cool: .... *realizes he peed his pants* ;( ....*feels kinda warm* :p ... *crap got cold* :O ....
  16. M

    Year Later....

    I going to pee my pants when I hold the box. sorry for double post. /edit
  17. M

    the prevelance of enemies in half life 2

    man I loooveee my cookie, yeah combine sounds good. *munch* But i really can't wait to wap some headcrabbed people.
  18. M

    Are you buying through Steam or Retail?

    did i quote right? why punch him? lick him like me
  19. M

    How does css run on different videocards ??

    I mean really think about it, a pci express card (ge is that) vs regular agp from last gen. Seems pretty obvious that the kid is messed up a little in the head. "newbie" go slap him for me please, lol. Sorry I'm violent today. Too much smashing pumpkins. :)
  20. M

    How does css run on different videocards ??

    I haven't, but I can say that guy is a complete idiot.