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  1. R


    Obsolete is normal, should appeared in game tho, sure it doesnt interfer with some object/brush?
  2. R

    YeY, hackers..

    no hula doll / seagull death animation?
  3. R

    buildcubemaps fatal error.

    Have you try opening the .vmf and resave under a new name, works for me when the buildcubemap crap
  4. R


    :laugh: Just one more thing to abuse for the good player, as for the scrub...
  5. R

    cs/de_xcom (my latest map in 2 flavors)

    Look very good DJ, sure hope you will include bots navs ;-)
  6. R

    I Am Such A N000000000B!!! Help Me Please!!!

    It might look over complicated at first, but once it click, its quite easy and straightforward in hammer. Believe me, i knew squat about mapping and a month later, there is is, a fun, not too bad looking, little map. the sdk documentation is pretty good. Good tutorial place...
  7. R

    the slame?

    its not there, you put an entity, then type (like with your keyboard :-p) weapon_slam instead of browsing for it, you"ll end up with an obsolete icon in 3d view, but all will be fine in game ;-)
  8. R

    the slame?

    weapon_slam, just type it ;-)
  9. R

    DM map in progress...

    Well, you off to a good start, one thing you can do, since there a Facility quite advance, why not keep the general idea gameplay wise and let you mind runs wild and be creative with the look, add some variation of your own :thumbs:
  10. R

    What do you think of the Update?

    It default to enable fast switch, uncheck it again ;-)
  11. R

    skybox buildings

    keep your brush at 128 unit high, or whatever the texture "size" is of the texture you use.
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    Mouse Problem

    Logitech mouseware doesnt like if you press 2 buttons at once if they arent button 1-2. I use button 4-5 for Teamspeak, 7 to reload, if i talk and reload at same time good chance button 4-5-7 wont works anymore. Just press all of them at random and it usually fix it without having to exit CS.
  13. R

    Need help Optimizing map

    Just uncheck
  14. R

    Floor problem?

    overlapping brushes?
  15. R

    Area portals advanced?

    slect brush you wanna split select cliping tool now you can draw the line, do it where you wanna split now you have one part higlight in red one in white select cliping tool again now the red and white is inverted select cliping tool again now both part are white, click...
  16. R

    Area portals advanced?

    The line you saw is the "scissor line" the part highlighted in white will stay, the one in red will be gone. Reclick the clip tool to invert the white/red a third clip will make it so it only split the brush in two parts.
  17. R

    want help optimizing your map for better performance?

    A great job he did, some area has improve as much as 40fps, but most of all, the good explainations that came back with the edited .vmf. Very valuable info, if eveyone who "knows" would share like Poseyjmac, the quality of maps would just get better n better, faster. Had read alot about...
  18. R

    Heart of the Revolters Released

    For those would like to run the map on their server with auto-download on, you need a .res file Create a text file called obj_mq_revolters.res and put it in the maps folder with the BSP file. The contents of the file should be this: "resources" { "materials/particle/rain.vmt" "file"...
  19. R

    Finally - DM_Depot_RC1 Released!

    Is you origin in the sky? weapon will respawn at origin (0.0.0) if the respawn spot is block by some object that happen to move tere.WAG??
  20. R

    Release - dm_watergate redux!

    Looks nice, but a name change would have been cool, as the server wont auto send the new version if client has the old, all the client get is an error message saying : Your map [maps/dm_watergate.bsp] differs from the server's. Simply renaming the map to watergateB would have save lotsa...