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  1. F

    Shacknews Previews Left 4 Dead

    Is that a 'nam vet in the second screen? Awesome.
  2. F

    Iron Grip: The Oppression Media

    That's almost certainly a smoke bomb or grenade of some kind; I would guess it is being used to mark an objective or order AI-controlled units to an area.
  3. F

    Half-life 2: Episode 1 Critique

    Form a napoleonic infantry square!
  4. F

    Best Zombie

    Zombine, for their suicidal antics and respectable speed. Also for their amusing radio chatter. ("Necrotics inbound!")
  5. F

    Is Breen evil?

  6. F

    Is Breen evil?

    Hey, Breen did what he had to do. :P He had to choose between the extinction of the human race (which would have been badly weakened already; remember that due to the portal storms most of the world would have resembled a cross between 28 Days Later and Starship Troopers) and the possibility of...
  7. F

    Episode 2 article *spoilers*

    Large, nonlinear outdoor combat could be the best thing to happen to the Half-Life series since Lamar.
  8. F

    how do you get out of this room? :S

    That part gave me flashbacks to the original Half-Life, which is no bad thing. :)
  9. F

    how do you get out of this room? :S

    The above response is much more sensible than what I did; found the buoyant blue barrel, tossed it into the water between the damaged walkway and the section of catwalk set on the pillar, jumped on said barrel, sank into electrified death-water as it went under, and just barely managed to jump...
  10. F

    Does George Bush deserve death? (just to be fair)

    This deserves to be quoted for emphasis, which I'm not in the habit of doing.
  11. F

    Does George Bush deserve death? (just to be fair)

    Take your tinfoil hat off, they're not coming for us any time soon. ;) Wait, what was that at the window$Q£$wxsa890u8^&9
  12. F

    Does George Bush deserve death? (just to be fair)

    Pandering to religious fundamentalists and bigots, removing a secular (though tyrannical) ruler from a middle eastern nation* and turning it into a breeding ground for terrorists, giving tax cuts to the rich whilst professing solidarity with the working class... Yeah, life in prison. Death...
  13. F

    You can't handle the truth!

    It's true, we couldn't handle the Truth for long; the gritty texture and greasy residue it left behind was unpleasant enough for me to want to put it down in short order.
  14. F

    Periodic Freezes accompanied by looping sound

    Sounds worth a try, but it's odd that such a problem would only appear now; I've had the game since release and have completed it several times, as well as playing for hours on Counter-Strike and HL2DM with no more than occasional problems.
  15. F

    Periodic Freezes accompanied by looping sound

    I've been having some weird freezes recently- while playing Dystopia (for example), the game will freeze and whichever sound is playing at that moment will loop for a few seconds, followed by another sound. Often, a the skybox and architecture of a map will then disappear for a moment, and the...
  16. F

    HL2 Crashes alot

    It would if it occured literally every minute, rendering the games in question unplayable. :P
  17. F

    HL2 Crashes alot

    I'm running a GF4 Ti4600, haven't updated the drivers in a while, and I get the same problem: In HL2, the sound will loop and the game itself will grind to a halt. I get the same thing in Dystopia, and even in non-valve games like Serious Sam and Dawn of War. (Unsure as to whether that's related...
  18. F

    How much does a Steam account cost?

    Think of it this way; you're less ignorant than you were before you asked the question.
  19. F

    Dystopia Demo Released!

    Lots of fun when the person with the self-destruct retreats to his team-mates for health as the things begins beeping. :E
  20. F

    Dystopia Demo Released!

    My first impression was: This is rubbish, I just got vapourised by a Sumo wrestler in a Tron suit. After playing more intensively for an hour or two, I began to better appreciate the mod, and had plenty of fun. Using the Tac Scanner and Med-Implant is especially entertaining, in my view; just...