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  1. Humita

    Half-Life 2 Video Commentary + Episodes

    The commentary is unbelievable, I loved your work, mate. I would like to see a review of the original Half-life as well
  2. Humita


    It's actually a pretty good question, we haven't seen them since episode 1, and I wonder if they are going to still have some role to play in episode 3 or in other installments
  3. Humita

    Examining traditional approach

    First of all, did you seriously replayed CoD4 just because you could use different guns? I replayed it because it was great, not just because of that almost insignificant detail. Then, how can an inventory or side objectives make the game more "cinematic"? IMO games that give you a lot of...
  4. Humita

    (Spoiler) What is the relation between the trailers and the game ?

    As everybody else said, enable the developer commentary, and listen to what they say about that scene, and the difference between that one and the original. Also, I think you should use the search tool properly, this has been discussed plenty of times
  5. Humita

    What makes this a good game?

    Not only the HL series is amazing while you play it, and when you stop doing it; but it becomes even bigger when you compare it with other games. I'm not trying to be a fanboy here, but when you play other fps, none of them have the immersion, detail, story, etc. that the HL series has...
  6. Humita

    New member, fill in please

    I think that you could just have googled this questions, I mean, it's way faster, and sometimes better, than waiting for an answer in a forum. I'm just saying...
  7. Humita

    Children of Men = Half Life 2?????

    THe problem with the infertility had already been mentioned in the forum, I think. But the idea of the color pallette is interesting. i don't know if they are similar, but they have a similar effect on the viewer or player. Another thing that relates both movies, is the fact that the camera...
  8. Humita

    Gordon spotted through portals

    Amen to that...
  9. Humita

    Finished Ep2 ..WOW (No Spoilers)

    Wow, nice story. Mine's similar too, a friend convinced me to play it but I didn't like at first, so I dropped it. THen this same guy told me to play it or he will murder me. So I did, and I will always thank him for that. An there's absolutely nothing you should be ashamed of. It...
  10. Humita

    Half Life 2 Setting

    Or he could also mean Spanish, Portuguese, Quichua, and many others.
  11. Humita

    Half Life 2 Setting

    Ahh, the arrogance of north american people. They all think everything takes places in their country. And as Ennui said, it's not a real location, and the setting looks eastern europe to me as well. P.S: you could have donde some research, there may be several threads with this topic...
  12. Humita

    Supposed beta video of Ep3

    This sucks so much it makes me sick And yes, it's not even the 2007 source engine, there's no blood coming out of the zombies, for example
  13. Humita


    In response to the G-Man relationship with the xen portals, I don't think he messes up the first one. You end up getting to black mesa east anyway, I honestly don't think that the G-Man wanted you to go through all that trouble to get to some place you could have just got to in a few seconds.
  14. Humita

    anyone noticed this?

    You can't kill friendly NPC's
  15. Humita

    Eli's sweater...

    Eli's not a character in The Simpsons, he can change his clothes if he wants to
  16. Humita

    The end of the Source Engine...?

    Haven't there been several threads about the source engine in the last few weeks? why is everyonoe obsessed with it? It's perfect the way it is, it runs great in every computer (low-en or high-end), and if Valve modifies it will be great as well. Valve has never failed us...
  17. Humita

    Real Life Hunter

    Your vision is somehow apocalyptic (seen in many sci-fi stories), and what you are saying is quite similar to one of the clips of the Animatrix series. Robots did everything and humans had nothing else to do, but relax. Soon robots began to attack them. Now about the hunter, it gave me the...
  18. Humita

    anyone noticed this?

    I loved that review, it was like an HL2 documentary; and no, he didn't mentioned that the woman became invincible. P.S: hiding next to alyx would be like the "gay" way out of that situation :P, which is one of the hardest of the game, IMO.
  19. Humita

    A Source engine appreciation thread

    That's what I always say about the source engine; you can run its games in almost every computer, and in high-end ones it looks amazing. I had to play HL2 and the episodes with an ATi 9550 and it ran really well (except that I couldn't play ep2 at 100%). THen I bought a new computer and a...