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  1. Lamoidz

    Hey... I hate zombies... cry...

    you mean when your climbing on the planks to get to the top of the barn? If so, then agreed on the spooky factor.
  2. Lamoidz

    Hey... I hate zombies... cry...

    New way to make things un-horrific in Ravenholm, now I play it all the time with Frank Sinatra singing Blue skies in the background, sometimes it matches right up with father gregori talking and it's hilarious.:rolling:
  3. Lamoidz

    I can't get over..

    :thumbs: I loved chucking energy orbs and man hacks into the core and seeing it absorb them and swell up, lengthened the chapter by about another half hour for me. What Im NOT loving is that when I reach the surface in Urban flight my game stutters like it's going out of style.
  4. Lamoidz

    shepherd in the 7 hour war?

    A breen game would make me cry. Tears. Followed by mucus. "Qucik Doctor Breen! Write a convincing arguement for the combine's right to rule earth and present it in a soothing tone!" Or the ever so popular. " Doctor Breen stand infront of a screen and gab for hours!"
  5. Lamoidz

    woot Gravity gun wins best weapon!

    Yea the Grav gun really changes the environment, usually a table is cover, a defensive object, now it's a killing machine! :thumbs:
  6. Lamoidz

    Hey... I hate zombies... cry...

    The best thing 'bout ravenholm is *dun dun dunnn* Father Gregori! He's so awesome and makes it alot less scary when he's w/ you! :smoking:
  7. Lamoidz

    Uhh, did any one else hate 'we don't go to Ravenholm'???

    *just finished lowlife*.... Change my previous post :bounce: lowlife > ravenholm any day of the week
  8. Lamoidz

    Best Combine Warrior

    STRIIIIIIDER!!!!! :cat:
  9. Lamoidz

    Eli Vance

    Well apparently Eli lost his leg to a bullsqiud either during or after BMI, as to how he escaped, maybe he was one of the scientists evacuated by the marines or maybe he was on the surface when it happened and made good his escape.
  10. Lamoidz

    did anyone actually laugh...

    agreed flychrusher, and as we should all know, good comedy is all in the ti-MING!
  11. Lamoidz

    Uhh, did any one else hate 'we don't go to Ravenholm'???

    Hmmm tricky, howlers are such jerks yet Father Gregori is so awesome. I wouldnt play ravenholm but I would like all the Father Gregori sound clips. :E So, I only EVER play Ravenholm with garry's mod on so I can whip out CS weapons and spawn Gregori and a squad of rebels whenever I dang well feel...
  12. Lamoidz

    Are you in good physical shape?

    I have a health card!? Does that count? Well, considering all i do all day is play hl2 and mock shows on the Family channel and what I do do for exerscise is much MUCH too embarrasing to be mention. (Dont think that kind of embarrasing pervert)
  13. Lamoidz

    Post your best Sprays

    I saw this one that was the spitting image of a Terrorist shooting, I turned a corner saw it, ran back and actually shot it. The guy never let me live it down.;(
  14. Lamoidz

    How do barnacles move?

    You know when you kill a barnacle? I always thought that when jaws fell out it was shooting out spores that attach themselves to whatever killed it (since the usual killers on Xen didnt shoot them up lol) and the spores would travel with it irritating the skin until they tried to remove it, the...
  15. Lamoidz

    7 hours war & America

    I agree with everything everyone has said on this thread.
  16. Lamoidz

    Gman and friends.

    i always thought that was G-man giving Odessa the RPG and rockets...
  17. Lamoidz

    Best/Worst chapter?

    Best : Anti-Citizen 1 and Follow freeman Worst: Route Canal I loved Anti Citizen 1 and Follow freeman because the whole game I was running, now I fight back with earth on my side. I also loved giving movie-like personalities to characters "Ok you'll be the rookie no one trusts, you'll be...
  18. Lamoidz

    The Requested RPG

    lol well exscuse me! :farmer:
  19. Lamoidz

    Tanker in Aftermath?

    what the heck are you talking about?
  20. Lamoidz

    The Requested RPG

    Name: Erik Dietrich Gender: male Country: Unkown Age:25 Race: Human Specialties: Heavy weapons driving and hand to hand combat. Abilities: Through stolen combine stimulants Erik posseses great strentgh in physical combat Pet: A pitch black wolf named Farley Hobbies: Being pesimistic, finding...