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  1. O

    What means NPC abbreviation?

    non player characters
  2. O

    Can you give us something, pls

    well on the steam site they said they would be releaseing some new stuff to test the network in the comming weeks, this is the first so maybe next week we get something.
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    Characters eyes

    it would be nice to have on alyx and those main characters, it does look great
  4. O

    Characters eyes

    I know that the eyes of characters can move about and have a specualar highlight, but will the iris change size ? I watched one of the MOH: pacific assault and in that the iris will change size according to the brightness.
  5. O

    New date for hl2!!!!!

    no way its out for 12th, maybe its gold on 12th, that would make sense.
  6. O

    The Greatest Lie ever told?!?!

    even red fact isnt that great with the geo mod. u blast some concrete walls, door etc they dont even get a dent in them. just a black mark. it would be cool if u could shoot a door, buckle it and then kick it down.
  7. O

    When it be available ?

    it will be available after is release
  8. O

    EB Games New Date!!!

    dont count on anything, i wont believe until i see a official gold announcement or on the shelves
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    Valve SCARED or just like that.

    maybe they are ignoring everything but the game so it can go gold in a few weeks.
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    The Valve Conspiracy - soon in your local theaters...

    ati will have a new product coming out by april
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    The Valve Conspiracy - soon in your local theaters...

    not to mention the $6million deal with ATI
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    Hackers you finally get what you deserve! Plus the delay IS official.

    thats some great detective work dumbass. everyone says different dates, then denyit. no one knows when it gonna come out. so stop posting these bullshit threads where u think u are 'helping' everyone out.
  13. O

    Who's not going to download the beta ??

    Source code release = bad BETA release = GOOD I think the beta release was a good thing. ppl will play it see how great it is and how much better the final will be and buy it. its not like valves secrets are being given away (source release).
  14. O

    hl2 still out this "holiday" season?

    6months to rewrite 1/3 of the code, thats along time, not like they are developing new technology. Thats like 1/10 of the whole dev process. LIES
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    Time for the Truth!!

    I think they'll have to say something now
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    gabe will speak on halflife radio

    it better just to read this thread
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    gabe will speak on halflife radio

    goddamit, buffers all the time
  18. O

    Ok ok ok - So NOW what will happen with HL2?

    i dont think it will be delayed till '04. its down to the crunch and this is where money is a big issue
  19. O

    Why the Beta doesn't exist

    its possible there is a beta but they just cant get it working.