Search results

  1. antimatter

    is it possible to revert to the old Counterstrike radar?

    Because CS is so realistic. :rolleyes:
  2. antimatter

    what are some alternatives to Counterstrike Source?

    The new radar sort of brought me back to CSS.
  3. antimatter

    Playstation 3 User Interface

    hah, sucker...all I did was click on this ad... :D :D
  4. antimatter

    SourceForts trailer on steam media

    gave this mod a try...Lots of fun. Too bad there aren't that many servers.
  5. antimatter

    guys i need help give some tips for dm_runoff

    I think you mean gUys.
  6. antimatter

    Best music player for games

    Enable Global hotkeys in winamp. Then you can use Ctrl+Alt+(different key for different functions) without having to swtich programs.
  7. antimatter

    6 weeks until E3

    Valve is developing a new game(non HL related)?
  8. antimatter

    Nintendo Development Kit - Only $2000!

    Very good news indeed. :)
  9. antimatter

    Crysis Screenshots

    They are. Those shots are in the PC Zone article and confirmed to be in game.
  10. antimatter

    Sin Episode 1 impressions

    Finally!!! I get to use this LCD for something other then CPU and RAM usage.
  11. antimatter

    how does a trainer work?

    They aren't illegal. They just sit in the background and change a part of the game that is sitting in memory. (for example: God mode, infinite ammo, etc...). They are mostly for single player as far as I know.
  12. antimatter

    Super High Res cs_militia Screenshots!

    What are your PC Specs?
  13. antimatter

    I'm gonna play WoW! FINALLY!

    QFT x 1000000000000
  14. antimatter

    HDR video display problems.

    I have this exact same problem. 9800pro AIW. Only occurs on LC and DOD:S. Nothing in my system is overclocked and temperatures are fine (according to Motherboard Monitor).
  15. antimatter

    Mgs 4

    Same here. It's the only reason that I'm buying a PS3.
  16. antimatter

    Will WoW work on my computer?

    I have 2Mbit DSL. Internet speed isn't really that big of a deal. I know people who play on 56k and they are fine outside of big cities. Ram is a huge factor in this game. Friend of mine has 1.5 gigs of ram and he doesn't lag nearly as much as I do.
  17. antimatter

    Will WoW work on my computer?

    Your computer will lag extremely badly in crowded areas. Specially Ironforge and Orgrimmar (Main alliance and horde cities). I have a 2.53GHz P4, 9800 pro, 512 MB of ram and I have to wait for a few minutes before I can move everytime I go into the org auction house or hearth there.