:dozey: Just found something:
4 X AA 8 X AF
It's hard to see the difference. Yeah... the AA is visible, but not the AF.
Another one:
4 X AA 8 X AF
Okay, the difference here is great (look at the mountains), but in the middle of the action, I...
I don't get what you guys are saying, could anybody show a picture with:
1. Bilinear
2. Trilinear
3. 2 X AF
4. 16 X AF (No AA, so we can see the difference)
5. 4 X Anti Alliasing (no AF, so we can see the difference)
I know, it is al lot of work, but I would appriciate if somebody does...
Something that I don't get:
Why do we have an extra option for AF. Why are textures blurry if you look further. Why can't they make it sharp in de whole level?
In a other way, why is AF not standard if it doesn't have a big performance hit?
(bad english, i know)
The 9600 Pro with 4X AA runs only 22,5 FPS. I am so happy i choose for the 9800 Pro. This sucks, that this game takes so much FPS with everything turned on. I thought the 9600 Pro was an perfect card.
Edit: wrong text, delete this post please. It only runs bad in the techdemo. Why is that...
Off - Topic ( no need to post a new thread for this ):
If you can't wait for HL2, just follow this program:
Playing HL2 Preparation
Inclusieve countdown. :bounce:
:borg: - :borg:
I have a confession to make: I never played HL from the beginning.
1 Month earlier, I started to play, because I was exited on the story, but i'm stuck on the level where you dive into the water. I can't swim because I can't see under water;( , it's a bug. This doesn't happen at the...
The idea of a start in your owne house sounds cool. You wake up, because Alex bams on the door. She is in totaly panic and people are screaming around on the street.
I just like the idea of knowing nothing first, and the beginning is exiting from the beginning, do you guys are feeling with me?
I don't know how it comes, but the feeling HL2 will come out on 30th release date is higher and higher for me every day.
I think this will last till the 25th, when we still heard nothing.
Just a question:
I bought a P4 2,8 Ghz with 800 Mhz FSB
What is the difference with the 533 FSB?
Is the overall speed faster, or the transport with the memory?
I have 2X 512 Mb 400 Mhz placed in Dual Channel, so that is 800 Mhz.
What is the effect of 800 Mhz FSB on the games...