I have dreamt that I somehow jumped off of my bedroom window, which is on the second floor. The nasty part is that since there is a fence outside, I was going to get stabbed by the fence in my dream. Good thing I woke up before it stabbed me!
Haha, that would be cool. I think it is just a different type of metal. I haven't seen a single paintball gun with this kind of metal. The barrel is thick as hell too. I think the barrel is unique for this gun, so it can't be upgraded. BTW, I tried using a 4X scope...DON'T. It's useless...
Heh, I just started playing paintball like 3 days ago. Man it is fun! I bought a Diablo pump gun, a hopper, a 1" elbow, and a 12 gram adapter from my friend for $25 three days ago. Whoowee! Let me tell you, this gun is loud! It sounds like an m203 grenade launcher every time I shoot. I...
What the hell happened to Jiu-Jitsu?! That rocks man! I don't mean the Japanese version either. I'm talking about the Brazilian style. Anyway, I take Hapkido, and would have to say that I can take any Tae Kwon Do fighter. Hapkido is a combination of Judo and Tae Kwon Do. I looove Hapkido...
Hey cool, I actually downloaded the program just a few days before this thread was started. I just went to www.howstuffworks.com one day, and read the SETI part. I love that green radio telescope icon.
Heh, that is so true. Last time, my friend shot me in the arm, and I didn't even feel it. Then again, I was wearing a ton of protective vclothing. Oh, yeah...it was a cheap $5 springer too (under 100 fps).
Hey, we didn't get this powerful by spending billions of dollars on non-technological stuff. I say we NEED to pump all these billions on research. Besides, once the US hits oil on the moon, everyone in NYC will be driving cars made out of diamonds because the economy will be so good.
I live in a very urban city. Pretty much, I can't shoot it anywhere except where I go to play. I am in the Cross Country team, and so I know where there are some abandoned places on our trail. We have two locations. One is an abandoned horse ranch (with cool hiding places), and the other is...
Hey, I am thinking of buying an electric blowback gun. I can get it for $35. I just want to know what negatives electric blowback guns have when compared to gas blowback guns.