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  1. C

    How do you open roadblocks?

    Thanks this was driving me nuts
  2. C

    How do you open roadblocks?

    I'm trying to get to the train station, I've come across barricades / roadblocks. Nothing I do has any effect on anything ... I just end up fighting antlions until i die. What the heck am I supposed to do ... this is really irritating. Thanks, CLAYMAN
  3. C

    How do you open roadblocks?

    I'm trying to get to the train station, I've come across barricades / roadblocks. Nothing I do has any effect of anything ... I just end up fighting antlions until i die. What the heck am I supposed to do ... this is really irritating. Thanks, CLAYMAN
  4. C

    Storyline (Possible Spoilers)

    Daring and idiotic. This is much too vague for my tastes. Sure you don't have to stare at one NPC for 3 hours as they explain everything to you, but you'd think some of them would reference the events that led to their situation.
  5. C

    Storyline (Possible Spoilers)

    Yeah, I played it on medium and it was quite easy. I understand about the show, not tell rule, but don't you think someone would naturally fill you in when you've been missing for years ... ... wouldn't they want to know where you were? I think how they handled the story is very much like...
  6. C

    Storyline (Possible Spoilers)

    I was really disappointed with the storyline, or lack thereof, in Half-Life 2. As far as I can tell, the storyline is ... Aliens invade, Dr. Breen is in charge of negotiations, he surrenders and is rewarded with power ... and then Gordon just travels all over the bloody place, then blows...
  7. C

    List of things needing fixed.

    Oh, maybe I'm wrong. I haven't seen a lot of CS:S videos doing this.
  8. C

    List of things needing fixed.

    This was a Half-Life 2 movie not a CS:S movie. CS:S uses the same engine but they don't have to program all the same stuff in. We don't drive vehicles in CS:S either, because it is a mod. Not Half-Life 2.
  9. C

    Trainstation Bink Video

    so they cant be human ... unless they all lost their vertibrae in some freak moto-cross accident ... ?
  10. C

    Trainstation Bink Video

    Anyone else notice how the combines head bobbed like mad when you're following him to the interrogation room? This kinda freaks me out.
  11. C

    Is the hype gone?

    The hype has died. I used to check these forums and multiple pages everyday. Now I don't bother. If it's gonna be released within a certain timeframe, I'll hear about it.
  12. C

    Graphics still top of the line?

    DOOM 3 will be shit. The graphics don't look realistic like HL2's, and the storyline ... research gone wrong, MORE MONSTERS! Wow. I sure won't be touching that game with a ten foot pole.
  13. C

    A very depressing thought...

    wow children of boredom ... that original ... u've obviously never heard of them ...
  14. C

    A very depressing thought...

    Children of Bodom RULE!
  15. C

    Gordon Freeman has a son!

    That kid could be anyone, the picture might have come with the frame for all we know.
  16. C

    WTF I think I found a new HL2 Trailer...?

    It says " Playstation 2's " Half-Life 2 ... and due out in September .. it's old...
  17. C

    IGN's supposed release date

    I very much doubt it's that close. I think September is a better guess. If it was only a month and a half away, they're have finished all testing and it should go gold relatively soon.
  18. C

    What wil be the hardest/most annoying enemy?

    Most annoying enemy will easily be the rollermines. They annoyed me even when I was watching the vid.
  19. C

    Blood curdling zombie scream

    We're just so used to typing crap ... I mean how often to you have a discussion online about crabs ?
  20. C

    World War 3

    brilliant... a war, eh? now it all makes sense ... i thought it was just fashion to bomb your house and dress up like soldiers and go around oppressing people ... Help help! i'm being oppressed!