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  1. T

    Elevator aint working in Black Mesa

    hmz, try reloading the scene from the moment she scans you. She should get in the elevator, babble a little, and then press it. If you don't enter the lift, she'll keep asking you to get in/hurry.
  2. T

    Elevator aint working in Black Mesa

    She normally presses the button herself... and the lift then goes down.
  3. T

    I Hate Cheaters

    Yeh since some of the cheats started showing up, the paranoia in CS went sky high.
  4. T

    HL2: Rasin The Bar Delayed

    Will this book be sold globally, in bookstores etc, or will it only be available through online purchasing?
  5. T

    Half-Life 2 Countdown Wallpaper

    go to and download winrar, it's pretty easy, you just unpack the file. The instruction will be in the extracted folder.
  6. T

    Half-Life 2 Countdown Wallpaper

    Cool stuff, and thx for sharing! Using Coz's version right now, I like it alot.
  7. T

    I think the 15th for America...

    Time can be a confusing thing.
  8. T

    :( If all of you people are Good Hearted please HELP AND READ ! :(

    10000+ members... they can't all be jerks. Can they? :)
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    :( If all of you people are Good Hearted please HELP AND READ ! :(

    It will run, don't worry. Not a too bad system you got there. Your 3D card isn't high end, but it will do. edit: uuuhm, isn't the FX generation of Geforce DX9.x based?
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    Forum public service announcement

    It's the little billy posting tutorial thingy :)
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    Gone GOLD!

    Woohoo!!! hurraaay! :bounce:
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    Clarifications for the incognizant

    Nice post, and I completely agree. Gaming is about enjoying yourself, so when you do, it's a good game, when you don't it's not or just not your style.
  13. T

    F Steam

    Actually, only 1 is here...
  14. T


    Yes that's for the gold package, 90 bucks + tax & shipping.
  15. T

    F Steam

    Oh no it's offended! Search the friggin forum before you post a new thread, heaps of info here.
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    F Steam

    F you too. When vivendi says so!
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    For belgium 18.89$ tax & 29.95$ shipping... a whopping 138.79$ total (113€) oh well...
  18. T

    Half-Life 2 Steam Offers Ready Thursday

    yes... that's literally what it says gold here i come :)
  19. T

    half life 2 in europe on 1 DVD standard edition

    Damn that's cool... Going for a steam version though.
  20. T

    Warning, spoiler in PCGameplay(GER) review.

    Some dudes were very curious for it... :) Really, no intention to ruin anything.