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  1. M

    Steam Update & Final Teaser Online

    Anyone know a mirror for the last teaser? I can't get into Steam a the moment (have to use HTTP Tunnel.. i'll be in a decent flat soon with a proper net connection) and the gamespot downloads are all wrong (teaser #5 is actually #3 I think)
  2. M

    Half-Life: Deathmatch Source

    how come there's been no news in a week?!!!11!etc
  3. M

    Connecting to Steam : Ports blocked by Uni

    ahem Actually yes it is, at least to get online and unlock/update Steam games. Playing online isn't possible though. You need Sockscap and HTTP-Tunnel (paid subscription). In the meantime, play WoW because it works online with HTTP-Tunnel. Who needs degrees, anyway?
  4. M

    Visa Debit?!

    I think so, I mean I've bought stuff with the card hundreds of times and the systems are usually clever enough to work out certain discrepancies (like the local village being in the 'Address Line 2' field instead of the 'City' field). Also my name on the card is Mr L Diver, so the first time I...
  5. M

    Visa Debit?!

    Hmm I might just wait for the retail version then, or try again when I've got proper broadband in my next flat. I'm connecting through HTTP-Tunnel (restrictive uni firewall) so perhaps that had something to do with it. I hope it doesn't blacklist me or anything daft like that.
  6. M

    Visa Debit?!

    Hi all Just tried to buy Sin Ep 1 using my Visa Debit card (apparently it should work since it's Visa) and it was denied the first time, then I got ominous 1984-esque messages saying it's been declined cos they think it might be being used fraudulently. It's not. Anyway, has anyone in the...
  7. M

    Badge of Blood Preview!

    Yeah I agree with ^ Also, it's John Stuart Mill.
  8. M

    Episode One Trailer

    You haven't played SMOD ;)
  9. M

    SiN Episodes: Emergence - pre-load it now!

    Can I be really obtuse and ask if it's possible to pre-load before buying? I was under the impression you could preload it then buy it to unlock it, then play (come the release date). I don't see it in my list - tried deleting clientregistry and ev'rything! (gulp)
  10. M

    Atharon: Armistice's End Revealed

    What is parallax mapping? I've heard folk go on about it ad infinitum but Google and Wikipedia don't tell me anything I can understand :(
  11. M

    Episode One Still Dated May 31st

    Duly noted!
  12. M

    Episode One Still Dated May 31st

    Just as an aside, and apologies if this has already been mentioned, but Amazon says that Aftermath will be released on the 28th of April and can be pre-ordered:
  13. M

    King Kong Movie Thread

    I dunno if anyone has mentioned this anywhere, but the slimy pink things in the swamp area were just like barnacles. True story.
  14. M

    Upgrading, HL2, and you.

    Are you saying you get 20fps in water heavy areas, or 20 FPS below averae? If it's the former then there's a non-hardware related problem, probably drivers. Your 6800 should more or less eat HL2 up for breakfast. I ran HL2 on an XP 1700 with 512 megs of PC2100 and a 9800Pro and HL2 ran...
  15. M

    What is the best mod out for HL2 atm?

    Thanks for the links. I played Minerva and while it's very well made, it didn't especially grab me - especially with all the pretentious verbosity of the titles. Still I might give it more of a chance. DayHard is cool because it's so different to the original HL2. Hopefully more mods will...
  16. M

    What is the best mod out for HL2 atm?

    How about the best SP mod? I'm can't MP so SP mods are my only option..
  17. M

    What if Half-Life 2 would be released in THIS year's November...

    Yeah if HL2 was released today, I would be able to play it on max settings as opposed to the medium settings I played it on when it was in fact released. At max, I'd say HL2 holds its own against most of today's games. So the graphics certainly wouldn't be an issue. It's the gameplay and...
  18. M

    Since the De-Nuke update all Source Engines Crash!

    His processor's fine.. I used to run Source without a problem on an XP1700. It won't be causing your BSODs. I guess re-installing might be the way forward. Is your card overheating perhaps (you say it dies 10 minutes into a session)?
  19. M

    playing HL2 in a portable Hardrive

    You don't need registry keys or anything - I moved my Steam installation (folder) to another partition, deleted the clientregistry.blob file (as the Valve help says to do) and re-ran Steam once I'd reinstalled XP on my main partition. It runs fine without re-installation. SO, you might try...
  20. M

    DayHard Mod is out

    This is awful. The keybindings don't work, the HUD doesn't work, you can't reload or change weapon, you can't raise the console to play about and the scripting goes mental. Nice weapons and sounds, but these other bugs make it unplayable.