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  1. T

    Could've died on tuesday...

    And that is why I play guitar, not skate.
  2. T

    You may not like Arnold's politics but you've got to admit he says what he thinks.

    "Eating isn't Cheating" Hahaha. Man, thats all I got out of that. :D
  3. T

    the Year in Politics

    Anyone notice that every year, the Hurricanes that hit the South seem to get stronger and stronger, and do more damage? Hopefully this isn't a trend.
  4. T

    Polar bears drown as ice shelf melts

    Nah, they just got thier priorities straight.
  5. T

    Should Marijuana be legalized in the United States?

    *Sigh* And this is always on the top of every drug information sheet- Everyone is different. It has different effects on everyone. Just because one of the side effects never happens to you doesn't instantly make it untrue, false, or never happening. These studies are based off of mass...
  6. T

    Americans tortured me - Saddam

    Hick- The defention of one usually implies a fat, albiet happy, person who lives in a rural society with simple life styles and enjoyment in all "manly" things, such as hunting and beer guzzling. And widdling. Also, known to dress not to sharply. Does this apply to all of america loc? And...
  7. T

    Vote for 2006

    Gotta go with the cancer cure.
  8. T

    Would you prefer more horror levels in AM?

    I want horror, like- Being pursued by striders down to the depths of a malfunctioning and unstable citadel (Lights going out, explosions, shadows, and all the beasts that the combine had in thier detention cells just got out?) And something like your following a convoy getting out of...
  9. T

    Was the citadel destroyed?

    Or him and alex will jump in a cannon and shoot themselves out. Oh, that crazy Freeman. :)
  10. T

    Should Marijuana be legalized in the United States?

    Well, that would be stereotyping, because there are people that begin drinking, and never try anything else. Alcohol rakes in to much profit, and people are always demanding it, so its not about to get banned anytime soon. And if it was, think of huge underground trade that would spring up...
  11. T

    Americans tortured me - Saddam

    Whether he's being tortured or not, hes not making the situation any more empathetic to himself by making outbursts in court, so its hard for him to play on the heartstrings of the world when he keeps losing his head.
  12. T

    Polar bears drown as ice shelf melts

    Well, I'm up for wiping out all humans and letting the penguins rule. And they also look suave anyway.
  13. T

    Polar bears drown as ice shelf melts

    Jesus Christ, that only took less than a page to go from enviromentalists to troll catching. :) Anyway, Its a problem, and not one of the first of its kind. Kind of like how sea turtle populations are depleting because of expanded construction near the sea shores, which causes the hatched...
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    Should Marijuana be legalized in the United States?

    And, resin is some pretty powerful Shit. But I have to agree with Ennui (If this is his point anyway.) watch how much you smoke, don't go binge everday.
  15. T

    Does anyone know?

    All I remember is the commercial with the family sitting at home, then they hear a bomb, and jump under the table, and when they look up, they are in a crater, but the table safe. Then the MiG machine guns take them out. :) That always made me laugh.
  16. T

    If you met God, what would you ask?

    What drug am I on now?
  17. T

    If you could choose your name....

    Optimus Prime! Nah, Eric works fine.
  18. T

    Who wants to live forever ?

    Everyone knows that if you lived forever, you would rot, and invent a plague to create an army of undead just like you, so that you could become thier king and use them to cause havoc and take over the world. You guys seriously need to watch more movies :P
  19. T

    You can drop a cat from the Eiffel tower and it will survive.

    Actually, this sounds like it would be true. Think about it, cats can jump from counter tops, ect. with no problem, whereas if we were to jump from a relative hieght (To us it would be around what, 30 to 40 feet?) Chance's are we would die or break our legs. Anyway, "Here kitty kitty..."
  20. T

    Should Marijuana be legalized in the United States?

    Haha, yes, this is true.