Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

Jimbo stick to the missions, they'll guide you progressively through San Fierro, the Desert then Las Venturas. And yeah you can go back to Los Santos to finish the sub-missions, it's cool.
I just finished all the Chiliad mountain biking challenges, they're pretty fun except your character gets stuck with cycling shorts afterwards :/
I tryed to island jump with a boat, bastard 4-star warning prevented me from getting far. >.<
I just got this game and it is wonderful apart from the horrible grinding noise I get when I save. It's certainly coming through the speakers, and it dissapears when I drive about two blocks away from the save point. Same thing happens when I alt-tab out.

Any ideas?
I saw the manuel (my friend got it, i -would- be getting it today but i spent all day re-getting my internet back up >_<) and it's great. Much better than HL2's manuel. -mutters about lack of effort on manuel-

Oh well. Anyways it's exactly like a guide to San Andreas and it's great. But it dosn't explain anything at all about the story. Tells you all about San Andreas but no clues about the storyline (although a LOT of hints about uh... black boxvilles ^_^)

Great stuff.
Jintor said:
Anyways it's exactly like a guide to San Andreas and it's great. But it dosn't explain anything at all about the story. Tells you all about San Andreas but no clues about the storyline (although a LOT of hints about uh... black boxvilles ^_^)
Thats the same on all GTA games so far (the new GTA games anyway), the manual is like a tourists guide.
The graphics rock on the pc version with anti-aliasing. Plus I love using the radio to play your own tracks.
JUst thought I'd share this little glitch: If your low on health and money and miles from a save, find an outside vendor. (Hotdogs, noodles etc.).

Beat him up then proceed to the red circle where you would normally purchase the food. CJ should perform the eating animation, recover health and not spend any money.
Reginald said:
I just got this game and it is wonderful apart from the horrible grinding noise I get when I save. It's certainly coming through the speakers, and it dissapears when I drive about two blocks away from the save point. Same thing happens when I alt-tab out.

Any ideas?

I was hoping this would have gone the second time I played it, but sadly not. Anyone have any ideas?
I need a little help. I'm currently up to the LowRider contest mission for Sweet, and I have absolutely no idea what to do. When the directional icons appear at the bottom of my screen, I've tried bouncing with them, bouncing while holding the direction button it shows, just the dirrection button, but I've had no luck at all.

Also, is it possible to rob stores and fast food places? I know you can sneak into houses if you get in that van (still can't find where the actual van is), but I thought with just a gun you might be able to hold up a Cluckin' Bell.
Malfunction said:
I need a little help. I'm currently up to the LowRider contest mission for Sweet, and I have absolutely no idea what to do. When the directional icons appear at the bottom of my screen, I've tried bouncing with them, bouncing while holding the direction button it shows, just the dirrection button, but I've had no luck at all.

Also, is it possible to rob stores and fast food places? I know you can sneak into houses if you get in that van (still can't find where the actual van is), but I thought with just a gun you might be able to hold up a Cluckin' Bell.

I'm pretty much the same place as you. To bounce you need to use 8,4,6 and 2 on the Numpad for each direction and you have to beat 1000 points.

As for holding places up... I haven't been able to hold anywhere up yet, which is a dissapointment because I have virtually no money :( I do enjoy making everyone in a pizza place get down on the floor though :)
That stupid ****ing learning to ****ing fly mission is the hardest thing ever. ****ing frustrating
IonizeMyAtoms said:
That stupid ****ing learning to ****ing fly mission is the hardest thing ever. ****ing frustrating

Why? If it is flying through rings, I found that really easy on Vice City.
Cormeh said:
JUst thought I'd share this little glitch: If your low on health and money and miles from a save, find an outside vendor. (Hotdogs, noodles etc.).

Beat him up then proceed to the red circle where you would normally purchase the food. CJ should perform the eating animation, recover health and not spend any money.

Thats not a glictch, it's supposed to be that way.
I'm stuck on the 'wrong side of the tracks' mission (lawl ye i am at da start still) Bastard Sweet, he can't shoot for shit.
TheBleeding said:
I'm stuck on the 'wrong side of the tracks' mission (lawl ye i am at da start still) Bastard Sweet, he can't shoot for shit.

The great thing about that mission is that you don't mind trying it again because it is so kickass :p

If you get the second guy killed before the first tunnel, you'll do it. And when Sweet tells you to take the path to the right, don't. You'll have better accuracy... just remember to dodge the train.
TheBleeding said:
I'm stuck on the 'wrong side of the tracks' mission (lawl ye i am at da start still) Bastard Sweet, he can't shoot for shit.

You can kill the guys before you're split up a gravel path (when it gets harder imo), stay the other side of the 2nd tracks.. and he aims better. Dont get as close as possible to the train.

|...| |...| O <--- trains and you :p on that side, he gets a better shooting angle.
just on the 4th robbery mission of 4 with catalina, taking the bank, that bitch is crazy, went to san fierro briefly, didnt know i could get in but i could, looked cool, having a great time with the game.
Finally beat the flying lessons, I'm now on the mission where you have 11 minutes to steal four cop bikes and load them onto a moving truck on the freeway. Awesome.

But my fps suck in Los Venturas, which sucks
Reginald said:
I'm pretty much the same place as you. To bounce you need to use 8,4,6 and 2 on the Numpad for each direction and you have to beat 1000 points.

As for holding places up... I haven't been able to hold anywhere up yet, which is a dissapointment because I have virtually no money :( I do enjoy making everyone in a pizza place get down on the floor though :)

I was stuck their too, thanks for the help, hard mission I still can't pass it, heres how far I am second day with the game.

Spent allot of time just having fun not too serious yet.

Edit just past the mission after 3-4 tries.
Reginald said:
The great thing about that mission is that you don't mind trying it again because it is so kickass :p

If you get the second guy killed before the first tunnel, you'll do it. And when Sweet tells you to take the path to the right, don't. You'll have better accuracy... just remember to dodge the train.

Yeah, its a pretty cool mission, like I said earlier in this thread, I like train related things on GTA's.

I didn't take the path the one time, and nearly got clipped by the train. Still couldn't do it. I'll try again now.

oldagerocker: Yeah my freind said today not to go to close to the trains, so I don't anymore, still no luck. I should get it tonight, I hope.

I nearly did it last night, and it looked damned cool, too. I went over the mud-bridge in the valley and skidded around to fast so I went straight off of the edge over looking the train lines. At that time the train went under me and I skidded over the roof top giving one of the two remaining guys a faceful of dirtbike tire. ;D

EDIT: Hooray! I did it. It was that bastard in the vest at the front of the train that was tough. Thanks, guys. *Saves game*
I have found a small stream that you can swim across and get to San Fierro before you are supposed to... even though you automatically get 4 Stars... I managed to cruise around pretty much the whole city though on a moped dodging police cars. Intense.
Yay! Just done a mission that's been bugging me for a few days! Thank ****!!


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Hi i have a problem. How do i fix this sound bug? getting a bit annoying. I think its because of teh rain
Reginald said:
I have found a small stream that you can swim across and get to San Fierro before you are supposed to... even though you automatically get 4 Stars... I managed to cruise around pretty much the whole city though on a moped dodging police cars. Intense.

You can swim to any of the islands, heck as soon as you enter the water boats start appearing. I swam the channel underneath the Fredrick Train Bridge and made a quick sprint into Las Venturas before being gunnned down by two helicopters. I also had a good couple of minutes freedom in Flint Country over on San Fierro, only I got chased into a corn field and shot several times by rangers with shotguns...
Crap. I just spent about 2 hours doing missions without saving and the PC crashed on me... ah well. None of them I had to repeat more than once and they were all quite exciting... Still frickin annoying though. Not as a bad as when my 80% complete Vice City file decided to become corrupt.
Does anyone else get a huge FPS hit when it's raining? Also when AI vehicles crash my FPS dies.
I get a horrible AI hit when CJ runs upstairs... peculiar.

Talking of cars crashing... one of the funnest ways to get around the city is to get on top of a car and kick its roof in and see how long you stay on for.
I spent a good 6 hours today doing the flying school. A quarter of a day. I got the save-file-corruption fear at the end of that.
Wait, how upgraded are the cops now? In VC I'd stand behind gang members and the cops couldn't hit the broadside of a barn.
Jintor said:
Wait, how upgraded are the cops now? In VC I'd stand behind gang members and the cops couldn't hit the broadside of a barn.

I guess they're more aggressive... more keen to start shooting at you.. can't remember what VC accuracy was like, but if it was that bad, it's improved in SA.
Anyone else think this game suffers a bit from being too big?
Sparta said:
Anyone else think this game suffers a bit from being too big?

No. It might be large, but everything is same old, same old. Good game, but it's too repetative.
Argh... I claimed all the hoods... and now I'm outa the city.. they're all gone?!
Yeah I think it's too big. It takes way too long to get from A to B.
Holy shit, yesterday I found out that for flying instead of the mouse you could use the arrow keys( i guess if i paid better attention to this thread i could have known it earlier), and goddam I spent 3 hours and menaged to get all gold medals, and goddam was it worth it.

I immidetly grabbed my apache gunship helicopter, went on vigilanti missions and got to lvl 23/24, and stopped just because it was way to late, otherwise I could have gone further. Dammit does the apache rock, it can take so much damage, i hit the road like 10 times upside down, i was shot at, I was even rammed by police cars and the things doesn't even show a little smoke.

This apache has changed my life, when I had a problem I used to solve it with words, or money or guns, now I just grab my apache helicopter gunship, I used to have trouble killing whole gangs, but now I have my helicopter gunship. Ooh and I have to try if I can pick up my girlsfirend, in my apache helicopter gunship.

Only thing is, can you fire misslies, and the damn camera that won't just stay behind the helicopter is ruining things, when I'm driving I don't mind, i correct it easly with my mouse, and it's all good. But in a apache helicopter gunship it sucks, goddamit, I have tried pulling out my controlers, but it don't work. Is there a mod or something you can do to make suret he damn camera stays behind the helicopter even when you turn.