Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

jimbo118 said:
yeah san fierro is a bit, i dunno, samey, looking forward to las venturas, btw when do all the shops/clubs/bars etc open up and become markers on the map, i went to 'victim' in san fierro but there was no entry marker...

Amen to that. I want Victim clothes. I've managed to stay as far removed from Gangsta as I can by shopping at Binko and the other shopping place you can go to from the start. As it is: Combat jacket, jeans, leopard skin cowboy hat and an eyepatch. Works for me ;)
StardogChampion said:
Anyone know where there's an Urban clothes store? What city?
theres 1 in los santos and san fierro, consult your manual.

It goes through all the motions and beginnings and stuff, and then just stays on the loading screen, then after a while it crashes to desktop.

I meet the minimum requirements... (but not the recommended ones)
Got the game on Xbox and have been playing it since last Tuesday. Good game, gest a whole lot better once you get to San Fierro. Got all gold on the Driving Lessons course, the hardest one was the last one. That took a while to figure a route quick enough to drive through the whole city in 1:40. If you finish them all, 3 cars are permanently parked outside the driving school. One is the Super GT, the other is the Bullet and the last one is the Hotknife. The Bullet is the best though.
I really hated the super gt, but the bullet is indeed ver good, how is the hotknive, why do you think the bullet is the best.
Anyway you better get gold for flying and bike to, casue there rewards are really kickass.
Anyway later in the game you also see a couple of turismo's, those are very good.
I'm on the mission when you have the race, goddamn I've forgot her name again, 's boyfreind. The guy from GTA III. Its not the drivers I have a problem with, its the bloody SKIDDING AROUND CORNERS. Aghhghg. Tapping X even slightly to turn a corner sends the car spinning and just ALWAYS happens to point you in the wrong direction.

I hate racing. Grr.
TheBleeding said:
I'm on the mission when you have the race, goddamn I've forgot her name again, 's boyfreind. The guy from GTA III. Its not the drivers I have a problem with, its the bloody SKIDDING AROUND CORNERS. Aghhghg. Tapping X even slightly to turn a corner sends the car spinning and just ALWAYS happens to point you in the wrong direction.

I hate racing. Grr.

You need to tap the accelerator. This game's driving is a like a cross between III's and VC's driving. You cannot just go full speed all the way.
TheBleeding said:
I'm on the mission when you have the race, goddamn I've forgot her name again, 's boyfreind. The guy from GTA III. Its not the drivers I have a problem with, its the bloody SKIDDING AROUND CORNERS. Aghhghg. Tapping X even slightly to turn a corner sends the car spinning and just ALWAYS happens to point you in the wrong direction.

I hate racing. Grr.

wait till you get to drive the super gt, just look at what i said about it a few pages back.
i found out recently that if you kill the drug dealers randomly found throughout the city, you can get about $2000 per kill. It's helpful for those in the beginning of the game (like me) who need to build up some cash for whatever purpose necessary. I'm not actually sure what i'll need money for (besides armor and weaps), but i have gotten a lot of money that way and by taking over the gang territories. i'm not even sure I have to do that, but it's kinda fun spreading green influence everywhere. That yellow mexican gang are some bastards. I take over Ballas territory and the yellow dudes challenge me for it. What is their gang name anyway?
Reginald said:
You need to tap the accelerator. This game's driving is a like a cross between III's and VC's driving. You cannot just go full speed all the way.

I don't go full speed, I hate going full speed in places like this (trees, hillls = flippage) Still it takes corners lamely. :( The only time I'll need full speed for this mission is when I'm off of the hill and out into the track by the river near the end, I can handle that part, although gotta watch for the river.
Adidajs said:
i found out recently that if you kill the drug dealers randomly found throughout the city, you can get about $2000 per kill. It's helpful for those in the beginning of the game (like me) who need to build up some cash for whatever purpose necessary. I'm not actually sure what i'll need money for (besides armor and weaps), but i have gotten a lot of money that way and by taking over the gang territories. i'm not even sure I have to do that, but it's kinda fun spreading green influence everywhere. That yellow mexican gang are some bastards. I take over Ballas territory and the yellow dudes challenge me for it. What is their gang name anyway?

Don't take over territory, trust me. anway the best way to earn cash really quick is to do the firefighter missions. And when you get put of los santyos, the first time, in town you are in, do the paramedic misisons, after you finish them you will have max health. Go to this ite to see about all kinds off stuff, mission, submission, hidden easter eggs. oh and try to deliver 50 passengers with the taxi, it doesn't need to be all in one time, just do ten per day, then after that the taxicars will be cool.
My brain is melting trying to do the Freefall mission. Anybody done it yet? Any tips?
pomegranate said:
My brain is melting trying to do the Freefall mission. Anybody done it yet? Any tips?
I JUST came from trying it twice. I got really close but somehow didn't make it. I just turn the second I see the plane and hope I get it
Yeah... the mission wouldn't be so bad if it didn't involve driving up the strip, walking through the casino, then driving to the airport, taking off and flying for five minutes ... before you can attempt the impossible.
One thing I've thought of but not tried yet is, would it work if you fly into the corona, facing the other plane, instead of chasing it?
Just did it. I just did a 180 the second I saw the plane, slowed down so it could fly under me, then sped up
pomegranate said:
Yeah... the mission wouldn't be so bad if it didn't involve driving up the strip, walking through the casino, then driving to the airport, taking off and flying for five minutes ... before you can attempt the impossible.
One thing I've thought of but not tried yet is, would it work if you fly into the corona, facing the other plane, instead of chasing it?
odd, I did it in one try, thought it was easy.
Ugh, that RC Red Baron mission for Zero is so damn hard, it pisses me off
Yeh, I can't get the hang of flying planes with my keyboard and mouse, I have to use my gamepad.
Dalamari said:
Ugh, that RC Red Baron mission for Zero is so damn hard, it pisses me off
I just beat this one on my second try, just start off by getting rid of the tanks and placing the planks, then all you have to worry about are the barrels
pomegranate said:
Yeah... the mission wouldn't be so bad if it didn't involve driving up the strip, walking through the casino, then driving to the airport, taking off and flying for five minutes ... before you can attempt the impossible.
One thing I've thought of but not tried yet is, would it work if you fly into the corona, facing the other plane, instead of chasing it?
I gave someone at the forums my saved game and he did it for me, haha. It's damn impossible with the stupid camera that won't turn fast enough to align up the 180.
Yeah, I'm gettting tempted to do the same... But dammit I didn't give up on the flight school missions and I told myself I wouldn't give up on this mission.
That said, those missions actually involved skill and this one seems to rely on blind luck and flukiness...
Yes, it's impossible... even though I did it on the second try... after I found out that you had to fly through the corona from behind.
You only fly slightly faster than the thing you're trying to catch... so, you can still make it if you turn around ahead of the jet or right in sync with it, but if you wait until you reach the jet or later before starting to turn you're going to have a hard time catching up with it. Beyond that there's not much explaining to do.
Sigh... that's what I've been trying to do (turning before it) and I can't time it right. Thanks anyway...
I remember it being nearly impossible to catch up with it even when you're close to it.

I tried diving a lot to gain some speed but it barely did anything. Maybe fly much higher than it, turn 180, then fly downward into it. Maybe the speed from the diving will help you catch it.
Hmm, I'm done everything I can do right now, I just got the key card from Millie. Shouldn't I get a phone call or something?
Is it just me, or is flying Zero's RC chopper basically impossible with a keyboard and mouse?
I gave up on GTA:SA, those damn RC missions killed the fun, sent it back to GameFly
The rc missions are hard, but read this,I didn't pay attention either to poeple saying this about flying but please do. When flying do not under any surcimstance use the mouse, do not, use the directional keys + wasd. Than only the camera is annoying when you fly a copter. + go to that damn gta fansite I meantioned to see about how to do missions, they helped me to chose where to od the extra missions.
In any case I'm finding GTA-SA a lot easier then VC, VC was hard as hell.
I completed the RC mission with 2 minutes to spare. The easiest way to do it is (use the arrow keys for forward back not the mouse)... bomb all three tanks first... lay the two bridges next... and then remove the barrels so that the dude can drive the RC safley round the track with no tank attacks.

I'm totally stuck on SA at the minute though and it's really pissing me off. It's the mission where you have to swim under water and theres some clipping issue with the rocks and camera, which means I'm constantly having to over emphasize my movements (i.e. go deeper) just so the ****ing camera can get round the rocks. If I don't do this the camera gets stuck in the rocks and I die...
well i got Gta and every time i go to a cut scene my computer rebots, anyone had this problem?
craig said:
I completed the RC mission with 2 minutes to spare. The easiest way to do it is (use the arrow keys for forward back not the mouse)... bomb all three tanks first... lay the two bridges next... and then remove the barrels so that the dude can drive the RC safley round the track with no tank attacks.

I'm totally stuck on SA at the minute though and it's really pissing me off. It's the mission where you have to swim under water and theres some clipping issue with the rocks and camera, which means I'm constantly having to over emphasize my movements (i.e. go deeper) just so the ****ing camera can get round the rocks. If I don't do this the camera gets stuck in the rocks and I die...

That mission is nonsens, just dive a little, then go up, and tay still, if you stay still they won't see you even if you are a inch away from them. so don't dive to deep.