Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

I need help moving on in the game

Do I have to do Cesar's missions to move on? or Crash's? I already did Big Smoke's, Ryder's, OG's and CJ's brother, all I have left is those 2 guys
I don't think it's too big. If you're finding it takes too long to get between the cities, get a flight or steal a plane instead.
Grey Fox said:
Holy shit, yesterday I found out that for flying instead of the mouse you could use the arrow keys( i guess if i paid better attention to this thread i could have known it earlier), and goddam I spent 3 hours and menaged to get all gold medals, and goddam was it worth it.

I immidetly grabbed my apache gunship helicopter, went on vigilanti missions and got to lvl 23/24, and stopped just because it was way to late, otherwise I could have gone further. Dammit does the apache rock, it can take so much damage, i hit the road like 10 times upside down, i was shot at, I was even rammed by police cars and the things doesn't even show a little smoke.

This apache has changed my life, when I had a problem I used to solve it with words, or money or guns, now I just grab my apache helicopter gunship, I used to have trouble killing whole gangs, but now I have my helicopter gunship. Ooh and I have to try if I can pick up my girlsfirend, in my apache helicopter gunship.

Only thing is, can you fire misslies, and the damn camera that won't just stay behind the helicopter is ruining things, when I'm driving I don't mind, i correct it easly with my mouse, and it's all good. But in a apache helicopter gunship it sucks, goddamit, I have tried pulling out my controlers, but it don't work. Is there a mod or something you can do to make suret he damn camera stays behind the helicopter even when you turn.

I want an apache helicopter too
Just get all gold in the flight school, and remmebr use the wasd,+ the directional keys(insead of the mouse), with moouse iti s impossible, at least for me, it took me 3 hours to get all gold, but damn it's worth it, even if it takes says., but can anyone help me with the camera.
The camera sucks for helicopters. You press Q/E to turn a 180, but when you start to move forward the camera takes 17 HOURS to turn around, for all you know you could be about to crash right into a tree.
Grey Fox said:
Just get all gold in the flight school, and remmebr use the wasd,+ the directional keys(insead of the mouse), with moouse iti s impossible, at least for me, it took me 3 hours to get all gold, but damn it's worth it, even if it takes says., but can anyone help me with the camera.

will do ....although I'm somewhere near the beginning....just got my first lowrider which I can customize
Does anyone know if it's actually possible to run this game in windowed mode?
Can anyone tell me how to get my mp3's into the game, i was assuming that there was a file that i would just drag and drop music into like the previous games but i cant see any if there are.
StardogChampion said:
The camera sucks for helicopters. You press Q/E to turn a 180, but when you start to move forward the camera takes 17 HOURS to turn around, for all you know you could be about to crash right into a tree.

Use the mouse?
WhiteZero said:
Mouse dose nothing when in the chopper with my config.

what does that mean, cause I know for sure the mouse turns the chopper.

Thnx, just found that out, a minut after I posted about it.
I nearly fell of my chair with excitement when I stole a train yesterday. Sad, yes. But GODDAMN I've wanted to drive one of these in 'GTA III, VC...' form. Kicks ass. Went a bit too fast around the Hankypanky freeway turn, though. Caused a beastie traffic jam up.
Does anyone know where I can get another Pimp Mobile (Broadway)? The guide here @ says that they're just rare to find (which I now know since I've never seen one since the first pimp mission). When I had the first one I tried to take a short cut down a hill that was just a little to steep and turn it over. ;(
TheBleeding said:
I nearly fell of my chair with excitement when I stole a train yesterday. Sad, yes. But GODDAMN I've wanted to drive one of these in 'GTA III, VC...' form. Kicks ass. Went a bit too fast around the Hankypanky freeway turn, though. Caused a beastie traffic jam up.
Heh, that's so fun to do on the console versions, since you can get a friend to ride shotgun on the back while you bomb it around, and he shoots copcars and stuff.
Ooh damn, today I finished the bike school on all gold in an hour, and now I have atleast 4 nrg-500 bikes in my garage, and if I need more, just a minut ride away is the school where i can get one, these bke's kick so much ass, they're fast as hell.
Mmmmm... purdy.

All I've got left in lost santos atm is woo's missions and I'm currently on the one where you have to swim under water, but I keep sticking to the ****ing rocks and drowning.


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craig, a tip for that mission - if you've not finished it already - go and buy a sniper rifle before you dive into the water and, once you've done the underwater swimming bit, climb onto a nearby island and shoot all the guys on the boats. Makes things a bit easier... and don't worry about being stealthy once you're one the ship, like the game suggests, you can blast away and it doesn't make any difference...
StardogChampion said:
Where's the bike school?

Also, anyone know where the Triathalon mission is? On this map it says it's on the beach near the rusty wheelchair, but there's no red mission circle in my game.

(look to the right-middle of the map, above los santos.)
The bike school is west of woozie's casine, right next to the stadium, and about the mission, check here

Oh yeah, and craig that mission is realy nonsense, i spend so much time getting my lung capacity up, but it's not necesary, you can resurfuce right next to the boats, and they won't see you if you don't swim, only the spotlights on the big ship can see you, so just dive a littlem then resurface and stay still, and they won't see you.
USS Numnutz, lol, also whats the deal with the wheelchair on the pier outside los santos? is it explained?
Dalamari said:
How The **** Do I Get To The 2nd Island!

I hope you don't need to take over all gang territories... I imagine you need to do all the Sweet missions. And maybe the Tennpenny missions too.
don't take any territory, believ me just do the missions. Unless your further than me, meaning further then las venturas, and you know more than me, but if your still in los santos, don't bother with the territories.
Grey Fox said:
Oh yeah, and craig that mission is realy nonsense, i spend so much time getting my lung capacity up, but it's not necesary,

Yeah no kidding. I got to that part "You need more experience underwater" cue me WTF?! What I did was this: Put CJ in the water, facing out to sea, and held down my W key with something heavy while I went off and did something else for a few minutes...
I did all the missions except Cesar's. Does that mean I have to race the f'king low riders?
You have to do all the missions, including Cesar's. He's part of the storyline. The race is easy anyway, an ordinary Low Rider will do, no need for any mods.
I'm up to the part where you can take advanced driving lessons right now, and I cannot figure out how to get past the first teat, the "hold W and S to begin," burnout thing. I hold both down and the 10 second timer starts, but it never works. In the video the car is turning really fast, but when I do it, it turns really really slowly, not letting me beat the test. Please help.
I got stuck there for a while too, you have to press the left or right arrow key instead of a or d. I wonder why the controls in this game are so strange sometimes...
Dalamari said:
I did all the missions except Cesar's. Does that mean I have to race the f'king low riders?

That was my attitude at it, too. I got to the point when he was all that I could go to. When I learnt it was a racing mission I was like 'ah **** this' and went and looked for any other red circles. I hate racing, y'see. But as Sanada said, its easy. The other racers are really slow once you get a head of them. Just remember to take corners easily, I hate ****ing corners at top speed.

Anyway, off of the first island now. Hooray. Just done the 'Tanker Commander' for... for, for, whatsherface, pretty easy, although I kept turning too fast and losing the tanker. Just got a phone call from someone, but then I went to bed. Can't wait to carry on.

you think these races are annoying, now that you done ceaser you have the option of doing racing mission, now those are annoying, especially the one with the super GT, goddam that care, a slight breeze and it immidietly crashes, a tap on the left or right, and you are immideitly in a uncontrollable oversteer. anyway does anyone know what you get when you win all the races, casue if it is only money I really don't give a a****, I have enough of that.
Whoo! Just got into San Fierro and all the little country areas. I am dissapointed with San Fierro as a city... a little too.... I don't know. Maybe it's because I don't need to go there yet. I do love all the rednecks though. Tis funny. :farmer:
Racing's one of the best parts of the game. Check out the mountain bike races at the top of Chiliad.
Reginald said:
Whoo! Just got into San Fierro and all the little country areas. I am dissapointed with San Fierro as a city... a little too.... I don't know. Maybe it's because I don't need to go there yet. I do love all the rednecks though. Tis funny. :farmer:
yeah san fierro is a bit, i dunno, samey, looking forward to las venturas, btw when do all the shops/clubs/bars etc open up and become markers on the map, i went to 'victim' in san fierro but there was no entry marker...
Yeah, SF be pretty bland, compared with LS and LV.. seems quite similar to parts of Liberty City, perhaps...