That shadow bug from the crane picture still isn't fixed...


Jun 30, 2004
Reaction score
I can't find the picture im talking about but im sure you all know what I mean. But right now that shadow bug still isnt fixed. I noticed it on CS_OFFICE in Counter Strike Source retail; the objects on the desk in the hostage areas cast shadows underneath the desks like the phone, the monitor and the computers. Its also shown in the CS_OFFICE picture at csnation. Here:

You can see the bug on the right.

I thought valve said they fixed this?
I think I read on these very boards that it was fixed. But I only saw the information come from everyone EXCEPT valve.

Maybe it'll be fixed, but I'd rather play HL2 tomorrow instead of waiting for them to fix it; if you know what I mean.
Oh no! The shadow bug is back!

Quick someone call She :LOL:
It was never said to be fixed, its not like in the middle of a fire fight you stop and say "hmm wow thats an ugly bug im gonna cry and sucks on my moms breast while playing with myself like yellownet"
I noticed that on de_cbble too. Several shadows from the wooden barrels end up on top of each other. Looks a bit rushed, but the game is farting hot ya know.
Does anyone really care about this?

It's a minor bug that you don't even notice unless your trying to be observant. This isn't going to lessen my excitement for HL2
FoB_Ed said:
Does anyone really care about this?

But when i actually encounter buggy shadows in Half-Life 2 all i'm going to see in my head is She forum posts "The shadows suck, the shadows suck, the shadows suck, the shadows suck"

and i'll tell myself i don't care but then the images will appear again

"The shadows suck, the shadows suck, the shadows suck, the shadows suck"

Yeah I noticed it straight away.. it's not perfect... so it annoys me
The Silhouette said:
It was never said to be fixed, its not like in the middle of a fire fight you stop and say "hmm wow thats an ugly bug im gonna cry and sucks on my moms breast while playing with myself like yellownet"
Yeah, that "yellownet" fella must be a real dork. Are you related to him?

I for one think that if you do something, do it right.
Well an overlap of shadows IS realistic.
I guess just not what valve gave us though :)
Oh well, I guess its a core problem of how the physics are simulated, I guess it cannot be repaired without a major code rewrite. Really, why would anyone care that much?!
That paper basket looked beautiful...and now back on topic. I don't see it as a really big problem.
I think it's just rather stupid. I've never seen a game do shadows like that. Why? Because it's wrong :D They may be a little distracting for some but it hopefully won't ruin the entire game. Because HL2 isn't like doom. I can see why it's not now...

I'm on Ghost Freeman's side on this one. Kinda.
well have the reviewers taken any marks off for this error?, cause if not obviously it doesn't really matter.

That is in the reviewers way of thinking of coarse.
The Silhouette said:
It was never said to be fixed, its not like in the middle of a fire fight you stop and say "hmm wow thats an ugly bug im gonna cry and sucks on my moms breast while playing with myself like yellownet"

Rofl :LOL:
Wow, two pages on the shadow bug issue, and She has yet to come in here and rant. What's the world coming to?
Cmon ppl, its a BUG and looks like crap!
If it had been in Doom3 or FC people here wouldave ranted to no end about it.

Hopefully theyll fix it in a patch like someone said.
Mountain Man said:
Shadows are about the only thing Doom 3 got right.
So true.
That pic from CSNation isn't about the crane bug. It's simply treating the desk as if it doesn't exist.
*cuts wrist open*
THE SHADOWS ARE KILLING ME... *drinks a Red Bull*
Like stated above, it's as if the table doesn't exist. If the mapper wanted to, he could cast the shadows properly. Stop ****ing bitching about every little ****ing nook and cranny in the ****ing engine you two year old sob's. God that felt good. :p
That looks ridiculous, and incredibly disorientating. They'd be better off with no shadows.
I think i'd be very annoyed if it was in HL2, since it's trying to be an immersive experience, but CS: Source... WHO CARES :D
Varsity said:
That looks ridiculous, and incredibly disorientating. They'd be better off with no shadows.

Oh yeah, I'm sure your going to notice the shadow bug while your drooling over the detail in everything else, ROFL

also the recent screenies from pc gamer uk show shadoiws overlaping
I care about this. You can't brag about how amazing source is if they can't fix a damn shadow bug. I mean wow, they do have a lot of crazy tech and lighting in HL2 but this shadow bug thing is soooo ROOKIE I don't know what to say.
yeah that shadow bug, is a real bugger. almost knocks the liquor out a me...
Please stop bringing up doom3's shadows. They had plenty of problems themselves.
It is a very obvious bug. Not the end of the world, but still an obvious bug.