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  1. TheSoupNazi

    What gun is this?

    Yeah, it almost looks like an OICW tilted with the scope towards the 'camera.' But can the weapons in the characters arms be tilted like that? Have we seen it before? On another hand, the barrel looks like it has points at the top and bottom, which is unlike any weapon pic that we've ever seen...
  2. TheSoupNazi

    Ok guys, I have the PCZone with 10+ pages of info

    Please, don't even kid about this. The British/English really are great fighters, but they are very sore losers. To this day I have to hear shit about the revolutionary war... drop it, please. We can't turn this thread into a flame war. Off topic still, is it true that they don't teach the...
  3. TheSoupNazi

    New Half-Life2 character?

    I can't say that I wouldn't. And on ATI and nVidia, I have a Radeon 9700 Pro that I'm very happy with at the time. Maybe this summer I'll spring for something, but that's only if I make loads of cash.
  4. TheSoupNazi

    New Half-Life2 character?

    I wonder how you know... Just kidding around, whatever tickles your pickle. To be on topic, or on the current topic at least, ATI may generally beat nVidia in terms of their cards, but Ruby is not even close in poly count or overall detail to Nula.
  5. TheSoupNazi

    Ok guys, I have the PCZone with 10+ pages of info

    blarg We're talking monthly. And RoguePsi, if we listen to Amazon, it was released more than three decades ago. Lucky old timers...
  6. TheSoupNazi

    Steam subscription service will be having things like levels showing off Alyx's backs

    I'm guessing that they'll combat this by removing downloaded content after you unsubscribe. I've already thought about it, and if they don't have any defense against this, then they didn't really think the whole thing through.
  7. TheSoupNazi

    Ok guys, I have the PCZone with 10+ pages of info

    nice Thanks a lot, shuzer. I've never seen that page before :) Even though it's expensive, I'll probably spring for the collector's edition. I mean, it's not every day that a Half-Life is released, eh? I do have one question about the Steam-based package, however. After all is said and...
  8. TheSoupNazi

    Ok guys, I have the PCZone with 10+ pages of info

    hmm I'm really not too crazy about the whole Pay to Play thing (which I will now be referring to as P2P). I mean, I really got screwed with P2P on Star Wars: Galaxies... I'm still paying, but I'm not still playing. Anywho, I guess it all depends on the payment plans. Can anyone refer me to a...
  9. TheSoupNazi

    HL2 in german print-mag

    I PMed three random people last night and didn't get responses. This afternoon I came back in and saw two responses with links. So please, stop berating people for wanting to see the screens. At first the thread was flooded with these requests when mrchimp clearly said to just PM him, which...
  10. TheSoupNazi

    Cool thought/idea for HL2

    If I could get frames like this, I would ditch my contacts. What kind of frames are they?
  11. TheSoupNazi

    The Gun on the buggy hood in the video.

    He's right, you know! postcount
  12. TheSoupNazi

    Something I would like to see in HL2...

    That's never happened to me, but if we wanted to test if it was possible, messing around with noclip is pretty easy. That sounds pretty interesting, if it really did happen :)
  13. TheSoupNazi

    Something I would like to see in HL2...

    Yes, Gordon should ride into action on his brand new Segway, which he has titled the Bringer of Death. Those front mounted miniguns may come in handy, eh?
  14. TheSoupNazi

    Cool thought/idea for HL2

    hmmm That would be pretty nice. Good idea. Too bad this is unlikely to ever happen :( Quick, E-mail Gabe!
  15. TheSoupNazi

    Fragmaster Leaves PHL, Thanks

    Racist. WHAYT POWER! I kid. But, to be on topic, why is everybody making it seem like the two sites are competing? Fan sites for the same game should collaborate and communicate, not wage war in their own forums.
  16. TheSoupNazi

    Half-Life 2 SP Demo

    beaten^^^ qua
  17. TheSoupNazi

    HL2 pic on ATi next gen hardware!!!

    Oh, I guess I never noticed it in that video. Anyways, DOMO KUN!
  18. TheSoupNazi

    HL2 pic on ATi next gen hardware!!!

    lol I'm not sure if anybody noticed this, but near the end of the PDF document, there's a screen with the caption of 'Refraction Mapping' on it, and there's a stained glass object that is a picture of Gordon, crowbar and all. I want it :D
  19. TheSoupNazi

    Fragmaster Leaves PHL, Thanks

    But in that case, he would be the absolute worse choice for a position in a site like Planet Half-Life. So I guess things come around full circle in this discussion. I need a shower. Nice talking to everyone.
  20. TheSoupNazi

    Fragmaster Leaves PHL, Thanks

    Gabe's motive in all of his statements is, when we get down to it, about $ and selling copies of the game once it's released. Frag's motive was the truth about the game and trying to let the fans know what was going on. In the case of cut content, I do trust Frag's information.