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  1. U

    HL2 on G-Phoria

    You missed the March/April one :p . The longer they take, the less I care. Pffft, back in September I was excited about the game - and maintained that through E3 this year. I can't be hyped about one thing forever. Let them release it whenever they want - I'll get around to buying it...
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    Its the Gman.

    Pfffft, G-man. It's an alien, look at the bulbous eyes, the deformed mouth, The evil looking shirtcollar. It's obviously a working class gray skinned alien. How can you people not see it? :p
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    Does doom 3 scare you

    I'd actually go to the first AvP. I bought it solely for the Aliens and Predator references - and it was a nice surprise to be...not really scared but anxious about running down a hallway filled with aliens. I've never been scared by a movie...or game. Man, that'd be awesome. There's...
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    But I suppose you could in a mod....

    Yes, let's play the "High and Might Gameplay" card. Okay. Barring the flight simulator example above: Say it's Half-Life (###), and you've got to pass some enemies in a sewer. You hop in the sewer, and you're drifting along - then, oh no! The pipe splits. You notice the enemies are heavily...
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    But I suppose you could in a mod....

    Well, everyone knows that air, too, is a fluid. Thus fluid dynamics would provide you a way to make realistic lava flows, billowing air currents (woot for realistic flight), monstrous tidal waves and various other cool effects in games. Granted it wouldn't be needed as a constant effect, and...
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    Would you pay over $100 for Half Life 2?

    I'm going to have to go with no. I don't even think Doom 3 is worse $60 (okay, maybe that's not saying much). I don't think any specific software as intellectual property is worthy to be sold at over $70 (US). Anymore and you're adding bells and whistles no one would really need at the time...
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    I'll have to go with the 'combine have HEV suit power chargers' stuff too. It might not be distinctly for HEV suits, but they probably have some. If nothing else, all the power charges could come in battery form... "Quick, Gordon - to Home Depot!"
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    Will alyx be useless?

    Best thread conversation ever...right there. Comedy gold. On the real thread topic (well, sortof, since there really isn't one). What's with the sidekicks having sidekicks? Gordon has Alyx, Alyx has'll just keep going.. DOG will have CAT, CAT will have BIRD, BIRD will have...
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    HL2 Flashlight in Action

    And the kid is standing next to Chewbacca to boot! :p I don't think anyone has the defined Eagle eye to see pixelated screens that close. If your computer can run HL2 at 1280xWhatever the hell you want I don't think you need to worry about AA. Everything looks better in motion.
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    HL2 Flashlight in Action

    I know we all want to act like the ant-lion on the left has its shadow behind it; but realistically, its legs don't look right if it has a flashlight shining about. Especially its front legs, the shadow shouldn't be going to the body like that from the flashlight's lightsource. It should be...
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    Half-Life 2 Theme Song

    I too would have to say they'd use their own music if they did make a commercial; although, I could see a commercial going something like this (if Valve had money to waste): Yesterday by the Beatles to some images of getting off the train station (kinda weird, I know) and going around the...
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    CS:S = Benchmark!

    Despite everyone elses irrelevant remarks, I'll attempt to contribute to the ...interesting thread. Unless CS:S comes with the Hammer editor (or even something to compile half-life maps in HL2 format), then it might be possible to guage how well HL2 could run the level geometry on your...
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    Official requirements from the man himself...

    It seems I'll be able to run it with my All-knowing, phenomenally cosmic powered Radeon 9200 (at least it's 128mbs). And: I'll have all of you know that I've got a computer upstairs that's bugged as hell, works very slowly and has an 8mb graphics card - but runs on a 500mhz Pentium 3 with...
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    Is your PC ready for Half life 2?

    AMD Athalon 2.0ghz (it's like 2400+ or something :p ) 256mb of RAM 128mb Radeon 9200'll run HL2...but it wont run it good. ...well, it'd be decent with 256mb more ram. Along with a defragment and clearing off any spyware/adware before I play...wont help it much, but every bit...
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    Strider blowing up the bridge was unexpected?

    Despite all their claims of unscripted events, I think there has to be at least something that can be used for scripting. My example would be in the E3 2k4 video when Gordon gets off the train. Once he's in the gated in area (where he's eventually going to be taken to an interrogation type...
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    6 Years For Half-Life 2 Yeah right

    I was under the assumption that you knew about the Newell quote and were looking for a reason why it would take 6 years; not if it took 6 years. Replying to the mapping remark: I must still be using an older Zoner's compiling tools, since I still get the 'light through entities' stuff (I...
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    6 Years For Half-Life 2 Yeah right

    Well, by that definition everything is already done. Doom 3 has dynamic lighting - been done before. Doom 3 has AI - been done before. Doom 3 has enemies - been done before. etc. [the only completely revolutionary thing I can think of is per-pixel hit detection] If you want a reason why...
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    6 Years For Half-Life 2 Yeah right

    OMG, HL1 had lights, and HL2 has's the same engine!!!!!1111 ... I don't really see where you're getting all these similarities from. The HL engine has so many limitations, it's amazing mods like Natural Selection and Day of Defeat have been able to make it look decent. HL...
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    Is Gabe Newell the gaming version of George Lucas?

    I'm going to have to go He's more of a Ridley Scott of gaming...or maybe a Steven Spielberg before AI...Minority Report and....well Spielberg back with Jurassic Park. Unless HL2 is going to have podraces with annoying little kids, and then psuedo-jedis who can't act - plus he...
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    Imagine if Half life 2 had...

    I think per-pixel hit detection is flawed. People with lower resolution computers could more easily hit a pixel of another player at 800x600 than 1280x1024...or larger (heh, 1600x1200 or more). ...just seems like there'll be troubles with it to me. Now, if you want fairly good looking...