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  1. lonefox

    Manipulator Gun - Thread of Ideas

    totally unrelated but I think an extremely gory medieval mod would be so awesome. To swing you sword you hold the mouse button and then move the mouse in the direction to swing, the sword is then 'manipulated' and moves as a world object. A mace is done similar, but think of the...
  2. lonefox


    Maybe everyone is wasting ammo becuase they don't yet know you can't take it down with guns. In the 2004 vid they put like... 12 rockets into one and it remains walking.. Maybe you need to trip them or something.. :P
  3. lonefox


    The strider is part of the Combie Armada. Of course it will work with them. Truth be told, no movies ever show a strider dying, so it probably takes alot of work to bring one down.
  4. lonefox

    Half Life Radio (Information)

    He didn't feel like reading all of it to see if this was already covered.
  5. lonefox

    CS:S is not HL2's full multiplayer

    Maybe english isn't his first language?
  6. lonefox

    What are some 'insane' multiplayer ideas you have?

    Some good ideas in that..
  7. lonefox

    Is the Nihilanth in HL2?

    That was nearly the most annoying thing I have ever read just becuase of all the teh using. I can take one or two a paragraph, but damn... not the whole post. edit: I put the instead of teh.. heh.
  8. lonefox

    Hl2 Hud

    using that thirdperson in the console proves nothing (as if it ever did)... IIRC, you are the multiplayer model you select. I remeber I was screwing around in OP4 once, changed the multimodel to gman, and went into thirdperson and seen myself as the G-man...
  9. lonefox

    Half Life 2 concept

    I love the new concept and can't wait to find out more about the story. Just the whole opressed feeling of the game is great. The Dune Buggy and hoverboat just look so... slapped together grunge feel. I love it all.
  10. lonefox

    Hl2 Hud

    probably both. Didn't see any longjumping in the vid's though, doubt they would take it out though.. On the sprint, I actually think its a not bad idea, I suppose. Depends on how long you can go at it for... one would think good for outdoor areas when you have to get back to the buggy after...
  11. lonefox

    Hl2 Hud

    indeed, I seen AI squadwork in the movies, but no gordon leading them to victory..
  12. lonefox


    I expect to see tents lined out outside games stores... Then I'll wake up and drive to the store, pick up the game, drive home and just drool for a month. The moral of the story? Probably not going to be too hard in some places to get it on the first day (I Hope)
  13. lonefox

    Multiplayer "Supported"?

    That would be pretty neat if it were some massive city / world, and you selected either combine or resistence or something, and had to defend key parts of the city. The resistence had to move carefully and use gurellia tactics while the combie would have striders and stuff.
  14. lonefox

    Germanic Half-life

    well, I do give Valve some credit... they actually made the robots look cool. Unlike this Carmageddon you run over dinosaurs. Thats actually kind of funny to think about. hehehe.
  15. lonefox

    Barely on-topic but...

    Not funny at all.. edit: The video card is that rectangle that the moniter is sitting on. The one where the tank of something (I think it says liquid nitrogen) goes into...
  16. lonefox

    The Havok 2 in relation to HL2

    "retards like you are the people i wish i could see say that face to face so i could slap some level of IQ into you." Whoa. Could someone send that though the decrypter and tell me the results? :P
  17. lonefox

    HL1 monsters vs HL2 monsters

    This sounds pretty cool. I always thought an RTS with HL would be cool. You said you already made it for HL1? Got a link, perhaps?
  18. lonefox

    Multiplayer "Supported"?

    Frisbie: Why hello mate, may I please push you into that blackness? Player: Okay I guess so..
  19. lonefox

    should valve produce some new titles ??

    I think just about any game ported correctly over to source would make it better.
  20. lonefox

    should valve produce some new titles ??

    That would be cool indeed. I emailed them about it awhile ago, and they said coding an RTS (with AI) would actually be pretty simple. I wouldn't be surprised to see some MODS do it.