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  1. the_wolf27

    Evolution in action ?

    I would like to believe that there was a higher being involved with the creation of human beings, rather than us just being slowley formed from some pile of muck. But seriously, who knows for sure. The fact is I'm sitting on my computer typing this today and thats all that matters to me...
  2. the_wolf27

    Does God exist?

    If you havn't seen god or conversed with him then how are we supposed to answer the question without bringing belief into the mix. The fact is the answer to this question has to be based on peoples BELIEFS as no one has total, undeniable, heres-a-photo-of-me-and-god-in-rome proof that he...
  3. the_wolf27

    XBox 360 or PS3

    I was planning on buying the 360 but then everyones telling me "wait for the PS3, its way better." Should I, and is it?
  4. the_wolf27


    So just so I'm clear are you a woman or a man.
  5. the_wolf27

    Violence in video games and christianity views.

    I have played many violent games. Some very violent. And I have trouble killing anything bigger than a frog. Unless its a snake or something that decides it wants to eat or poison me. Anywayz most violent games have you being the good guy anyway. If they're going to blame video games...
  6. the_wolf27


    Are you gay??
  7. the_wolf27

    Homosexuality & Censorship

    Whoah theres alot to read in this thread. But here are a few thoughts of my own on the whole gay issue. Disagree if you will, thats ok its your right. The only difference between gay and straight people is their sexual preference. Homosexuality is the sexual attraction to, or having sexual...
  8. the_wolf27

    How do you pay for your stuff

    Or he sells his cock on the street corner. I guess that would be like winning the lottery. You get excited about getting money. Or you get excited then get money. Or both.
  9. the_wolf27

    The Omen

    I'm so sick of Satan-reborn movies. They have all sucked.
  10. the_wolf27

    For them to save the X-Men Franchise

    someone should do a poll on wether or not the Xmen movies sucked. There seems to be alot for and against.
  11. the_wolf27

    Upcoming films

    Theres a new fantasy dragon movie coming out called eragon. Its a kids movie but my brother works at Weta studios in NZ and they are doing the CG for it so it should be ****ing ausome. Hopefully. They have a pretty good track record wouldn't you say. If you wanna check it out its on IMDB atm.
  12. the_wolf27

    Similar films

    So I guess everyone here likes Requiem. I though it was good but no THE BEST movie in the world. Pretty ****ed up at the end huh with the whole double dildo act. Shiiiiit. Colour of night is also really good when it comes to dark and disturbing. Also Very bad things, happiness and if you've...
  13. the_wolf27


    Apart from the fact that you can catch diseases, and that its cruel to animals. ITs also very F*UCKED UP. Anyone that would go a peice of cow ass over a humans has some serious, very f*ucking serious problems.
  14. the_wolf27

    Good piano albums?

    And you can do better? Of course hes ****ing retarded you idiot. He isn't normal thats for sure. I'm not saying hes the best piano player but for his condition i'd say he's ausome. Ooooo quoting music critics. Don't you know that critics are only paid to give their own opinion. So unless...
  15. the_wolf27

    What Theme Songs Do You Like?

    Angel theme Alf theme A-team Theme Magnum PI I got about 150 tv and movie themes on my comp.
  16. the_wolf27

    Anyone heard of....

    Has anyone heard of sevendust? Almost everyone I know has never heard of them. Am I the only one that likes them? For those that know of them, what are your thoughts? Their animosity album is my fav. Its ****in ausome.
  17. the_wolf27

    Recommend me a book!

    hey im a headcrab now yeeehaaaa
  18. the_wolf27

    For them to save the X-Men Franchise

    You can't tell a french guy to f*uck of in german right. I'm just speakin his language.
  19. the_wolf27

    For them to save the X-Men Franchise

    Well if you already know the story I guess I'm not spoiling it for you am I?!? Or are you concerned for other people? Other people - sorry if I spoiled it for you. Erestheux - Was the asshole comment really necessary ****face.