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  1. T

    What Next Gen System Will Be Best?

    I don't get why so many people rate the wii so highly, its severely underpowered, its practically an xbox 1 with a different controller. Don't get me wrong, looks like it may be fun and it's probably my next buy but everything is gonna have to be seriously toned down. It just seems like a...
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    Pc restarts

    Sounds like the gfx chip is overheating, the drivers are too old or the psu isnt powerful enough (not sure on the power reqs and how many things are attached to the psu)
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    Empires Mod Teaser video

    VERY impressive, just the shear amount of things in the mod and the execution looks flawless. Really lookin forward to this one now.
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    Goldeneye: Source Alpha Release

    Yes, but it also had some auto aim to compensate for the lack of crosshair, all you had to do was aim int he general direction. This version has neither a crosshair or any kind of auto aim making it much more difficult and of course a few people just stick somit to their screen leaving...
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    Help Installing - Damaged DVD

    Look, you can't pull our leg, steam works like this, you register a key once, it unlocks the games for play, those games are tied directly to the account, they dont magically disappear when you log out and back in. If you log in with the right account the games will be there for download. The...
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    computer restarts

    You should buy a graphics card, nuff said To me a S3 doesnt even count as a 3d accelerator, it might speed up windows a bit but thats about it.
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    HL2 Just wont install, help me please

    check that its 100% ready, right click on it on the steam menu and check the properties.
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    Computer Restarts when saving game

    Clean the card, pure and simple, the fans on the 9800's heatsink love to hold onto dust, it can work fine on some games but not others, i had something similar, some games would push it to its limits others wouldnt and yes far cry isnt as hard on the machine as hl2.
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    Jaggy hl2 - help!

    format time methinks. Basically its trying to use the rage drivers for the nvidia card and that just isnt going to work.
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    HL2 graphical scalability...

    Im afraid its your generic crap gfx chip thats the problem, its sharing system ram no doubt so the performance wont be great. Really to do any gaming on a laptop you need one that specifically states it has an ati or nvidia chip with its own dedicated ram. You might get it running with the...
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    Which Version to Buy?

    NO it doesnt, ok, no, period, thats
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    Hardware and Software Direct X??

    Generally if your card doesnt support dx9 it will revert to 8.1 or 8. Even if you change the settings unless you're using an fx series of cards you wont really notice a difference. The hardware setting is purely based on your graphics card.
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    Console and view problems

    It'll be considerably better, considering it does dx9 while your current does dx7 and has no pixel shaders. You should get more ram though 256 isnt really enough, stick in another 512 and youll be able to play with fairly high settings.
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    I really need help!!game keeps crashing!

    Good to hear, just make sure you clean it out every once in a while to keep it from happening again.
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    Tech question for the Valve Guru's

    Video encoding or rendering is generally where intel shine however with dual core processors emerging even that could be a level playing field.
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    I really need help!!game keeps crashing!

    Make sure you check the fins of the heatsink aswell, dont just take a look at the fan, even if its clean the heatsink itself may be clogged up, infact its the most likly thing. I had a similar problem with a 5200 though, it was clean aswell yet kept crashing, first it was in games then it was...
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    Problem with HL2 second time round

    Thought your said you had been keeping your CATS up to date lol, anyway glad to hear ya got it sorted
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    Problem with HL2 second time round

    Well, then the only thing is to try everything on this page...
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    Problem with HL2 second time round

    Have you tried verifying your steam cache? it sounds to me just like a file has been deleted or changed by mistake...
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    The original guys card is a DX 8 card according to nvidia, however it has no shader support which actually means its a dx 7 card, thats why hes gettin the fading. On higher dx settings the distance of fade increases, however there are console commands to change the distance at which these...