Search results

  1. Hot Soup

    Stuck @ 82% !?!?!?

    It seems to stick at 82 for most folks then finishes
  2. Hot Soup

    The doctor will see you now...

    I like it .....
  3. Hot Soup

    private staff forum?

    I'll love you for a fee.. obviously not in a physical sense you want onions for that :pp
  4. Hot Soup

    private staff forum?

  5. Hot Soup

    post counts

    came back a wee while ago and why , because people spammed more without them than with them :)
  6. Hot Soup

    Which bands would you like to hear swearing in?

    There is no point in swearing simply for the point of swearing to come across as riske or something equally daft. If the individual lyric merits it then yeah it can be appropriate but just doing it for the sake of it. Meh you'd get more credit for crafting a truly good song than screaming expletives
  7. Hot Soup

    HL: Source Overhaul Mod Media

    I hinestkly dont see the point, best of luck to them but what their doing imo isn't going to end up being HL. It'll be something else. HL:S was only ever going to be an "oooooo" extra , at least as far as I am concerned. I mean we're waiting for HL2 not hl1 with bells and whistles oO
  8. Hot Soup

    Fireworks night

    Celebrating the night Guy Fawkes and the gunpowder plot was foiled. Which was a plot to blow up the houses of parliment way back in 1600 something or other. Anyway ever sinces it's been celebrated as a not holiday but kinda... it's like halloween in a sense although as with most things these...
  9. Hot Soup

    Soup Nazi Appeal?

    I always preferred Larry Sanders to Seinfeld but yeah thats one of the classic episodes :)
  10. Hot Soup

    Do you have a pet?

    In the past I've had about 8 cats. A ginger pair called Dylan and Dudley , both passed away , a new Dylan and Dudley of whom Dudley is the remaining cat and stays with my dads ex, shes about 14 now. Sadly both Dylans were ran over, in the same spot in front of the house about 6 years apart :(...
  11. Hot Soup

    Free iPods and iRivers?

    Whilst some of these offers may well be legitimate we've made a habit of not allowing it on our boards. I'm sure for everybody who gets something for free there will be 10 who get stung.
  12. Hot Soup

    Politics Board

    I havent moved all the politics threads over just the most recent ones so if something that gets poste din thats old and is genuinely worthy of discussion rather than a needless bump I'll move that one over as well.
  13. Hot Soup

    Politics Discussion Behaviour

    I want to make this crystal clear. This is not an excuse for ranting , flaming and being abusive. If in the course of a thread in here you misbehave you will be punished. If that sounds harsh thats because I want it to. The political discussion threads on here rapidly turn to spam and often...
  14. Hot Soup

    Who Is Your Fav "Classical" Composer?

    Shostakovich, Saint-Saens. I love karchaturians spartacus and phyrgia as well as the old masters , mozart , Beethoven etc I couldnt narrow it down to a single favourite
  15. Hot Soup

    The big misc Politics thread

    As there seems to be quite the furore right now here's my position. I'm authorising Farrow and TDE to continue as is until we get something in place. I have asked Munro for a politics sub forum to shunt everything into for the time. But I AM NOT having the numerous threads that simply end up...
  16. Hot Soup

    Nice band... pity about the vocals

    I like Muse but the singer takes a breath, a very obvious one before every singing. He does it all the time and every so often all I can hear is him breathing in and I get pissed off.
  17. Hot Soup

    Who has the best avatar?

    Dark Elf's avatar scares meh :(
  18. Hot Soup

    some of us have been with this forum for one and a half years

    On a less sarcastic note. Really a hysterical thread over a forum. It's Munro's site at the end of the day and it's up to him if he chooses to make what forums and equally up to him if they are secret or not. Crazy - Elitist I completely agree perhaps over the defitions just as you...
  19. Hot Soup

    some of us have been with this forum for one and a half years

    ohnoes a private forum on teh forum! We're doomed! DOOMED! Stockpile the water! Hoard the rations, the world is coming to and end! The sekrat forum is ABOUT TO DESTROY THE WORLD D:
  20. Hot Soup

    Coca Cola

    Irn-Bru > Coke