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  1. $pazmatazz

    Ok , in this thread we cant use the letter E , lets talk

    hmm, what to say that will not contain that symbol? should our postings contain a convo, or just random jumbling of words and such?
  2. $pazmatazz


    Explained perfectly.
  3. $pazmatazz


    It's all a matter of opinion, but it's just plain wrong to say they're "vastly overrated". you don't know how many people not only think radiohead's music is brilliant, but have tons of respect for their genius in songwriting talent.
  4. $pazmatazz

    Your most hated movie of all time.

    NOOooo! edward scissorhands? big fish? batman 1?! tim burton is awesome.
  5. $pazmatazz

    Green Day or Weezer?

    ultimately it all comes down to personal opinion. no one here can convince anyone to like the other band. in my opinion though, musical taste aside, I think green day's song writing talent is just plain better. it's like comparing picasso with the guy who makes the art for mcdonald's happy meal...
  6. $pazmatazz


    does simply having your name set to %n crash the server, or do you have to change your name to that and then do something else? if there is something to do after changing your name, sensible people should join a server and change their name to that so no little brats can come in and use it to...
  7. $pazmatazz

    Green Day or Weezer?

    Gah! Billy Joe has tons of songwriting talent. It didn't always come out before, sinse he has such a knack for writing catchy 3 chord pop-punk tunes, but listen to Warning and then American Idiot (especially American Idiot) and you'll see he can write some amazing stuff. Oh, I pick Green Day...
  8. $pazmatazz

    Penny Arcades take on VU vs Valve

    Haha. Penny arcade is awesome for times like this when I understand the point of the comic, and for all the other times when I don't and they just seem like crazy hilariativity.
  9. $pazmatazz

    WAREZ PLAYAZ!!! Out of control !!!!

    What a stupid comment. Strange how valve would care about a game _they_ made and a game _they_ deserve to profit from.
  10. $pazmatazz

    Best Deaths thread!!!

  11. $pazmatazz

    Official 'Great movies' thread

    Boogie Nights Magnolia Punch-Drunk Love Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Donnie Darko
  12. $pazmatazz

    Best Debut Album

    Thank you! First band I thought of when I saw the topic title.
  13. $pazmatazz

    When did putting your PC specs in your sig become cool?

    Notice how no one with their specs in their signature have posted in this thread.
  14. $pazmatazz

    Top 5 Favourite Bands

    Smashing pumpkins - intelligent rock. their best cd in my opinion is: mellon collie and the infinite sadness. Zwan - considering their fronted by Billy Corgan (like the Smashing Pumpkins), their one and only album is suprisingly upbeat and religious. when it came out I put it in my car stereo...
  15. $pazmatazz

    All the new rock sucks

    are you saying you think it's tired how green day is generic yet has done something different? because it also sounds like you don't really listen to green day, therefore making your generic comment about them unjust. and it also sounds like you haven't heard more than one song off their new...
  16. $pazmatazz

    All the new rock sucks

    Billy Corgan has finished his solo album ( but it won't be out until spring unfortunately. This is an album I'm really really looking forward to. People into the kind of music that is Green Day should pick up their new album. I was glad to see them still making music when...
  17. $pazmatazz

    HL1 design process - the cabal

    My avatar is also from the old-school hl. Shall we hug now, or hug later?
  18. $pazmatazz

    People learning English.

    It's funny how I read this, then looked down at your signature and saw "FANCY _COLOR_ SCHEME".
  19. $pazmatazz

    Best Intro/ending Sequence evar?

    X-Wing and Tie Fighter had some good cutscenes. The into to Wing Commander Privateer was awesome.
  20. $pazmatazz

    worst game uve ever bought?

    It's not really fair to say you just fall into a hole, there's more to it than that when you look at the whole story. I guess you just have to be into those sorts of games though. I found it incredibly immersive. The art was incredible, the puzzles were intricate but not obviously layed out like...