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  1. Hot Soup


    Well as has been stated when you release a mod you hold yourself up to comment. The joys of the 21st century is that we can actually not have to agree with everybody and anybody under the sun. The point still stands though Sprafas posts were verging on the personally insulting yet they...
  2. Hot Soup


    Convenient , sure? But suitable well .... in this case I don't think so. Also I dont view it as dirty laundry it's a bunch of people having a discussion about something and one person not :p
  3. Hot Soup


    Well the point being certain posts were deleted as by Munro as I understand it upon the direct request of dave. Yet there were several other posts which arguably should have been dealt with as well or instead of yet they weren't touched. The thread as a whole sure if I had felt suitably nazi it...
  4. Hot Soup

    Nuclear Dawn media update

    Cos he aint bothering to tell us!
  5. Hot Soup

    Nuclear Dawn media update

    Random unreasonable post deletion strikes again!
  6. Hot Soup

    Sin Episodes: Emergence Trailer

    Also for TV especially American TV you'll find they start filming maybe a month or 6 - 8 weeks before the air date then start showing the eps. Most series end up catching up to the filming schedule hence the repeat and gap heavy schedules for virtually all american seasons.
  7. Hot Soup

    Nuclear Dawn media update

    Which is fair enough Sprafa just be a little more tactfull in your posting eh? Afore I get all excited and start playing randomly with the admin cp :P
  8. Hot Soup


    How soon!
  9. Hot Soup

    Politics forum closing

    Samon may have been a little overzealous in announcing this but in my opinion it's long past overdue and it was myself who first opened the politics forum. For the record there have been some great threads and good discussions in here but when so much moderator time is spent trawling through...
  10. Hot Soup

    There is a difference between criticism and moaning.
  11. Hot Soup

    Just finished preloading DOD:S (I am not kidding).

    apart from the whole still having to wait till the 26th thing ....
  12. Hot Soup

    Members list

    Click profiles if you want to see posts per day otherwise no as you full well know it'd be a spam fest.
  13. Hot Soup

    Anyone else notice...

    we can make you have zero posts.
  14. Hot Soup

    Newbie Bashing

    I think we've said it all before. There are helpfull people on this forum and not so helpfull people ( which has entirely no relation to this being the world of "half life" some people are twats , some aren't ) but equally somebody posting something you don't want to hear isn't always bashing...
  15. Hot Soup

    Gotta love..

  16. Hot Soup

    Gotta love..

    Yeah the date though, it explains :x he hasn't actually posted since july so a new rank hasn't shown
  17. Hot Soup

    Gotta love..

    when was his last actual post?
  18. Hot Soup

    If you report a post does it show the state it was in?

    They won't get an straight up ban unless the original post requires it , like any other offence on the forums. Also just because they edited it doesn't mean they suddenly repent more likely they realise what a twat they've been and are trying to hide the evidence or they are simply taking...
  19. Hot Soup

    How do you fill out a cheque?

    crushing dreams again :(
  20. Hot Soup

    How do you fill out a cheque?

    yes you do! put that after the name. and bliink naughty phone line numbers again :naughty: