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  1. KiNG

    1 Hour!

    looking forward to it =]
  2. KiNG

    DOD:Source grenade damage

    its no where near css nade dmg and probably wont be but i think tunning down the kill radius is a good move, especially for those german nades that are mostly explosive charge and not as much strapnel as the american pineapples, then again both had a kill radius in the game of 20 yards. which...
  3. KiNG

    Ragdolls in DOD:S?!

    has anyone played the new america's army? those ragdolls are very nice and aside from the level geometry cliping every once in a while, AA's ragdoll have the best balance of weight and limb reaction iv seen so far.
  4. KiNG

    rates in 1.6

    101 101 is for lan and doesnt transition well over internet for some people. i use: cl_cmdrate 101 - this one works fine over moderate connection. cl_updaterate 45 - type net_graph 3 and check for loss and choke, adjust accordingly. rate 25000 - yes twenty-five thousand. other cvars that...
  5. KiNG

    Ping with a 1.5mbps connection...

    i get 30-60 ping on west servers and 60-100 on cent and some east.
  6. KiNG

    Please excuse me. Unreal Engine 3.

    anything new since yesterday? i cant find anything even though i heard they were supposed to talk about AI. i also want to see a movie with the live demo with the sci-fi soldiers with the.. ya i want it.
  7. KiNG

    Please excuse me. Unreal Engine 3.

    i love the seemless world feature...i really do ;)
  8. KiNG

    GDC 05 | Unreal Engine 3 Impressions

    well iv looked on the first page and didnt see anything so ill go ahead. 4 new vids with 3 of them showing new footage and the first a different look at the first demo showed last year. and speaks about what they have seen. Titled "If...
  9. KiNG


    yep, iv played it. an easy way to get helicopters is to shoot the pilots with the sniper rifle. me and my friend would call in supply and shoot the pilot and take his heli.
  10. KiNG

    new Weekly Update!

    nice, quick too.
  11. KiNG

    BF2 - in command

    well command mode isnt command only, your a player like everyone else and u get the abilty to use the command screen when u get rank or seniority(so only good players will be able to take command; most good players are team players or atleast are aware of responsiblities). and yes its...
  12. KiNG

    Map Release: DE_AAA

    i have to say this map is one of the best i'v played. i feel like i could go out and find a place like this in the world. very intergral and vast amount of detail. im looking forward to anything you will make. this map is better than some offical maps. it is large but it stresses tactics and...
  13. KiNG

    STALKER: Latest News WOW

    im very disappointed in some of you thinking only about the graphics and render. if anyone had read the link, instead of comparing it to hl2, then shuning it, your would have read about the dynamic enviornment of this game and just what to expect gameplay wise. which if its true and actually...
  14. KiNG

    Half Life 2 Screen Edits

    i hope they add HDR soon..
  15. KiNG

    How Famous are you?

    113,000,000 fair to say im pretty popular me and my hundred million man army ...
  16. KiNG

    EA now trying to take all of Ubisoft, other companies are next!

    except when they release those funny things called updates every so often.
  17. KiNG

    Which Counter Strike would you choose??????

    i like css but it has lost...something in its conversion to source. i play both but i would only consider 1.6 for competition for the time being. i play css when i feel like a change or i want to kills some newbies :P . im still accused of being a hacker in css so its almost like 1.6 again :/
  18. KiNG

    Nice "writing" I found

    if your cute and a nice guy u get a lot actually. /me thinks i just made myself an asshole...
  19. KiNG

    The Cheats

    cheats are not as abundent as people think. i was kicked and banned from 2 servers(today only) because admins dont like the way i cant hear and aim. people are easy to call cheats once they get hs before they even know where u are. btw i dont hack and dispise it.
  20. KiNG

    This game you must play.

    dman addicting, im all about the atom bombs :P